The Adventure of the Consistent Sleuth
The multiple inconsistencies in the 60 Sherlock Holmes adventures have kept Sherlockians material to ponder and argue over for more than a century.
Less noticed is the remarkable consistency of the tales, given that they were written over a period of exactly 40 years and held in little regard by their author.
In Memories and Adventures, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle writes: “To make a real character, one must sacrifice everything to consistency and remember Goldsmith’s criticism of Johnson that ‘he would make the little fishes talk like whales.’” ACD says this of Watson, but it applies to Holmes as well.
Holmes makes his famous comment that “when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains – however improbable – must be the truth” not only in The Sign of Four but also in three other stories. That doesn’t even count A Study in Scarlet, where he employs the same technique and calls it “the method of exclusion.”
Also in A Study in Scarlet, the debut adventure, Holmes remarks, “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” He goes on to say something similar not just once or twice but in six other stories.
Recently, I came across a much less obvious example of Holmes uttering variations of a sleuthing maxim across several different stories.
“It is of the highest important in the art of detection to be able to recognize, out of a number of facts, which are incidental and which are vital,” Holmes says in “The Reigate Squires.”
In “The Naval Treaty,” he complains of too much evidence making that difficult. “What was vital was overlaid and hidden by what was irrelevant.”
And in “The Adventure of the Priory School,” there’s this: “Before we start to investigate that, let us try to realize what we do know, so as to make the most of it and to separate the essential from the accidental.”
Dr. Watson may be a little fuzzy on whether he was shot in the shoulder or the leg, but over four decades he gives us a remarkably consistent portrait of Holmes the sleuth-hound.
Kadıköy Plak Günlerinde nostalji rüzgârları esti...
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 15:29
Kadıköy Plak Günleri, Plak Günleri, Plakadıköy, Taş Plaklarla Nostalji Rüzgarı
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Hafta sonumuz, bu yıl ilk kez düzenlenen ‘Kadıköy Plak
Günleri’ etkinliği ile oldukça renkli geçti. Kadıköy Belediyesi’nin Moda’da 24
Eylül Cumartesi ve 25 Eylül Pazar 2016 tarihlerinde ( Kadıköy Meslek ve Teknik
Anadolu Lisesi bahçesinde) gerçekleştirdiği ‘PlaKadıköy’ etkinliği, başta Kadıköy
olmak üzere İstanbul’un önemli plakçılarını ve plak-sever dinleyicileri bir araya
Happy Fall!
Finally, finally it feels like fall here! The leaves have just started to change and now there is a crispness in the air.
It is also apple picking season! My little apple tree has 20 apples this year! Unfortunately the squirrels are having too much fun playing jungle gym in it. So about half my apples have bite marks in them. But I think there is still enough for an apple pie!
Do you go apple picking? Pumpkin picking or another fall related activity?
It is also apple picking season! My little apple tree has 20 apples this year! Unfortunately the squirrels are having too much fun playing jungle gym in it. So about half my apples have bite marks in them. But I think there is still enough for an apple pie!
Do you go apple picking? Pumpkin picking or another fall related activity?
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Joash Choo
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Atlı Köşk'de sanatın ve tarihin izinde bir gün.
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 12:37
Atlı Köşk, Gezilecek Yerler, İstanbul'daki özel müzeler, Kültür ve Sanat, Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi heykelleri, SSM
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SSM'de (Sabancı Üniversitesi, Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi) Heinz Mack'ın 'Sadece Işık ve Renk' Sergisini gezdikten sonra sırada, bir zamanlar Sabancı Ailesi'nin yaşamış olduğu ve adını da köşkün önündeki at heykelinden alan Atlı Köşk'ü ziyaret etmeye gelmişti. Emirgân da İstanbul boğazı'nın en güzel kıyı şeridinde konumlanmış olan köşk, zamanında (1848 - 1884) Osmanlı Padişahları'nın mülkiyetinde
Looking Back: July & August
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 04:54
2016, August, BOOKS, July, List, Looking Back, Recap, Running, Travel
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I wrote the July portion of this post over a month ago and then it just sat in my drafts folder until today, when I was going to start an August post and....voila and oops, there it was! SO this is going to be a combined belated effort!
July: July is one of those months that always flies by. It is usually full of summer outings, camping, family and fun. You just can't sit inside in July; in fact I can't even get any chores done, as there is so much fun stuff to do! Needless to say, my garden is a bramble and my fridge looks like a cross between Siberia and the Amazon (empty but tangled?) as I have not been home enough to care for it!
Running: In July, I ran about 240 miles. This was the month with the ramp up and the taper for my 100 mile race at the beginning of August. The first couple of weeks were 70 - 80 miles and the last couple of weeks were very little miles (40ish). In addition I had a week off where I went running almost every day, with the highest day being 40 miles, which was the Rae Lakes loop (beautiful).
