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Koronavirüs Beslenme Rehberi

Koronavirüs beslenme rehberi

Yeni nesil koronavirüs hastalığı (Covid 19) dünya genelinde hızla yayılarak sağlığımıza karşı büyük bir tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Koronavirüs hastalığını engelleyecek tek bir besin maalesef yoktur. Ancak sağlıklı bir beslenme, fiziksel aktiviteler ve düzenli uyku ile bağışıklık sistemimizi güçlendirerek bu hastalığa karşı savaşabiliriz.

Bir insan hapşırdığında havaya içerisinde virüs barındıran yaklaşık 20.000 partikül dağıtır. Vücudumuza giren bu virüslerin bazıları uyku halindedir ve ortaya çıkmak için sizin en zayıf anınızı bekler. Sağlıksız beslenme, bağışıklığın düşmesi ve stres virüse karşı gardınızı düşürmeniz anlamına gelir. Genel olarak şu faktörler virüslere karşı olan direncinizi belirler;

  • Yaş
  • Beslenme Eksiklikleri
  • Genetik
  • Zayıf Bağışıklık Sistemi
  • Kronik Hastalıklar
  • Stres

Yaş, genetik ve kronik hastalıklar bizlerin elinde olan ve değiştirebileceğimiz şeyler değildir. Ancak beslenme eksikliklerini düzelterek, bağışıklık sistemimizi kuvvetlendirerek, düzenli egzersiz yaparak ve stresten uzak durarak koronavirüs gibi salgın hastalıklara karşı savaşabiliriz.

Koronavirüse Karşı Nasıl Beslenmeliyiz?

sağlıklı beslenme tabağı

Sağlıklı beslenmek hem vücudumuz için hemde hastalıklara karşı dirençli olabilmek için oldukça önemlidir. Koronavirüse karşı bağışıklık sistemimizi güçlendirmek için vitamin değerleri yüksek ve antibakteriyel özelliğe sahip olan besinleri tercih edebiliriz. Bu besinlerden bazıları şu şekildedir;

Turunçgiller : Turunçgillerde bulunan C vitamini bağışıklık sistemini geliştirmeye yardımcı olur ve enfeksiyonlarla savaşan beyaz kan hücrelerinin yapımını artırır. En yaygın turunçgiller; greyfurt, portakal, limon, mandalina ve misket limonudur.

Zencefil : Boğaz ağrısını ve diğer enflamatuar hastalıkları azaltmaya yardımcı olur.

Yeşil Çay : Enfeksiyonla savaşmaya yardımcı olan polifenol adı verilen antioksidan kaynağıdır.

Sarımsak : Taze, çiğ sarımsak antibakteriyel ve antiviral özelliklere sahiptir. Özellikle kış aylarında hastalıklara karşı vücut direncini arttırmak için sıkça kullanılmaktadır.

Zerdeçal : Anti-enflamatuar ve hastalık önleyicidir. Zerdeçalda doğal olarak bulunan kurkumin kan şekerini dengelemeye yardımcıdır.

Brokoli : A, C ve E vitamini kaynağıdır. Haşlama şeklinde tüketebilir ve özel soslarla lezzetini arttırabilirsiniz.

Ay Çekirdeği: Fosfor, magnezyum, B-6 ve E vitamini içerir. Ayrıca triptofan kaynağıdır. Triptofan vücut tarafından doğal bir ruh hali dengeleyicisi kabul edilen serotonine dönüştürülür. Bu sayede, ay çekirdeği kaygı ve stresle başa çıkmanıza yardımcı olabilir.

Ciğer : İçerdiği demir sayesinde vücutta kan yapmaktadır. Aynı zamanda A vitamini, B12 vitamini ile folik asit de bulundurur. Ayrıca ciğer; antioksidan kaynağıdır. Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir.

Çiğ Badem, Ceviz ve Fındık : İçerisindeki sağlıklı yağlar ile kolesterolü dengeler ve günlük protein ihtiyacınızı karşılar. Kalp sağlığı için faydalıdır.

Pancar : Solunum yolu enfeksiyonu belirtilerinin azalması ve hastalık süresinin kısa sürmesinde yeterli C vitamini alımını oldukça önemlidir. Kırmızı pancar içeriğindeki C vitamini sayesinde bağışıklık sisteminin güçlenmesine yardımcı oluyor.

Balık : Üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarına karşı vücut direncini arttırır. Ayrıca içerisindeki omega-3 ve proteinler sayesinde balık besin değerleri yüksek sağlıklı bir besindir. Haftada 1-2 kez tüketilmesi uzmanlar tarafından önerilmektedir.

Listede bulunan besinleri koronavirüse karşı önlem olarak, karantina döneminde veya diğer hastalıklara karşı direncinizi arttırmak için tüketebilirsiniz.

