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Kyung Won Kang

Kyung Won Kang
Posing Practice Winter 2015/16


Casus yazılım nedir? Casus yazılımlar hangileridir?  hangi cihazlar için uygundur? ve tabi ki casus program kullanımları nasıl olur? Evet bu gibi sorularınıza yanıt arıyorsanız hemen söyleyelim doğru yerdesiniz. Sizler için bu sorularınıza en kısa ve öz bir şekilde cevap sağlamaya çalışacağız.
Öncelikle Casus Yazılım adından da kolaylıkla anlaşılacağı üzere bir bilgisayar veya mobil cihaza yüklenebilen boyutları itibari ile oldukça küçük bilgisayar programlardır. Bu programlar yüklendikleri bilgisayar veya diğer mobil cihazlarda kendilerini belli etmeden arka planda sessizce çalışırlar ve bulundukları cihaz hakkındaki bilgileri kullanıcılarına yine kendilerini belli etmeden gönderirler.

Casus yazılımların bir çok çeşidi olmakla birlikte genel anlamda 2 kategoride incelenebilirler.

1: Bilgisayarlar için olan casus yazılımlar (mspy)

2: Mobil cihazlar için olan casus yazılımlar (flexispy, mspy)

Bilgisayarlar için olan casus yazılımlar genelde keylogger olarak bilinen yazılımlardır ama aslında işlevleri açısından bakıldığında sadece keylogger değil bunun çok daha ötesinde çeşitli veri gönderimi yapabilen programlardır. Bu veriler arasında ses ve görüntü aktarımı dahil bilgisayarda olup biten hemen hemen her şey buna dahildir diyebiliriz.

Mobil casus yazılımlar ise hemen hemen yukarıda saydığımız tüm özelliklere sahip olan ve mobil cihazlar için kullanılan casus yazılımlardır. Bu programlar da aynı bilgisayar için olanlar gibi yüklendikleri mobil cihazdaki hemen hemen tüm verileri kullanıcılarına yine kendilerini belli etmeden aktarabilen programlardır.

Yukarıda sizlere kısaca bu yazılımların hangi cihazlarda kullanılabildiklerini özetlemeye çalıştık, biraz daha detaya girersek şunları sizlere belirtebiliriz. Bilgisayar için kullanılan casus programlar her türlü işletim sistemine sahip bilgisayara uygun olabilmektedir, ister PC isterseniz MAC istersenizde herhangi bir tablet olsun bu yazılımları kolay bir sekilde bu cihazlara yükleme yapmanız mümkündür.

Telefon takip programı için olan casus yazılımlar da yine çoğunlukla ister Android istersenizde IOS işletim sistemli telefonlara kolaylıkla yüklenebilirler.

Casus yazılımların kullanımı tabi ki belirli yasal koşullara bağlı kalınarak yapılmalıdır, aksi taktirde yasaların uygun görmediği bir kullanım yapmanız sizi kanunlar karşısında suçlu duruma düşürecektir bu yüzden sizlere tavsiyemiz bu tür bir casus yazılım kullanmadan önce yasal mevzuatı gözden geçirmeniz ve kanunlara uygun bir kullanım yaptığınızdan emin olmanızdır.

Casus yazılımlar genellikle ebeveynler tarafından çocuklarının güvenliklerini kontrol etmek amacıyla kullanıma sunulmaktadırlar. Daha ayrıntılı bilgi edinmek için yazılımı satın alacağınız yer ile de temasa geçebilirsiniz.

St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church

St. Barnabas' Church, pre-1911
As with many rural areas in the 18th and 19th Centuries, some of the main pillars and binding points of the community in Mill Creek Hundred were its houses of worship. Early arrivers like the Quakers, Presbyterians, and Episcopalians set up their churches and meeting houses as soon as there were enough members to fill them. Many of these were firmly in place by the mid-1700's. Later groups like the Methodists and Catholics were not far behind. Initially in MCH, with the slight exception of Stanton (Cuckoldstown), there were no real towns or villages to speak of. Congregations usually built their churches wherever someone would sell or donate land.

By the later 19th Century, though, a few small areas did manage to grow to at least village status. One of these locales was the mill town of Marshallton. The iron works there had been running and growing since the early 1800's, and the village with it. Additionally, just a short walk away sat the little factory village of Kiamensi. All the workers living there (or at least, most of them) attended one church or another each Sunday. The Presbyterians would walk up Duncan Road to Red Clay Creek Church, which wasn't too far away. The Methodists went to Stanton originally, until they built their own church in 1886.