Reading: Not surprisingly, this was not a good reading month for me. I read 4 books, but it was hard, as I was traveling with other people a lot, as well as training for my race. (Books are starred for RHC, bolded for my own).
Fangirl (3 stars)
Death of a Salesman (2 stars)*
City on Fire (3 stars)
Blanche on the Lam (2 stars)*
Travel: I had a great time in July! I went to Tahoe a couple of times, to Yosemite once and up to my parents neck of the woods for a family gathering. My favorite part was...everything!
August: August is usually full of birthdays and outings and trips, and this year was no exception!
Running: I attempted to run another 100 mile race, this time in Colorado, but once again, I did not finish. Due to this, I ran about 156 miles. This included 50 miles of Silverheels for myself and a pacing stint in Leadville, which was about 20 miles.
Reading: I only read three books and they were:
1000 Lashes: Because I Say What I Think (2 stars)*
The Doubters Almanac (3 stars)
A Darker Shade of Magic (5 stars)
Travel: I went to Colorado twice in August; as stated above, once for my own race and once to pace a friend in Leadville. I am not a huge fan of the Denver airport (or highway 70) but I became very familiar with it in August. In addition, I had one weekend where I stayed home (blissful) and one weekend where I went to visit my parents.
So there you have it, my summer in a nutshell. It is a bit late, but I think that just shows that it was fun!!
How was your summer? Are you ready for Fall? What was the favorite part of your summer?
July: July is one of those months that always flies by. It is usually full of summer outings, camping, family and fun. You just can't sit inside in July; in fact I can't even get any chores done, as there is so much fun stuff to do! Needless to say, my garden is a bramble and my fridge looks like a cross between Siberia and the Amazon (empty but tangled?) as I have not been home enough to care for it!
Running: In July, I ran about 240 miles. This was the month with the ramp up and the taper for my 100 mile race at the beginning of August. The first couple of weeks were 70 - 80 miles and the last couple of weeks were very little miles (40ish). In addition I had a week off where I went running almost every day, with the highest day being 40 miles, which was the Rae Lakes loop (beautiful).
Reading: Not surprisingly, this was not a good reading month for me. I read 4 books, but it was hard, as I was traveling with other people a lot, as well as training for my race. (Books are starred for RHC, bolded for my own).
Fangirl (3 stars)
Death of a Salesman (2 stars)*
City on Fire (3 stars)
Blanche on the Lam (2 stars)*
Travel: I had a great time in July! I went to Tahoe a couple of times, to Yosemite once and up to my parents neck of the woods for a family gathering. My favorite part was...everything!
August: August is usually full of birthdays and outings and trips, and this year was no exception!
Running: I attempted to run another 100 mile race, this time in Colorado, but once again, I did not finish. Due to this, I ran about 156 miles. This included 50 miles of Silverheels for myself and a pacing stint in Leadville, which was about 20 miles.
Reading: I only read three books and they were:
1000 Lashes: Because I Say What I Think (2 stars)*
The Doubters Almanac (3 stars)
A Darker Shade of Magic (5 stars)
Travel: I went to Colorado twice in August; as stated above, once for my own race and once to pace a friend in Leadville. I am not a huge fan of the Denver airport (or highway 70) but I became very familiar with it in August. In addition, I had one weekend where I stayed home (blissful) and one weekend where I went to visit my parents.
So there you have it, my summer in a nutshell. It is a bit late, but I think that just shows that it was fun!!
How was your summer? Are you ready for Fall? What was the favorite part of your summer?
It's St. Patrick's Day in September!
The timing is not the best, but sometimes life is like that. Today is the official publication date of Erin Go Bloody, most of which is set in March around St. Patrick's Day.
This is the sixth novel and seventh book detailing the mystery-solving adventures of Sebastian McCabe and Jeff Cody. Here's the story:
When Erin, Ohio native Jamie Ellicott returns home as best-selling author James Ivanhoe after a 13-year absence, it’s like the return of the Prodigal Son. His ill and aging father welcomes him with open arms. Ivanhoe’s two brothers, however, are less forgiving.
The whole town gets drawn into the family drama when Ivanhoe seeks to march in the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade under the banner of an anti-technology group called the Ned Ludd Society. That’s a thumb in the eye of his siblings, who own a company that makes microcircuits.
As a member of the parade committee, St. Benignus University communications director Jeff Cody has a stake in what soon becomes a heated national debate. But to his genius brother-in-law Sebastian McCabe, the contretemps soon becomes less important than investigating murder in the Ellicott family.
And this time, solving the mystery doesn't put everything back in order exactly as it was before. Something's going to change in Erin.
As a side note, of the great joys I have had as a writer is dedicating books to friends and family. This one is for my friend Steven Doyle, BSI, who published my first piece of fiction in the 1980s in The Sherlock Holmes Review.