Bağışıklık Sistemini Güçlendirmek İçin Beslenme Yeterli Mi?

Maalesef sadece sağlıklı gıdalar tüketmek bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek yeterli değil. Stres ve üzüntüyü en aza indirmek, düzenli uyku ve düzenli egzersizler yapmak da bağışıklık sistemi güçlendirmek için oldukça önemlidir. Evde egzersizler yaparak ve stresten uzak kalıp moralinizi yüksek tutarak hastalıklara karşı direncinizi arttırabilirsiniz.

Makale ile ilgili sormak istediklerinizi yazının altında yorum olarak belirtebilirsiniz. Hastalıklara karşı negatif, hayata karşı pozitif kalın. Sağlıklı günler...

Games on massacres and empire

Alison Games (Georgetown University) has published Inventing the English Massacre: Amboyna in History and Memory with Oxford University Press.

From the publisher: 

My Lai, Wounded Knee, Sandy Hook: the place names evoke grief and horror, each the site of a massacre. Massacres-the mass slaughter of people-might seem as old as time, but the word itself is not. It worked its way into the English language in the late sixteenth century, and ultimately came to signify a specific type of death, one characterized by cruelty, intimacy, and treachery. How that happened is the story of yet another place, Amboyna, an island in the Indonesian archipelago where English and Dutch merchants fought over the spice trade. There a conspiracy trial featuring English, Japanese, and Indo-Portuguese plotters took place in 1623 and led to the beheading of more than a dozen men in a public execution.

Inventing the English Massacre shows how the English East India Company transformed that conspiracy into a massacre through printed works, both books and images, which ensured the story's tenacity over four centuries. By the eighteenth century, the story emerged as a familiar and shared cultural touchstone and a term that needed no further explanation. By the nineteenth century, the Amboyna Massacre became the linchpin of the British empire, an event that historians argued well into the twentieth century had changed the course of history and explained why the British had a stronghold in India. The broad familiarity with the incident and the Amboyna Massacre's position as an early and formative violent event turned the episode into the first English massacre.

Drawing on archival documents in Dutch, French, and English, Alison Games masterfully recovers the history, ramifications, and afterlives of this event, which shaped the meaning of subsequent acts of violence and made intimacy, treachery, and cruelty indelibly connected with massacres.

Praise for the book:

 "In vivid prose, Alison Games has unpacked an event on the Indonesian island of Ambon known as a 'massacre' in the British historical imagination. Filled with memorable characters, her book is both a necessary reminder of why this center of the international clove trade mattered so much in the early seventeenth century and also a meditation on historical meaning and memory. Games compels us to think anew about how our act of telling and retelling stories reveals as much about the historian as about the past." - Peter C. Mancall

"Masterfully researched, rigorously argued, and utterly riveting, Inventing the English Massacre reveals the power a single word can have over our perception of both the past and present, suggesting that sometimes the most powerful part of a whodunnit is not in fact the crime itself but its many afterlives. Deliberately and brilliantly never resolving what actually happened at Amboyna in 1623 (or was it 1622 or 1624?), Games sleuths out a far greater mystery: the invention of the idea of the first English colonial 'massacre,' one which shaped not only Anglo-Dutch relations across the seventeenth century but the stories the British Empire would tell about itself for generations to follow." - Philip Stern

"Alison Games brings her considerable talents not only to the complex and confused events in seventeenth-century Indonesia but also to the long conversation that these events spawned. She masterfully reveals how a judicial murder (the result of an alleged conspiracy) became a symbol of Dutch perfidy, making the case that the discourse around Amboyna shaped the British conceptualization of its empire. This smart book is beautifully written, conveying a nuanced understanding of an elusive but fascinating history. A story that seems at first glance to be striking but minor becomes in Games's deft hands a rumination on violence, self-image, history, and memory. Brava to the author for this tour de force of global, imperial and British history." - Carla Pestana

"Inventing the English Massacre confirms Alison Games's place as an indispensible and extraordinarily versatile chronicler of the early modern English empire. Elegantly conceived and meticulously researched, the book offers an entirely fresh perspective on a long misunderstood episode in imperial history. By investigating not only what happened in 1623 in Ambon, when English and Dutch spice traders bloodily collided, but what later generations thought had happened, Games brilliantly connects the intrigue, violence, and sheer confusion of European competition in seventeenth-century southeast Asia to the myth-making of British imperialists well into the twentieth." - Maya Jasanoff

Further information is available here.