The Episcopalians of Marshallton and Kiamensi had even further to go. They were forced to walk to either Old St. James Church on the other side of Stanton, or to the other St. James Church in Newport. By the late 1880's, Marshallton and Kiamensi residents began to take matters into their own hands. [I should note at this point that much of the following information comes from the wonderful history posted on the church's website, written by Judy Reinicker and others.] What would eventually become St. Barnabas Episcopal Church began as a church school sometime prior to 1890, working as an extension of St. James Church in Newport. There was no church building yet, and members simply met in each others houses.

At first it was run under the lay leadership of a young superintendent at the Marshallton Iron Works, William J. Robinson. In December 1890, it became a church mission, with Old St. James' Church rector Rev. Edward Eckel leading the first service. Eckel helped to organize the congregation, but was soon transferred away to another state. The first Wardens of the church were Robinson and W.W. Sudders.

The next chapter in the church's formation began a year and a half later, with a tragic event. In May 1892, William Robinson was thrown from a railroad car and struck by the engine. Several days later, on May 18, he died from his injuries. Already a leader in the community, Robinson was only 29 years old. The very next week a committee was formed to begin raising funds to build a chapel in memory of Robinson, and by June $600 had been raised. A lot was purchased on the northwest corner of Newport Road and Kiamensi Avenue from Mrs. Mary Flinn, widow of Vincent G. Flinn. $100 was paid for the lot, which according to stipulations in the deed (seen below) was expressly only to be used by the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware for the purposes of worship. You can click on the images for a larger version.

1892 Sale of land for the new church

Originally named Trinity Memorial Chapel (as noted in the deed), the cornerstone for the new church was laid in October 1892. On May 12, 1893, the new chapel was dedicated by Bishop Leighton Coleman, and given the name St. Barnabas'. For five and a half years the Episcopal residents of the Marshallton area worshiped in their new church, until fate again intervened in the story. On Christmas Eve 1898, the first St. Barnabas' church burned to the ground. This was, of course, not the end of the story. Members of the congregation soon got to work rebuilding the church, and the new building was consecrated on June 27, 1899. This is the building that still stands today.

St. Barnabas', after 1911
The next new addition to the church came in 1911, and should be obvious if you compare the photo above to the one at the top of the page. The belfry was dedicated in May 1911 by Rev. John Rigg. The bell it housed was rung at the beginning of each service, which apparently didn't thrill some of the neighbors at 8:00 AM on Sunday mornings. But ring it did, and as the area continued to grow, so did the congregation. In 1932, a parish hall building was constructed behind the church, giving the congregants room for even more activities. The hall can be seen at the rear of the church in the modern photo below. All this while, St. Barnabas' had still been operating as a mission of St. James Church, but in 1950 was officially organized as a separate parish.

The church and hall today
If you look closely at the above picture, you'll notice that the name over the door is not St. Barnabas'. The addition of the parish hall bought the church some more time, but in the years of suburban expansion following World War II the congregation continued to grow, on a pace to soon outgrow the little, old church on Newport Road. Whereas the original church building came about as the result of a death (that of William Robinson), the next phase of the church's story was also the result of a passing. This time the deceased was Frederick Bringhurst.

Bringhurst was the former president of the Marshallton Iron Works, and son of its one-time owner John R. Bringhurst. When Frederick died in 1955, he left 26 acres of land to St. Barnabas' Church. The property was located south of Kirkwood Highway, a roughly triangular tract bounded by the highway, Duncan Road, and Greenbank Road. Except for a few houses along the roads, it probably contained most of the land within those bounds.

The gift was quite generous, but was more land (and more valuable land) than the parish needed. They decided to sell the land (for $250,000) and in 1960 purchased nine acres about a mile to the north, off of Duncan Road. A new church was constructed there, and the first communion celebrated on Christmas Eve 1961. The old church was deconsecrated and sold in 1962. At first the cemetery was kept and maintained by parishioners, but soon it, too, was sold. The Marshallton church, now over 117 years old, is still used as a house of worship. It's currently owned by the Kings Assembly of God.

