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Way Standing Cable Fly: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps

Way Standing Cable Fly: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps
This movement is intended to hit your pecs from three angles—low, mid, and upper—as a pre-exhaustion exercise. You don't want to use heavy weight here; your focus is simply to get blood into your muscles.

Keep in mind, hitting the low, mid, and high on each set counts for one rep, so technically, you'll be doing 36 total flyes.

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Regan Grimes Has Your New Favorite Mass-Building Chest Workout

Regan Grimes Has Your New Favorite Mass-Building Chest Workout
Need a chest routine that gets the job done without a lot of fluff? IFBB pro and Primeval Labs athlete Regan Grimes serves up yet another workout for colossal gains!

Bodybuilder Regan Grimes may be a giant, but he certainly isn't gentle with the iron when he storms the gym to train. When asked to name his favorite aspect of training, Grimes has stated: "The pump! Throwing my headphones in and crushing heavy-ass weight!"

Apparently that's what it takes to build pectorals of the sort that require their own ZIP code. So when Grimes visited's gym recently, the first order of business was to record workout videos of Grimes training various body parts, including his back workout and arm workout. Now we present his favorite chest workout.

Grimes loves to mix it up, we discovered. This workout includes cables, a machine, barbells, and dumbbells; different angles; and isolation and compound movements alike. Give it a shot—and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Lean Into Higher Rep Ranges

 Lean Into Higher Rep Ranges
Albonetti points out that you want to lift as heavy as you can for as long as you can to preserve muscle, but in a cut, you are going to lose strength.

"I'm constantly trying to keep my size and going heavy, but when I'm a few weeks out, I will start to incorporate more circuit workouts with 15-20-rep sets in the mornings instead of cardio," he says. "It doesn't replace my normal workouts later, but it can help burn calories and still activate those muscles rather than just walking on the treadmill."

DeCosta has also found mental reinforcement in playing with higher reps, prompting the feeling of a better workout when he can't lift as heavy as he would normally like.

Performing crunches with a weighted plate.
"Doing 15-20 reps is better for muscular and cardiovascular endurance. It definitely helps me get a good sweat going. You also risk injury if you're trying to lift the same amount of weight you do when you've got more body fat on your frame," DeCosta says.

Sometimes DeCosta goes to the gym with the goal of just having a fun workout with tons of reps. This gives him a boost of confidence and lights that motivation again by stimulating his muscles in a new way. And speaking of new muscle stimulation…

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Incline Barbell Bench Press: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
The first set is always a "feeler" set for Grimes, meaning he starts with a light weight to make sure his muscles are primed and determine how heavy he wants to go for his working sets.

After you find your working weight, perform three more sets with great form, keeping your shoulder blades pulled back and down into the pad, setting your feet, and maintaining a tight core as you do every rep.

You can also do a flat bench press instead of an incline if you like—whatever hits your pecs more. Grimes says his personal preference is the incline, but you must find the one that gives you your best chest!

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8. Have A Bigger Why

8. Have A Bigger Why
You've heard the clichés before—"Do it for you" and "Find your why" are a couple of popular ones. It sounds like a bunch of BS, but it isn't until you're in the throes of show prep that you realize just how handy this mindset can be.

"I film every single workout and all of the sets," DeCosta says. "When I show up at the gym and I'm lacking motivation, my thought is, 'I'm going to be posting this workout for thousands of people to see. I'm going to give this my effort.'"

Holding yourself accountable is a huge component to this, as well. If it takes just having a date on the calendar to help you stick with something, so be it.

"You have to have a deadline and a date and a time of that day," says DeCosta. "If you don't, and you haven't shared your goal with people, you will in a time of low discipline be like, 'Eh, I'm not committed anyway.' Don't be that person."

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30-Degree Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps (Superset With Dumbbell Pull-Over)

30-Degree Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps (Superset With Dumbbell Pull-Over)
This exercise is part of a superset with dumbbell pull-overs. Set your bench at a slight incline and perform the basic dumbbell bench press. Remember to keep your elbows in line with your wrists as you press and keep your upper back tight to provide a stable base. With both the dumbbell and barbell incline press variations, you also work your anterior deltoids and triceps.