--Mitra Sharafi

Haan, "Corporate Governance and the Feminization of Capital"

Sarah Haan (Washington and Lee) has posted "Corporate Governance and the Feminization of Capital." Here's the abstract:

Between 1900 and 1956, women increased from a small proportion of public company stockholders in the U.S. to the majority. In fact, by the 1929 stock market crash, women stockholders outnumbered men at some of America’s largest and most influential public companies, including AT&T, General Electric, and the Pennsylvania Railroad. This Article makes an original contribution to corporate law, business history, women’s history, socio-economics, and the study of capitalism by synthesizing information from a range of historical sources to reveal a forgotten and overlooked narrative of history, the feminization of capital—the transformation of American public company stockholders from majority-male to majority-female in the first half of the twentieth century, before the rise of institutional investing obscured the gender politics of corporate control.

Corporate law scholarship has never before acknowledged that the early decades of the twentieth century, a transformational era in corporate law and theory, coincided with a major change in the gender of the stockholder class. Scholars have not considered the possibility that the sex of common stockholders, which was being tracked internally at companies, disclosed in annual reports, and publicly reported in the financial press, might have influenced business leaders’ views about corporate organization and governance. This Article considers the implications of this history for some of the most important ideas in corporate law theory, including the “separation of ownership and control,” shareholder “passivity,” stakeholderism, and board representation. It argues that early-twentieth-century gender politics helped shape foundational ideas of corporate governance theory, especially ideas concerning the role of shareholders. Outlining a research agenda where history intersects with corporate law’s most vital present-day problems, the Article lays out the evidence and invites the corporate law discipline to begin a conversation about gender, power, and the evolution of corporate law.
The full article is available here.

-- Karen Tani

Prince Christian of Denmark Tests Positive for Covid-19

Yesterday Prince Christian of Denmark, who is fifteen years-old, tested positive for COVID-19 following an outbreak at his school. Prince Christian has not recently been in contact with other members of the royal family, aside from his parents and siblings. In the meantime, the Crown Princely family will stay in isolation at Frederik VIII's Palace, until it is safe for them to end the isolation per the current guidelines in the country.

Cromwell Article Prize to Brady

We have word that the William Nelson Cromwell Article Prize, awarded by the trustees of the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on the Cromwell Prizes of the American Society for Legal History, has gone to Maureen E. Brady, Harvard Law School, for “The Forgotten History of Metes and Bounds,” Yale Law Journal 128 (2020): 872-1173.   From the recommendation of the ASLH committee:

…The subject of the article would not seem promising. … Though regarded by historians as a relic deserving only antiquarian interest, in Brady’s hands it commands our attention as a vital legal tool that enabled communities to use the law to impose order on an uncharted terrain through the creation of property rights.  It has long been a commonplace that recording boundaries and conferring title create rights in property, but Brady’s article gives new meaning to the practice.  Her mastery of seemingly arcane procedures and the legal rights they created reveals the many ways that the law of metes and bounds provided a supple and flexible means of securing the property rights that served the social and economic ordering necessary to foster communities bound together by law.  …

The ability to focus on apparently strange or insignificant aspects of a lost world and use them to cast light and provide surprising insights is the mark of a more mature scholar, but it is readily evident in this article.  Brady’s compelling argument is based on an exacting and concentrated study of the documents generated by the process of determining and enforcing metes and bounds.  Her analysis original and her noteworthy.  More than the other articles, it shows a real historical flair in terms of both the research and the presentation.  It does more than just marshal the past to make a point in the present—although, of course, that is what we expect of law review articles.  Rather, [it] is great history, excavating a past that that was lying in plain sight, but that no one had really bothered to explore.  She walks us through that world and its logic, which does not appear very logical to us today; by scrupulously reconstructing the way that these documents were created and used, she brings to life communal practices and legal activity in a world that we have lost.  Hence the humor, which she deploys masterfully.  Then she shows why that history is important today, recasting basic assumptions and opening up new ways of thinking about contemporary problems.
–Dan Ernst

Cromwell Dissertation Prize to Tycko

We have word that the William Nelson Cromwell Dissertation Prize, awarded by the trustees of the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on the Cromwell Prizes of the American Society for Legal History, has gone to Dr. Sonia Tycko, Oxford University,  for “Captured Consent: Bound Freedom of Contract in Early Modern England and English America.”  From the recommendation of the ASLH committee:

In an extraordinarily creative and imaginative dissertation, "Captured Consent: Bound Service and Freedom of Contract in Early Modern England and English America," Sonia Tycko explores the repeated appearance of consent as part of the meaning of compulsory service in the early modern period. … Tycko forces us to reconsider the very foundations of consent and contract and makes a signal contribution to the historiography on contract, labor, and freedom. Tycko also offers nuanced readings of an impressive array of primary sources and reveals the social realities against which a vocabulary about contract arose in particular labor relationships, from indentured servitude to military impressment to kidnapping. She mines documents that others might skim and brings to the surface the way in which the very words betray underlying power dynamics. The important transatlantic lens persuasively establishes her argument as part of larger seventeenth-century English assumptions, in Great Britain and the British colonies. This dissertation rewards the reader on every page-and, impressively, becomes even more interesting on rereading. Tycko's dissertation serves as a model of the well-crafted and carefully executed dissertation in legal history.
–Dan Ernst

Wow Underwear Campaign

Wow Underwear Campaign

Modeling Summer 2020

Vats, "The Color of Creatorship"

Stanford University Press has released The Color of Creatorship: Intellectual Property, Race, and the Making of Americans, by Anjali Vats (Boston College). A description from the Press:

The Color of Creatorship examines how copyright, trademark, and patent discourses work together to form American ideals around race, citizenship, and property.

