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Athena Voltair 1/3

Voltair ailesini sadece elinde tüyden denemelerini yazan beyaz sakallı monsenyör  Voltair'den oluştuğunu sanıyorsanız siz güzel bir haberim var. Çok da güzel bir torunu var. Aralarında yüzyıllar var ama bu Fransız düşünürün bir kız torunu olduğunu düşünmek heyecan verici. Ama bizim kahramanın denemeci Voltair ile bir ilgisi var mı bu kitapta açıklanmış bir durum değil. Maceralara bakarsak İndiana Jones ve Doktor Savage maceralarını andırıyor, zira gizem ve naziler hikayelerin temel ögelerini oluşturuyor. Bakalım beğenecek misiniz?

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Sayı 1

Progress Report Week 13: Stairs and Doors

It has been an exciting week at the Brick House! At lest, it has felt exciting to me. Quite a few projects that have been on the list have been checked off!
But before we get into all that, this was this mornings project. All these doors were in the garage when I bought the house. (Who know for how long! They were filthy!) I was pretty sure they belonged to the closets in the bedrooms, but wasn't certain. This morning I pulled them out, hosed them down and measured them. They all fit the closets! Yey!

 I was surprised two of the doors had different doorknobs. Very Art Deco, aren't they? You just never know what you are going to find in an old house!
The plan is to scrape these down and repaint them this weekend.

 With fall in the air, we knew time was running out to get any exterior painting done. So last weekend Mom and Mandy helped me paint the porch floor, steps, railing and porch walls. Doesn't it make it nice and crisp looking? Love the power of paint!

I darkened up the brown, the old color seemed to be clashing with the brick. I also moved the house numbers. Not sure why, but putting up new house numbers has kinda become my thing with new houses. Just another way to put my mark on a house!

 We have also been working the stairs. Thankfully, it is going really well. I was not looking forward to climbing up a ladder perched on top of stairs. (Heights are not my thing anyway.) But I survived and the stairs aren't scary to climb up now! We also added a steel jack post at the bottom of the basement stairs. It has sagged a bit and I was worried over the years it would continue to sag. The post has also made a difference it making the landing and stairs feel firmer.

 To the right, do you see the pale pieces of wood? Those are the new wooden shims. Once the house has settled in place from the jacking up, I will climb back up the ladder and nail them in place. We will also put screws in at the joints where the step and kick plate meet. You can see a few steps still have tiny little cracks that the light is shining through, I will have to snug up the shims and see if I can get them tighter.

I had some extra time one evening and decided to prime the back bedroom. Two of the walls were dark dusky purple. This room faces north so it is a little darker anyway. 

I also have been working on the bathroom floor. Sanding it down, getting ready to paint it. I am very excited to see how it turns out. I love painted floors!

So that has been my exciting week! What about yours?