Since the move over a half century ago, St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church has continued to thrive. Its life has neatly reflected the changes in the area -- first starting as a village church when Marshallton was thriving, then transitioning to a suburban parish as the region became more suburbanized. The little church on Newport Road still stands proudly as a reminder of what the area was like at the turn of the 20th Century.

Hakan Demiray Kimdir?

hakan demiray sırt kası

Hakan Demiray profesyonel dövüşçü, egzersiz eğitmeni ve kickboks milli takım sporcusudur. 3 defa Türkiye Şampiyonluğu ve 1 defa Avrupa Üçüncülüğü vardır. Kariyerinde oldukça başarılı bir isimdir. Hakan Demiray'ın tanınmasındaki en büyük faktörlerder biri de Fear Factor adlı yarışma programıdır. Oldukça zorlayıcı görevlerin olduğu bu yarışmayı birincilikle tamamlamayı başarmıştır. Daha sonra WipeOut yarışmasında finalist olmuş ve yine bir yarışma programı olan BBG Evi'nde 3 bölüm boyunca fitness eğitmenliği yapmıştır.

hakan demiray kasları
Televizyonda sıkça boy gösteren Hakan Demiray aynı zamanda internet ortamında da bir çok içeriğe sahiptir. Uzman Tv'de 33 video içeriğine sahip Hakan Demiray aynı zamanda YouTube ve çeşitli web sitelerinde sayısız faydalı içeriğe sahiptir.

Hakan Demiray'ın YouTube kanalı için buraya tıklayın.

Hakan Demiray Boy ve Kilosu

Hakan Demiray 190 cm boya ve 95 kilo vücut ağırlığına sahiptir. Bulk dönemlerinde 110 kiloları zorladığı bilinmektedir.

Estetik Vücutlar kategorimizdeki diğer yazılara ulaşmak için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

Kişisel Yorumum : "Bir eğitmen olarak eğittiği sporcuların sayısı bellidir, ancak Hakan Demiray'ın internet ortamındaki faydalı içerikleri ile eğittiği insanların sayısı eminim ki çok fazladır. Şahsen ben de ondan çok şey öğrendim."


  From InCyprus 9/8/16

Unique Akaki ancient mosaic revealed (PICTURES & VIDEO)

The Antiquities Department has unveiled more images of a fascinating ancient mosaic floor recently uncovered in the Akaki area of Nicosia.

Dating back to the 4th century A.D., the mosaic depicts a chariot rate and also boasts a skilfully created geometric border as well as Ancient Greek writing in places.
According to the Antiquities Department on Tuesday, the mosaic is particularly noteworthy because it is the only one of its kind depicting chariot races to have been discovered in Cyprus, and because of its particularly high quality.
The mosaic shows the race in its entirety, encompassing its four different phases.
The names included in the epitaph appear to refer to the riders and one of the horses pulling the chariot, the Antiquities Department said.
There is great detail on the race course, including what appears to be a three copper dolphins used to depict how many times the racers had been around the course. The nine Muses can also be discerned.
According to the Antiquities Department announcement, excavations at the area began in 2013, initially revealing structures just a short way beneath the surface. Of particular interest were the remains of a 10 by 14 metre water tank which archaeologists believe would have once played an important part in village life.
No excavations were carried out in 2014 but the following year they focused on two sections of the site, south of the tank where part of the mosaic floor had been revealed in 2013, and east of the area where the remains of a structure had emerged.
The most recent excavations are focused on three areas. The first is north of the water tank where over and underground pipelines have been found and which archaeologists believe will shed light on how the water tank was filled and emptied.
The second area is west of the tank where the ground does not appear to have been covered in mosaic. Work here will continue in 2017. The third area is situated south of the tank where the remains of an arcade with a mosaic floor had been discovered in 2015.

Good Old Invaluable Index!

“Good old index. You can’t beat it.”– Sherlock Holmes, “The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire”

I agree with Holmes!

One of the delights of having a personal library, even a modest one like mine, is occasionally rediscovering a forgotten treasure. William D. Goodrich’s Good Old Index was just that for me.

For some forgotten reason I have two editions, the original from 1987 and The New Good Old Index from 1994. Both were published by Gasogene Press, then based in Dubuque. I keep the second one near my computer, where I know that I will refer to it often in the coming years.