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Set Yourself Up To Win

 Set Yourself Up To Win
Now we're talking the little details. You want to win? You have to pay attention to the small things.

"I put all my Signature supplements in a pill container ahead of time or in my gym bag. I always know where they are and make a habit of taking them at the same time every day," DeCosta says.

Looking at a bottle of supplements. 
Sleep is another area where it's easy to skimp, but when you do, it can set you back hard in terms of recovery and fat loss. DeCosta schedules sleep the same way he schedules everything else. When your life is in order, or at least the parts that are in your power, it's easier to give the majority of your brain power to the contest prep.

"Keeping a calendar for life in general makes a huge difference," he says. "I loosely schedule meals since my days can vary, but because I meal prep, they're ready for me when I need them, and I have no excuse to skip."

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Machine Chest Press: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps

Machine Chest Press: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
Grimes says it doesn't matter what the chest press machine looks like, so long as it has an option for the hammer, or neutral, grip, with your palms facing inward.

Tuck your chin into your chest and "scoop," as he describes, meaning that your elbows will drop slightly inward toward your torso as you press upward. The deep contraction at the top is most important, so hold it for a solid second before controlling the weight back down to the starting position.

Grimes says tucking your chin into your chest helps you to remember that squeeze, so you want to feel like you're squeezing your chest up into your jaw.

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Way Standing Cable Fly: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps

Way Standing Cable Fly: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps
This movement is intended to hit your pecs from three angles—low, mid, and upper—as a pre-exhaustion exercise. You don't want to use heavy weight here; your focus is simply to get blood into your muscles.

Keep in mind, hitting the low, mid, and high on each set counts for one rep, so technically, you'll be doing 36 total flyes.

Machine Chest Press: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
Grimes says it doesn't matter what the chest press machine looks like, so long as it has an option for the hammer, or neutral, grip, with your palms facing inward.

Tuck your chin into your chest and "scoop," as he describes, meaning that your elbows will drop slightly inward toward your torso as you press upward. The deep contraction at the top is most important, so hold it for a solid second before controlling the weight back down to the starting position.

Grimes says tucking your chin into your chest helps you to remember that squeeze, so you want to feel like you're squeezing your chest up into your jaw.

Machine Chest Press
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps
The first set is always a "feeler" set for Grimes, meaning he starts with a light weight to make sure his muscles are primed and determine how heavy he wants to go for his working sets.

After you find your working weight, perform three more sets with great form, keeping your shoulder blades pulled back and down into the pad, setting your feet, and maintaining a tight core as you do every rep.

You can also do a flat bench press instead of an incline if you like—whatever hits your pecs more. Grimes says his personal preference is the incline, but you must find the one that gives you your best chest!

30-Degree Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps (Superset With Dumbbell Pull-Over)
This exercise is part of a superset with dumbbell pull-overs. Set your bench at a slight incline and perform the basic dumbbell bench press. Remember to keep your elbows in line with your wrists as you press and keep your upper back tight to provide a stable base. With both the dumbbell and barbell incline press variations, you also work your anterior deltoids and triceps.

Dumbbell Pull-Over: 4 Sets Of 8-10 Reps (Superset With 30-Degree Incline Dumbbell Press)
As you can see in the video, you want to hold the end of the dumbbell with one hand overlapping the other on pull-overs. The goal is to get a good stretch going through your pectoral muscles—and you'll definitely feel it in your triceps, too. Grimes points out how many bodybuilders he sees who are hunched over (likely from all the pressing movements), and dumbbell pull-overs can help counteract that.

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What made you decide to make a change?

What made you decide to make a change?

I felt like I had very little control over my life, like I was just a passenger along for the ride. I had no drive or ambition and I was too scared to do anything about it. One day, I looked in the mirror and decided to change. I knew I had to take control so I could make the best of life and actually enjoy it. In order for that to happen, something had to be different.

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