Cyprus Mail - 27 September 2018

By Bejay Browne
People in Paphos will join those all over the UK by hosting their own coffee mornings or attending them on Friday, and donations are being made to Macmillan and other cancer charities.
Last year alone the total raised in the UK was over £27 million
In Paphos, supporters are organising charity events for Macmillan and other local charities that support cancer patients and their families by participating in the ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.’
The initiative started in the UK and raises funds for Macmillan a charity founded in 1911. It has since has grown to be the UK’s leading source of cancer support, helping more and more people living with cancer.
A number of Paphos events are also raising funds for local charities and include, the Paphos Cancer Patients Support Group- CPSG- and the district’s two hospices.
CPSG- was established to provide financial support for Pasykaf, and helps to provide numerous services for cancer patients and their families including free home care nursing – similar to Macmillan nurses in the UK- psychological support, welfare advice, volunteer service, travel to the oncology centre in Nicosia and a free helpline.
A coffee morning in aid of the CPSG will be held at Mike’s coffee and snack bar in Anarita on Friday from 10am to 12 noon, organised by the Anarita Ladies Circle. There will be drinks, cakes, raffles and stalls and tickets are priced at €4.
In Peyia, RSS Logistics will hold their annual charity coffee morning, which this year is raising funds for the Friend’s Hospice in Paphos.
The facility opened in 2006 and has treated well over 1,000 patients offering free palliative and respite care. It is housed in a dedicated six-bed wing at St George’s Polyclinic in Paphos.
Organised by Andrea Thorne and Heather Wright, the pair said they wanted to donate the money locally and chose the charity for the work they undertake.
The event will run between 10am to 3pm outside the front of RSS office and will include coffee, tea, all sorts of other beverages and a large selection of home-made cakes.
“These have been kindly made and donated by our friends, customers and supporters and include custard tarts, chocolate cop muffins, carrot cake, fruit cake. Coconut cake and more,” Wright said.
Cake is €2 a slice and drinks are priced the same.
Meanwhile, for the third consecutive year, Paphos resident Therese MacKinnon,will organise her coffee morning at DT’S Sunset Bar opposite the Venus Beach Hotel on the Tomb of the Kings Road from 11am to 2pm, in support of Macmillan cancer support and Archangel Michael hospice in Mesa Chorio, the proceeds will be shared between the two, she said.
The St Michael hospice in Mesa Chorio opened in June 2015 and has nine rooms used for palliative and respite care, including two for children.
“I will provide tea and coffee free of charge and I’m hoping there will be lots of donated cakes and in return people will make a donation.”
Last year MacKinnon raised around €600 and is hoping to match that total.
Meraki market cafe in Paphos will also host an event for Archangel Michael Hospice that is suitable for vegans. Coffee, tea (herbal and decaf as well), freshly squeezed juices and smoothies will be available between 9am- 1pm.
“There will also be cake of course,” said owner Dave Metcalf
Sugar-free, vegan and gluten free will be available from Meraki and there will also be delicious options on offer from popular Paphos cafe Boo-tea-licious, which is well known for catering for gluten-free, dairy-free or vegan customers.
Similar fundraising coffee mornings will take place all over the world.
Mike’s coffee and snack bar in Anarita in aid of the CPSG Friday from 10am to 12 noon,
RSS Logistics Peyia- in aid of the Friend’s Hospice in Paphos, Friday 10am-3pm
Therese MacKinnon’s coffee morning at DT’S Sunset Bar, Tomb of the Kings road, Friday 11am to 2pm, in support of Macmillan cancer support and Archangel Michael hospice
Meraki market cafe in Chlorakas, in aid of Archangel Michael Hospice, Friday 9am- 1pm.


Cyprus Mail - article by Lizzy Ioannidiou 26 September 2018

Serious shortages in the supply of locally produced potatoes have led to soaring prices and to an increasing dependence on equally expensive imported produce.
“The months of September and October are always marked by potato shortages since the winter crop isn’t harvested until November-December, but this year is especially bad,” Christakis Varnavas from Red Soil Potatoes from the eastern village of Frenaros told the Cyprus Mail on Wednesday.
“Terrible weather conditions, along with some overly generous exporting practices haven’t left much for the Cyprus market,” Varnavas said.
This means the little supply that has been left for the Cyprus market is now being sold at steep prices, while similarly overpriced potatoes imported from Greece, Egypt and Jordan are being sold to compensate for the lack of local produce.
The potato market is also largely supplied by farmers from northern Cyprus, “both legally and illegally”, Vanavas said. “Though there’s also a huge shortage on the other side too this year.”
Prices are not expected to drop until April next year, according to Varnavas, when the next spring crop, the main crop of the year, will be harvested.
“But even then, we’ll still have a shortage as fewer crops are being planted. Farmers don’t have enough water to harvest enough to cover local demand and the increasing demand from abroad,” Varnavas added.


Cyprus Mail - article by CNA News Service 27 September 2018

Paphos police managed to track down in Estonia the thief of an expensive watch, which went missing at the town’s airport during passenger security checks, it was reported on Thursday.
The case was reported to police by the 47-year-old owner of the €1,800 watch, who had travelled to Crete on Wednesday.
After he boarded the aircraft, the man realized that he was not wearing his watch, which he had removed and placed in a basket during the security checks at the airport.
When he arrived in Crete, the man called police in Cyprus who went through security camera footage in a bid to find out what happened.
Officers determined that the perpetrator of the theft was a man from Estonia who was behind the 47-year-old at the security checks.
They notified Estonian authorities, which located the man when he arrived at his destination. He was searched and the watch was found in his possession.