The original “good old index” Sherlock Holmes’s giant book of clippings about all sorts of people, crimes, and phenomenon. His collection of M’s was a fine one, you will recall!  

Goodrich’s Index is a kind of Concordance to the Holmes Canon. Almost any topic you can think of shows up within its 602 pages, along with the story in which it appears and the page of its first reference in the most common edition the Canon, the Doubleday Complete Sherlock Holmes.

This is pure gold for a Sherlockian writing a scholarly article or a pastiche. For example, I have recently consulted the Indexto find which Canonical stories mention South African gold shares, secret societies, Sussex, Australia, South Africa, fog, fishing, the devil, ciphers and codes, Canada, wills, public houses, and commonplace books. And they were all there!

Lately I’ve been looking to trim my library, but this book is a keeper in both editions. 


Penitent Order

I take a caveman approach to weightlifting. I pride myself on how little I spend on gym stuff, yet still manage to hit new PR's and crush my short and long term goals. It's kinda my thing now. I am a testament that you don't need most of the shit our fitness industry pushes on consumers. That being said, there are some mission essential items anyone crossing over to the dark side needs to own. Think of them as graduation gifts for outgrowing (out lifting) your garbage mega gym. You are upgrading to an intimate environment that encourages hard work and real strength.  

Like any subculture, motherfuckers love spending money on flare. People wanna look the part before acting the part. I get it to a certain extent but be careful. Coming in hot with the coolest and newest accessories will leave you looking like a soup sandwich caught in the wind. You might as well walk into the gym wearing a sauna suit and ankle weights. How about you test your body before you test your credit card limit Mr. High-speed. Also, despite what your local GNC sales representative says, you don't need to place a down payment on a months supply of oversized, cool looking plastic containers with laughably absurd names.

Todd: "OK, the big day. The first day of my new year, new me program. Just gonna get some stretches in till this Smith machine squat rack open ups. Man, I am feeling a new PR today. Hope there is an extra bar cushion around here. Gonna quarter squat some heavy weight today. Don't wanna hurt my neck."

I found that recording my workouts is not only psychologically rewarding in a Patrick Bateman kind of way, but also great for two other things. First, it shows you quantitative evidence of progress and strength increase. This is crucial in motivating you to push yourself on days you feel weak or deflated. Looking back on your previous lifts, sets, and reps reminds you how far you have come in a short time. It gives you a standard to try and beat on the next session. Second, it hammers the skills for creating workouts, while teaching you to program your own workouts. No one knows you better than yourself. Learn from your previous lifts and adjust them to increase volume, weight, or reps. "Was it too heavy? too light? too black or too white? too wrong or too right? today or tonight. CUMBURRRRRRRSOME." Below is my actual lifting journal.The case is a tactical canvas from Rite In The Rain. The actual leather covered journal was from Barnes & Noble for $8 bucks.

Slots for pens and hi-liters. The Pilot G2 10 is the Rolls Royce of pens. I use it exclusively. Up your writing game player.

Example of how my journal is set up. Day, month, date, and lift scheduled. I give myself room to write notes about the lift if needed. I record the average rest time between certain sets. If the lift was incredibly successful or really hard I note it.
Closer look at my page set up.

I don't know anything about wraps so I am only talking sleeves here. I love knee sleeves. If you have wonky knees, trouble staying warm, or suffer from crippling self doubt when the weight starts getting real then sleeves are for you. I am certain about 60% of their effectiveness is a placebo, but none the less they made a big impact on my squat. There is something about that pressure and heat locked around my knee that makes me fee safe and confident. 

I don't use them every time I squat and I don't use them when warming / ramping up. I like to come in raw and squat with no flare. When I need that boost I throw em' on and keep climbing that weight. By far the best purchase I have ever made in my weightlifting career. I am ashamed it took me so long to get a pair.
I bought these Nordic sleeves on Amazon for $50.

 Never heard of this brand before I bought them but I fucking love them. Excellent craftsmanship, high quality material, triple stitched all around, and the seams mimic the bend of the knee so the wont crap out after a few months. When buying sleeves pay careful attention to the stitching. Don't settle for anything less than a triple stitch and make sure the seam isn't just straight up and down on the sides. Those things will break faster than a pair of booty-ass COBY headphones. I can't speak for any other sleeves personally, but I know my dudes at Rockwell Barbell love the American Barbell Club Premium knee sleeves. ABC is legit as fuck. Those dudes consistently put out high quality products. ABC is also veteran owned and operated. Well deserving of your money and business. 