Working through key moments in intellectual property history since 1790, Anjali Vats reveals that even as they have seemingly evolved, American understandings of who is a creator and who is an infringer have remained remarkably racially conservative and consistent over time. Vats examines archival, legal, political, and popular culture texts to demonstrate how intellectual properties developed alongside definitions of the "good citizen," "bad citizen," and intellectual labor in racialized ways. Offering readers a theory of critical race intellectual property, Vats historicizes the figure of the citizen-creator, the white male maker who was incorporated into the national ideology as a key contributor to the nation's moral and economic development. She also traces the emergence of racial panics around infringement, arguing that the post-racial creator exists in opposition to the figure of the hyper-racial infringer, a national enemy who is the opposite of the hardworking, innovative American creator.

The Color of Creatorship contributes to a rapidly-developing conversation in critical race intellectual property. Vats argues that once anti-racist activists grapple with the underlying racial structures of intellectual property law, they can better advocate for strategies that resist the underlying drivers of racially disparate copyright, patent, and trademark policy.

Advance praise:

"Building on the work of racial justice and intellectual property pioneers, Anjali Vats elevates the conversation to important new registers, including concerns of equitable distribution and post-racial identity claims. Vats shows how IP and contested citizenship have evolved to embed centuries of systemic racial injustices, reaching into the past to imagine a new and exciting future for creatorship." —Jessica Silbey, Northeastern University

"American law defined black human beings as chattel, deprived Asian Americans the right to own property, and justified the appropriation of Native lands. Anjali Vats's riveting book reveals how intellectual property is rife with racial bias and actively creates racialized notions of citizenship and humanity. From the Marvin Gaye plagiarism suit to Prince's radical protest against copyright as modern slavery, Vats explores the racial biases that underlie rhetoric around ingenuity, citizenship, property, and the public domain. A tour de force." —Madhavi Sunder

More information is available here.

H/t: New Books Network, where you can find an interview with the author. 

-- Karen Tani

The Sherlocks in My Stocking


If you are a Catholic of Northern European heritage, or just grew up in a German culture as I did, you may hang you stockings by the chimney with care on the evening of Dec. 5 to get ready for St. Nicholas on his feast day, Dec. 6. This is not a time for big presents, but for little items like crayons, oranges, snacks, and toy trucks. Or maybe a small bottle of prosecco if you are an adult.

But look what showed up in my stocking on Sunday morning! That vinyl figurine, matching the one of Queen Elizabeth II sitting on my office computer, is Basil of Baker Street in his Disneyfied Great Mouse Detective incarnation. The bird in a deerstalker is described by the manufacturer as a "felt sparrow with plaid hat," but we all know who he really is. And the Sherlockian silhouette on the smart phone cover is made up of titles of the stories. That's a gift I will carry with me everywhere. 

Talk about compliments of the season!

Recollections – Selling now!


Pre-orders for our next book, RECOLLECTIONS by Victoria Marchioness of Milford Haven are now available!

Clients who pre-order the book through our website at will get a copy ahead of those buying copies on AMAZON!

The book ships to us on Wednesday, December 9!

Expanded and annotated by Ilana D. Miller and Arturo E. Beéche the book contains the memoirs of one of the most intriguing and exceptional granddaughters of Queen Victoria: Victoria, Dowager Marchioness of Milford Haven. 

Born Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine in 1863, she became one of her English grandmother's most frequent correspondents, as well as a surrogate mother to her younger siblings after the untimely death in 1878 of their mother, Grand Duchess Alice of Hesse. Married in 1884 to her father's first cousin, Prince Louis of Battenberg, Victoria soon became a witness to some of the most momentous historical episodes of her lifetime. Her thoughts (open, frank, no-nonsense, clear) are to be found inside the 280-page book containing her memoirs, her "recollections." The book has been handsomely illustrated with nearly 400 exquisite images sourced from various archives, family collections, as well as the incomparably vast EUROHISTORY Royal Photographic Archive.

To purchase the book, you can click on the link below!

To purchase a copy at Eurohistory

And printable order form!

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