The watch will be returned to its owner through Interpol and the Estonian will be placed on the list of people banned from entering Cyprus.


Cyprus Mail - article by Evie Andreou 27 September 2018

The interior ministry has published on its website a document explaining how Cyprus intends to implement the Brexit withdrawal agreement covering the residence rights of UK nationals and their family members.
The withdrawal agreement between the EU and the UK on citizens’ rights, ahead of the country leaving the bloc on March 29, 2019, protects those UK nationals and their family members who have already exercised or will exercise their free movement rights in Cyprus before January 1, 2021 when the transition period ends.
During the transition period that starts on March 30, immediately after the UK leaves the EU, and ends on December 31, 2020, the free movement of UK nationals and their family members will continue, the interior ministry said.
In line with the draft Withdrawal Agreement published in March, the interior ministry said that its implementation will mean that UK nationals and their family members who, by December 31, 2020, have been continuously resident in Cyprus for five years will be eligible for permanent residence.
It added that UK nationals and their family members who already reside in Cyprus or arrive by December 31, 2020, but will not yet have been continuously resident in Cyprus for five years, “will be eligible for residence, enabling them to stay until they have reached the five-year threshold, allowing them to apply for permanent residence”.
UK nationals and their family members who are covered by the withdrawal agreement, it said, “will be able to continue their lives in Cyprus, with the same access to work, study, benefits and public services that they enjoy now, subject to the specific provisions provided for in the Withdrawal Agreement.”


With thanks to John Clifton and KVHA for the following information:

Advisory - Cyprus Income & Defence Contribution Taxes
It is understood that the Citizen’s Advice Office has a Specialist on hand to help with any problems.

Please be aware that the deadline is the 31st October.

Cyprus Income & Defence Contribution Taxes

Prior to 2018 the system for paying these taxes was straightforward and other than the option to download the forms for the payment of the half yearly Defence Contributions rather than receiving them from the Tax Department, it was not essential but obviously advantageous to be computer literate.

That has now all changed and Cyprus has opted for exclusively online submission for payment of these taxes and there have been the usual teething problems.

Taxes and means of payment

Annual Income Tax Return
Although an exception has been made this year and the latest date of submission for the 2017 Annual Tax Return has been extended to 31stOctober 2018 it is expected that for subsequent years the usual final date of 30thApril will apply.  
The old form TD 1 Declaration of Income has now been superseded by the online form Income Tax Return Employee 2017 which is accessed via

Log in using your Taxisnet User Access Codes and navigate as follows,
Initial User Page
Return Management
Submit/view Returns
Tax Returns – View Submit
Select Submit which reveals link to Returns for 2007 to 2017

In cases where the only income being declared relates to pensions completion is fairly straight forward but see Note 1 below regarding error messages.

Payment of Income Tax

The old form TD 5 2017 Computation of Temporary Tax by Individuals has now been superseded by online forms (0200) 2018 Temporary Income Tax for 1st and 2nd Instalments.
As in the past, the final date of submission of the form is 31stJuly and the 1st Instalment is also due on that date.   The 2nd Instalment is due by 31st December.   Previously the option of paying both instalments by 31st July was available and perhaps still is but the heading of the online form has now changed to 2nd Instalment.   This is an issue requiring further clarification.

The Form (0200) 2018 Temporary Income Tax is accessed via 

Login to your JCC account in the usual manner and navigate as follows,
Select English
Select Tax Department.
Select Self Assessments – click to view category.
Select Temporary Assessment (Self Assessment) 0200
Next menu. Income Tax (Individuals and legal persons) 0200 – 2nd Instalment.
Select.  Click here to pay the invoice.