ABC Premium Knee Sleeves. BUY EM HERE.

A belt is a game changer when flirting in the 80-90% range of your 1RM. It is also a must have when attempting new PR's. I own a weightlifting belt but admittedly I did not purchase it. It was given to me by a buddy who upgraded his belt game. Thus keeping my no money on gear reputation alive and well. A decent belt will cost you about $75-$125 dollars. Don't waste money buying a belt any cheaper than that. You want that Hollywood smooth leather to customize as your kill count in the rack increases. Belts are for lifters who are past the infant stage of weightlifting. Don't cinch yourself up in it and spend the whole lift in it. Frankly, its awkward. You are not 1950's In Shape Outta Shape Guy. Master your form and technique first. Save the belt for 80% and above.

For a really interesting insight into weightlifting belts and how important they are to some lifters, check out this article about a skinny turd who went to jail for 12 years and started bodybuilding while he was behind bars. A fascinating article about gym culture of American prisons. Highly recommended you read then ask yourself what your excuse is.

Daniel Genis is the author of the prison lifting article. This is his belt he made while behind bars.
"The Lone Rangers? That's original. How can you pluralize The Lone Ranger?"

Chuck Taylor's, old school Vans, or even no shoes. If they worked for Arnold they can work for me. Aesthetics brah'.
Another option is the Olympic shoes. I used to be hard line against them but as I continued the powerlifting lifestyle I realized they do indeed have a place in the gym. Above you can see Arnold squatting with his heel up on a 2X4. The elevated heel puts more work on the quads. Oly shoes mimic this foot placement. The shoes are expensive (around $120 and up) but you are only squatting in them so their long lifespan is well worth the higher price tag. 

If you are a cheap bastard like me then just place folded pieces of cardboard under your sole insert on the heel of your shoe. It is the same concept. Just make sure to change out the cardboard frequently.

You need to understand that making your body change requires only two things. Eating food and lifting heavy things. You don't need anything else. If prisoners can get huge without a premium membership on cafeteria rations then you need explain yourself. 

What is this fucking internet you speak of? is that for triceps or something? Ive been locked up since '87.
So to enhance nutrition we use supplements. These are not the foundation of your diet, these are the tools to give your transformation the advantage. The only three tools you absolutely need are: whey protein, a multi vitamin, and creatine. You can acquire all three for under $100. Plus, even with 2x a day usage they last longer than a month. 

For protein I use Premier Protein. I get it at Costco. It is low in sugar, great tasting, mixes incredibly well, and has 30g of protein per serving. What else are you expecting from protein? 

For multi-vitamins I usually buy store brand men's multi vitamin. Don't get the cheap shitty vitamins that cost $5 bucks for 250 pills. Don't get the $30 high charged, turbo enhanced, unique patent-pending formulated ones either. Compromise and just buy a mid range normal vitamin. They are like $10-14 dollars and last for months. I know you spend that on a single trip to Chipotle. 

For creatine I use Raw Barrel No Bull creatine. It is affordable, high quality, and consistent. Don't be a wet towel and buy some fruity flavor. Get the normal, unflavored, regular ass creatine. Mix it in warm water and put it down your throat. It takes 30 seconds. We gotta stop complicating shit. It's a supplement not a goddamn herbal cleanse. Drink it and move on with your life.  

When your dude walks out of the supplement store carrying something that requires two hands... It better be a fucking human head anything else would be a waste of money.
"What is the true face of a coward? The back of his head as he runs from battle."


Deadlift Straps
Straps are used by people with a weak grip. Which means you are weak. To get from weak to strong what do you do? You address your weakness and fix it. You don't insert a cheat code into a Game Genie and skip the hard stages. Grab the bar with your hands and pick it up. Again, why are we complicating simple shit? Just fucking lift the goddamn thing. 

GAIN GENIE DEADLIFT STRAPS! IGNORE THE WEAKNESS! STROKE YOUR EGO! Gain Genie Deadlift Straps are custom made to give you the illusion of false strength. Gain Genie staps are Instagram compatible right out of the box and will help capture every cant miss pull that is obviously too heavy for you.

