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Contract etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Contract etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Cromwell Dissertation Prize to Tycko

We have word that the William Nelson Cromwell Dissertation Prize, awarded by the trustees of the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on the Cromwell Prizes of the American Society for Legal History, has gone to Dr. Sonia Tycko, Oxford University,  for “Captured Consent: Bound Freedom of Contract in Early Modern England and English America.” ...

Laske's "Law, Language and Change"

Caroline Laske, a research fellow at the Ghent Legal History Institute (Belgium) and the holder of a Heinz Heinen fellowship at the Bonn Centre for Dependency and Slavery Studies (Germany), has published Law, Language and Change: A Diachronic Semantic Analysis of Consideration in the Common Law (Brill,...

Astorri on Lutheran Theology and Contract Law in Early Modern Germany

Here's a 2019 publication that we missed somehow: Lutheran Theology and Contract Law in Early Modern Germany (ca. 1520-1720) (Verlag Ferdinand Schoningh, 2019), by Paolo Astorri (post-doc at the Center of Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen; faculty member at the Catholic University of Leuven)....