Defence Contributions

Levied on income from Savings Accounts, Dividends and Rental income. 
Tax paid in two tranches.   By 30th June for income received during period 1st January – 30th June and by 31st December for income received during the period 1st July – 31st December.
The old Form TD 0601 Payment of Defence Contribution Withheld and Self Assessment of Income Subject to Tax has been superseded by 3 individual online forms which are accessed via

These are,
Interest.- (0612AB) From sources Outside the Republic of CyprusSee Note 1 below.
Dividends. - (0613AB) From Sources Outside the Republic of CyprusSee Note1 below
Rental Income. - (0604) Defence on Rents (Self Assessment by the owner).  See Note1 below
Login to your JCC account in the usual manner and navigate as follows,
Select English
Select Tax Department
Select Self Assessments
Click to view category
Click options      Interest   Dividends Rents
Click to pay each invoice


1. The error messages generated particularly concerning the Defence Contribution forms will vary dependent upon individual circumstances and where solutions remain elusive we recommend referral to the Paphos Tax Department.  Room 022 on the ground floor, (turn left immediately before the Reception Counter), is equipped with work stations where staff will assist in overcoming submission problems.

2. A pamphlet entitled ‘Guidelines for the submission of the Income Tax Return – Employee for the tax year 2017’ is available online but obviously suffers from the same limitations as the form.The pamphlet is accessed via the Tax Department website.

Scroll to box   Taxisnet. Income Tax Return 2017.

Select Box and ‘Employees Income Tax Return 2017 (Manual Guide, Electronic Guide) is revealed.

3. Useful contacts at the Paphos Tax Department.   General Enquires.   Room G124.   Ms. Elsa Papanicholou.    Room G033. Ms. Despo Antoniou.
Online return problems.   Room  022.  Mr. Nicholas Aristodemou.

4. In cases where people feel unable or do not wish to file their own returns online, it is strongly recommended that they exercise great care when employing an accountant.  We are aware of a case where the fee charged was out of all proportion to the work undertaken.  Caveat Emptor!


% change 13-14
% change 14-15
% change 15-16
% change 16-17
Serious theft
Minor theft
Burglary, housebreaking & similar











R – Recorded cases
D – Detected cases
% - Detection rate

Source: Analysis & Statistics Office, Cyprus Police

The information above is based on incidents reported to the Cyprus Police.


Answers provided to the questions by Cyprus Police Department

1) Can we install extra cameras on the crossroads?  

The installation of cameras on public roads and areas is prohibited by law. They are allowed to be installed for security purposes in private areas and only record areas in the private area where they will have a sign posted on the spot that this area has a closed surveillance circuit installed. Police consider placing cameras at central road crossings in all Municipalities to prevent and combat traffic and other offenses.

2) What else can people do if GPS signal is interrupted by thieves and alarm system does not notify owner or Security Company?  

In addition, you may have a guard dog, inform a person or a neighbor of being absent from home. Also, you have to check the alarm system on a regular basis to ensure it is operational and properly maintained by the installation company.

3) Do the Police have any trained dogs for searching for drugs?

Yes, there are trained dogs for that particular purpose, where they are used in targeted searches, but also in Airports, Harbours, at borders and Post Offices.

4) Does the police have a common platform to share all the case details? If the suspects did crime in different places/cities, with such common platform the policemen can identify some common evidence and will help policemen catch the suspects?

There is a common software which is used by the police officers to register all the cases that are under investigation.        

5) What are effective deterrents: Alarm signs or security-company signs?         Cameras?  Internal lights on timers? External lights: motion-sensitive or heat-sensitive, timed? Do motion-sensitive or heat-sensitive lights often come on when they shouldn’t? Noise, i.e. leaving a radio/TV switched on?   Keeping blinds/curtains drawn at night? When away? Neighborhood Watch signs on the building?