Shin Guards 
 Scrapping your shins on the bar during a deadlift means you are doing it right. Pain is a feedback mechanism. Bruised and bloody shins are the meatheads equivalent of stripper knees. Wear you wounds with pride. I know you ain't moving 700lbs for reps. Loose the leg suit. It just messes with your head and gives you more shit to consider when moving weight.

Stripper Knees
Deadlift Shins
Is it even necessary for me to address this? Let us save the "no glove, no love" for copulating adults. Gloves are about as cool as a dick wart.

Elevation Masks
"#fitfam #beastmode training with Todd and Mandy for our 5k next month.  EAT CLEAN, TRAIN DIRTY." fucking barf.
It is no coincidence the person using altitude training mask for dumbbell curls and quarter squats is always the least fit person in the gym. Who are you trying to convince? We are suppose to believe you are some elite super athlete looking for the competitive advantage? GTFO. The elevation mask is the dunce cap of weightlifting. Is there also a sticker on your shirt that says be kind to me, it's my first day? I wish gyms had time out corners. The only approved elevation mask is a fucking U.S Government issued gas mask.

Most High, glorious Lucifer,
enlighten the darkness of my heart
and give me true faith,
certain hope and perfect charity,
strength and knowledge,
that I may carry out
Your true command.

Independent Automakers, Post-World War II, and Labor Unrest

Within the United States for a long period of time automobile production was dominated by "The Big Three" - General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler.  This dominance led to a nearly crushing control of the United States automobile market, however with the end of World War II an unusual combination of forces came together to create a strange temporary niche for smaller automobile manufacturers to break into the domestic United States market.  This fed a short early period in the 1950s where American consumers suddenly saw a collection of unusual and innovative cars appearing in the United States marketplace, until the Big Three were able to reassert their dominance.

From 1942 to 1945 the major labor unions within the United States entered into an informal bargain with the United States government, in exchange for no sanctioned strikes the federal government would support the "closed shop" model throughout the United States.  This compromise was seen as necessary to support the war production effort and unions throughout the United States worked to keep strikes to a minimum.  Workers however did go out on strike, usually small wildcat strikes that were not approved and not supported by the unions.  With the end of World War II in 1945 however President Truman decided that the United States economy needed to get back to normal as quickly as possible.  He drastically cut federal military spending and pushed for the United States domestic economy to transition back to civilian production.

Part of this shift to a post-war economy involved ending the high wages paid to workers that had been fueled by United States military spending.  This, in turn, provoked a massive wave of strikes that roiled the United States between 1945 to 1947.  This led to a period of unprecedented federal action against striking workers, including President Truman seizing entire industries and putting them under federal control to keep the economy functioning, using special emergency powers granted to fight World War II.  Hundreds of thousands of workers left their jobs, including mass strikes by organized automobile employees and steelworkers.  This, in turn, created shortfalls of domestic automobile production right after World War II, a period in which Americans were hungry for new cars, having just lived through a three year civilian car production drought and having ample funds saved from wartime higher rates of pay.

Where there is a shortage and a high level of demand, new suppliers will appear.  During the late 1940s even smaller independent car manufacturers had trouble shifting in new models, but the Big Three faced the same challenges.  So when the early 1950s rolled around an assortment of small manufacturers could offer a car hungry public something "different" at the same time the Big Three rolled out their new lines.  Sales numbers never came close to the Big Three but for a few magical years in the late 1940s and early 1950s, small car companies began to command noticeable market share.

Even some truly new ideas appeared, like the Tucker Torpedo above, which never really got off the ground but did catch a great number of people's eye.

A particularly odd addition to this early line-up, and a missed opportunity due to timing not being quite right, was the Nash Rambler.  This adorable little car was produced between 1950 to 1955 and captured a small segment of the American domestic market.  It occupied a new niche in the American market, fuel efficient, compact, economic cars built to high quality.  Unfortunately the majority of American car purchasers were looking for larger, more powerful, and more feature-laden automobiles at the time and the Nash Rambler didn't make the impact that was hoped.  Even after 1955, with the American Motors Corporation keeping the line alive for several more years, it just missed the mark.

That market segment didn't really explode until the 1960s, you might recognize that iconic car above as the major winner of that change in United States domestic car tastes.  Further challenges appeared in the 1970s with the oil price spikes and a shift to interest in Japanese compact cars.  It is interesting to note though that the Nash Rambler would have been ready for that market opening, if the timing had just been right. 

