In order to be healthy, we must eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and exercise regularly. It’s become the mantra of fitness buffs everywhere, and is touted so often that many of us have become deaf to the words. No matter how much you might have heard about the fitness/nutrition preach, it would be wise to heed the words and act on them.
Fitness and nutrition always go hand in hand when it comes to having a healthier lifestyle as well as a better quality of life. When we're still young, it may seem unnecessary to worry about poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle, but by the time we hit middle age, we will begin to concern ourselves with things like cholesterol, high blood pressure and other health risk factors.
Get Moving...
The first part of the fitness/nutrition combination consists of daily physical movement. This can be in the form of walking, jogging, swimming or cycling. It can also mean using a piece of cardiovascular equipment at the local fitness center or indulging in a regular game of racquetball. Aerobic exercise like this should be done at least five times a week for 30 minutes at a time. This will ensure a healthy cardiovascular system and weight maintenance.
You can up the benefits of your cardio workout by adding strength training two or three times each week. This can be done with the use of a few free weights in your basement, or with the help of machines at the gym. It is best to begin with a personal trainer to ensure that your positioning is correct during your weight lifting exercises. This will help you avoid injury in the early phase of your program. Raise your weight amounts gradually, and never do strength training on back-to-back days.
Eat Healthy...
The second element of a fitness and nutrition program is eating smart. All the hard works in exercise won’t do you much good if you are still eating unhealthy. The United States Department of Agriculture has recently revised their food pyramid guide to help the general public make nutritious meal choices. The idea behind this updated food pyramid is so that you can make healthy food choices everyday from the major food groups. Combine your healthy food choices with regular exercise and you will be on your way to good health.
To find out more information about the USDA food pyramid, you can go to http://www.mypyramid.gov/. The most important factor to keep in mind when choosing a nutrition program is to allow the bulk of your diet to consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grain carbohydrates. Low-fat dairy, lean meats and poultry can round up much of your menu, with refined sugars and fats making up only a small portion of your daily food intake.
Fitness and nutrition are more than just a simple slogan – they are the best choices for a happy and healthy lifestyle.
>>> Check out the best guide on Fat Burning, Fitness and Nutrition: "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle".
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