Bayram Cigerli Blog

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The Sherlocks in My Stocking


If you are a Catholic of Northern European heritage, or just grew up in a German culture as I did, you may hang you stockings by the chimney with care on the evening of Dec. 5 to get ready for St. Nicholas on his feast day, Dec. 6. This is not a time for big presents, but for little items like crayons, oranges, snacks, and toy trucks. Or maybe a small bottle of prosecco if you are an adult.

But look what showed up in my stocking on Sunday morning! That vinyl figurine, matching the one of Queen Elizabeth II sitting on my office computer, is Basil of Baker Street in his Disneyfied Great Mouse Detective incarnation. The bird in a deerstalker is described by the manufacturer as a "felt sparrow with plaid hat," but we all know who he really is. And the Sherlockian silhouette on the smart phone cover is made up of titles of the stories. That's a gift I will carry with me everywhere. 

Talk about compliments of the season!



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