One last Before & After to finish up the Brick House! I am so excited to have good people living here. They love the backyard and appreciate all the space. Though it is really weird not going over to work on the Brick House every morning. That has been the hardest to get use to....Do you remember...
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Brick House etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Brick House etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Brick House: Kitchen Before & After
Are you ready for a dramatic change? Even though I didn't change the layout; changing the wall color, countertops and appliances made a real difference! I had almost forgot I took the upper cabinets down.... From the first the didn't look right to me. Oh that orange! Yikes!I traded this...
Brick House: Bathroom Before & After
BEFOREBEFOREBEFOREA big improvement, wouldn't you say?!A lot of things needed to be refreshed; the paneling removed from the walls, the space eating vanity removed, the sad flooring and dim light. We also installed a baseboard and door trim, curtain rod, toilet paper holder and hooks for towels. Plus...
Brick House Update: the Basement and Limewash
We had a little excitement a couple of weeks ago as suddenly one night after heavy rain the neighbors tree leaned over. When I was working on the house the night before the tree was fine, next morning it looked like this. From the looks of it the poor tree had rotten roots, so once the ground thawed...
Project Update: Not much left on the to-list! & Before and After
I can't believe there are less than ten items on the to-do list!! The end is in sight! Anyway, I thought it was time to share some before and after pictures. The upstairs bedrooms and bath are completely done, so we will start there!I don't have a whole lot of before pictures of the back bedroom (a.k.a....