Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Sand Storms and the Land of the Silver Sun

Current Location: Suakin , Sudan (Northern Africa, Red Sea)
Current Position: 19 06.55 N 37 20.35 E
Next Destination: Going North up the Red Sea, towards Egypt

From Thailand to Sudan we've traveled over 4100 nautical miles. In two months we've crossed another ocean, been hammered by rough seas, been completely covered in dirt by "brown out" sand storms, and have passed through "Pirate Alley". We've avoided more large ships, taken on more green water, and have had more damage to Billabong and gear than in all of our previous four years of cruising. We've been astonished and intrigued beyond our imaginations by exotic locations. The people are some of the friendliest (and poorest) we've met on our trip, and once again we are amazed by the wonders of the world!!

Since leaving Thailand, including our time at anchorage, we have sustained an average speed of 3.0 knots -- in essence we have not stopped moving!!! We've covered so much in such a little amount of time that we've been struggling to keep up (as you may have noticed by the lack of BLOGs). To help us catch up, we bring you six journal pieces and three photo albums (instead of a BLOG):


January 17 - 29 2008: Northern Indian Ocean Crapola Begins
Thailand to Uligan, Maldives was not the pleasant trip we were hoping for, but at least there were fish! (repeat of BLOG posted 01/25/08, with added photographs)
Uligan, Maldives was a fantastic break from the Indian Ocean passages. The atoll anchorage was like many others, but the culture, people, and living arrangements were unique to those we'd seen in the South Pacific.
So much for the advertised excellent passages of the Northern Indian Ocean. With exception of the fish catching, this was one of Billabong's worst passages to date.
We didn't have much time for fun in Salalah, Oman as we were too busy trying to clean-up the mess created from the passage getting there.
The passage from Oman to Aden (Yemen) included sandstorms and some rough seas, but at least it was pirate free!
Aden, Yemen was an unexpected delight. We enjoyed the culture, the scenery, and the rest.


Now that we are farther north in the Red Sea we suspect we will have more time in anchorages waiting for weather, and during this time we hope to write more BLOGs and to keep you better posted on our travels! By the way, we've also added some new photos under My Favorite Photos left.

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