A niche carved out due, in large part, to the economic turmoil from 1945 to 1947 combined with a public crazy for new cars and willing to give the unusual a spin.

Sources:  Wikipedia articles on the Volkswagen Beetle, the Tucker 48 Torpedo, the Nash Rambler, the Strike Waves of 1945-1946, the Presidency of Harry S Truman, and Automotive History of the United States post-World War II, this article on World War II and post-World War II labor unrest, and American 'Independent' Automakers, AMC to Willys 1945 to 1960 part of the "Those Were The Days" series by Veloce Books.

Independent Automakers, Post-World War II, and Labor Unrest

Within the United States for a long period of time automobile production was dominated by "The Big Three" - General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler.  This dominance led to a nearly crushing control of the United States automobile market, however with the end of World War II an unusual combination of forces came together to create a strange temporary niche for smaller automobile manufacturers to break into the domestic United States market.  This fed a short early period in the 1950s where American consumers suddenly saw a collection of unusual and innovative cars appearing in the United States marketplace, until the Big Three were able to reassert their dominance.

From 1942 to 1945 the major labor unions within the United States entered into an informal bargain with the United States government, in exchange for no sanctioned strikes the federal government would support the "closed shop" model throughout the United States.  This compromise was seen as necessary to support the war production effort and unions throughout the United States worked to keep strikes to a minimum.  Workers however did go out on strike, usually small wildcat strikes that were not approved and not supported by the unions.  With the end of World War II in 1945 however President Truman decided that the United States economy needed to get back to normal as quickly as possible.  He drastically cut federal military spending and pushed for the United States domestic economy to transition back to civilian production.

Part of this shift to a post-war economy involved ending the high wages paid to workers that had been fueled by United States military spending.  This, in turn, provoked a massive wave of strikes that roiled the United States between 1945 to 1947.  This led to a period of unprecedented federal action against striking workers, including President Truman seizing entire industries and putting them under federal control to keep the economy functioning, using special emergency powers granted to fight World War II.  Hundreds of thousands of workers left their jobs, including mass strikes by organized automobile employees and steelworkers.  This, in turn, created shortfalls of domestic automobile production right after World War II, a period in which Americans were hungry for new cars, having just lived through a three year civilian car production drought and having ample funds saved from wartime higher rates of pay.

Where there is a shortage and a high level of demand, new suppliers will appear.  During the late 1940s even smaller independent car manufacturers had trouble shifting in new models, but the Big Three faced the same challenges.  So when the early 1950s rolled around an assortment of small manufacturers could offer a car hungry public something "different" at the same time the Big Three rolled out their new lines.  Sales numbers never came close to the Big Three but for a few magical years in the late 1940s and early 1950s, small car companies began to command noticeable market share.

Even some truly new ideas appeared, like the Tucker Torpedo above, which never really got off the ground but did catch a great number of people's eye.

A particularly odd addition to this early line-up, and a missed opportunity due to timing not being quite right, was the Nash Rambler.  This adorable little car was produced between 1950 to 1955 and captured a small segment of the American domestic market.  It occupied a new niche in the American market, fuel efficient, compact, economic cars built to high quality.  Unfortunately the majority of American car purchasers were looking for larger, more powerful, and more feature-laden automobiles at the time and the Nash Rambler didn't make the impact that was hoped.  Even after 1955, with the American Motors Corporation keeping the line alive for several more years, it just missed the mark.

That market segment didn't really explode until the 1960s, you might recognize that iconic car above as the major winner of that change in United States domestic car tastes.  Further challenges appeared in the 1970s with the oil price spikes and a shift to interest in Japanese compact cars.  It is interesting to note though that the Nash Rambler would have been ready for that market opening, if the timing had just been right. 

A niche carved out due, in large part, to the economic turmoil from 1945 to 1947 combined with a public crazy for new cars and willing to give the unusual a spin.

Sources:  Wikipedia articles on the Volkswagen Beetle, the Tucker 48 Torpedo, the Nash Rambler, the Strike Waves of 1945-1946, the Presidency of Harry S Truman, and Automotive History of the United States post-World War II, this article on World War II and post-World War II labor unrest, and American 'Independent' Automakers, AMC to Willys 1945 to 1960 part of the "Those Were The Days" series by Veloce Books.