We have word that the William Nelson Cromwell Article Prize, awarded by the trustees of the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on the Cromwell Prizes of the American Society for Legal History, has gone to Maureen E. Brady, Harvard Law School, for “The Forgotten History of Metes and Bounds,” Yale Law Journal 128 (2020): 872-1173. From the...
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Property etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Eves on Mort D’Ancestor and Collusive Conveyances
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 08:00
English legal history; Empire, medie, Property, Scholarship -- Articles and essays
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Collusive Litigation in the Early Years of the English Common Law: The Use of Mort D’Ancestor for Conveyancing Purposes c. 1198–1230 by William Eves, University of St. Andrews, currently is open access in the Journal of Legal History: The extent to which real actions such as mort d’ancestor were used collusively for conveyancing purposes in the early years of the English common law is subject to debate....
Jarwala on Racially Restrictice Covenants and the Changed Conditions Doctrine
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 21:30
Housing, Property, Race, Scholarship -- Articles and essays
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Alisha Jarwala, a 2020 graduate of the Harvard Law School, has posted The More Things Change: Hundley v. Gorewitz and 'Change of Neighborhood' in the NAACP’s Restrictive Covenant Cases, which is forthcoming in the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 55 (2020):Racially restrictive covenants flourished throughout the United States in the early twentieth century. These private agreements...
Prifogle, "Legal Landscapes, Migrant Labor, and Rural Social Safety Nets in Michigan, 1942-1971"
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 09:30
migration, Property, religion, Scholarship -- Articles and essays, Social Welfare
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Emily Prifogle (University of Michigan Law) has posted "Legal Landscapes, Migrant Labor, and Rural Social Safety Nets in Michigan, 1942-1971." Here's the abstract:In the 1960s, farmers pressed trespass charges against aid workers providing assistance to agricultural laborers living on the farmers’ private property. Some of the first court decisions to address these types of trespass, such as the...