All the above are very good measures, but above all remember that burglars prefer easy targets. Make your home a difficult target to reduce your chances of being the next victim. The following precautionary measures or a combination thereof may be taken:

- Always lock the doors and windows when you are away from home, even for a short time.
- Close the shutters and curtains so that burglars cannot see what is inside the house.
- Never open the door without making sure that you know the visitor. Check out who's there  from the "eye" or via the door phone or the door intercom.
- Insert a safety chain onto the door.
- Do not give any keys to cleaners or other strangers.
- Do not leave a second key under pots or mats.
- Do not leave the key in the door lock, neither externally nor internally.
- Do not leave keys of your home in your car when you take it for washing, repairing or servicing.
- For extra security, install external locks, locks that provide a high level of security or a solid door with a high
 security lock. Security systems can be installed in the windows.
- Ensure that the outer perimeter of your house has good lighting. For economy put motion sensors.
- Install an alarm system.
- Install a timer for lighting. If it is not possible, in your absence leave some lights on.
- Do not notify anyone, whether on social media, locally or professionally, with information about assets that you 
have in your home, or that you will be absent for some time.  There is always the possibility  that the information
may reach a burglar.
- Do not leave large amounts of money at home.
- Gold and other valuable items - it is preferable to store them in safes or boxes according to their value. 
Also be photographed for recognition if needed.
- If you live in an apartment building, make sure that the main entrance of the building is closed and that unknown people cannot enter.
- A good enclosure, offers more security to your home.
- Try to get to know your neighbors and cultivate with them a relationship of trust and mutual support.
- When you are absent, forward the incoming calls of your home phone either on your mobile phone or 
on the phone of a relative, trusting friend.
- Avoid giving any signs that you are away, eg. a message to the answering machine, posting on social media, 
stacked mail in the mailbox.
- For any suspicious presence or movement, inform the police immediately. You may prevent the commission of a crime.

For further information you can find promotional leaflets at

6) How to Deal with an intruder:  Should one try to be quiet and hope not to be found before help arrives (assuming an alarm system), or make a noise and hope they go away?

If you notice the presence of an intruder, call the police and wait from a safe distance.  Don’t try to capture, arrest or pursue him it’s police job to do that, because it’s difficult and dangerous.  If you cannot avoid him and have to confront him, try to talk to him in a calm way until he leaves or help arrives and call the police.

7) What is legitimate force in defending oneself or property? What is effective? Shining a strong flashlight into intruder’s eyes? What are the limits of self-defense in accordance with Cyprus laws? Is there any translation of the relevant laws into English?

With any act of violence against the burglar, you commit the offense of the attack unless the attack was done for self-defense (emergency) and is a defense before the court. In particular, defense and the use of force to avoid the attack is under certain conditions legitimate, but it should aim to repel an attack. The psychological situation of the individual who advocates self-defense should also be taken into account in the sense that self-defense was necessary if, in the circumstances, the individual believed that he needed to protect himself or his property. - Article 242, Chapter 154 (Penal Code of the Republic of Cyprus).
Emergency: - Article 17, Chapter 154 (Penal Code of the Republic of Cyprus).
An act or omission which would otherwise be an offense may not be imputed to the burden 
of what he did if he pion was done only to prevent consequences which could not be 
avoided otherwise and would not be avoided would cause irreversible and irreparable harm to 
the same or to other persoroves that the following coexisted:
(a) That the act or omissions it was obliged to protect.
(b) that the act done did not exceed what was reasonably necessary;
(c) That the harm done was not disproportionate (greater) than what was prevented
 For further information on Cypriot Legislation, please visit

8) Is barbed wire or razor wire acceptable?

A stable and high-level safety fencing is effective, whether from iron rails or built. But it should be done in accordance with the town planning specifications of your Municipality / Community Council.  

9) What kind of self-defense equipment is it allowed in Cyprus to keep at home and use in case of attack? (e.g. pepper spray, stun gun/tasers, anything else? What size of knife?)

It is forbidden to possess any aggressive instrument or weapon for self-defense purposes

10) What kind of arms are the licensed security guards allowed to carry on duty in Cyprus?

They are only allowed to own a bat.

11) Does the Police not invest in sending people off to other countries, such as Sweden and Norway that have had success in fighting Crime?

Several members of Cyprus Police have been trained or participated in several police courses held in various European countries, UK and USA. (eg.FBI)

12) Do you keep statistics for Hotels and tourists targeted?


13) Gas was used to put asleep one Tala family and their 2 dogs.  Was it only one case, and are we allowed to put any gas detectors to prevent this?

You are allowed to install gas detectors.