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Kebe nedir ve ne işe yarar ?

Kebe : Bir isimdir . Çobanların giydiği bir üstlüktür . Çobanları farklı hava şartlarında korur .

Looking Back: November

November was one of those months where you feel kind of relaxed and you think you have plenty of time until Christmas and then all of a sudden, you get a slap in the face because it's already Thanksgiving and the advent calendars are about to come out. This November I even scheduled a couple of "free" days in order to get some of my December errands done early, but they quickly became "non-free days" or at the very least "not as productive as I wanted them to be" days.

Running: This month I did have a couple of long weekend runs (20 + 20 + 18 miles respectively). That coupled with a race gave me a grand total for the month of 126 miles. Aside from a run or two on the weekends, I have not been doing a lot of weekly workouts. However, I did rack up 20 miles of hiking, 18 miles of cycling and 3 strength training sessions. My goal for December is to do at least 2 strength training sessions per week.

Reading: I only read 4 books in November, which on one hand is a bit surprising since I did travel for work. However, on the other hand, when traveling on the plane I watched movies instead of reading (The Theory of Everything, The Imitation Game). Also, one of the books I read was 849 pages long and it took me a while to finish! The four books were:

A Spool of Blue Thread (3 stars)
Into Thin Air (4 stars)
11/22/63 (4 stars)
A Tale For The Time Being (3 stars)

Travel: November was (mostly) a month of  doing things around my local area. I spent a couple of weekends going over to Marin to run on the Dipsea trail, I had my Dad visit and we worked on some things around the house, I had people over for dinner, and I met up with friends for hikes. In addition, I hosted 17 people for Thanksgiving at my house, which went over pretty well in my opinion!

I did travel for work to New York, and I spent a fun time with old friends in Brooklyn and Queens before heading over to Manhattan for two days in the office there. My favorite thing to do in the city is to eat and I did plenty of that! I had great Haitian meat pies in Brooklyn and Russian food in Queens, and then in Manhattan went to two great restaurants: Deux Amis and NoMad.

I am looking forward to January when it will be a bit more relaxed and I can finally do that project in the yard that I have been meaning to do for the last 6 months (wow, has it really been 6 months already?). Until then, there will be a barrage of Christmas parties (I have 3 in the next week alone!) and a bit of shopping and cookie making and eating and visiting and hosting. And eating.

How did November go for you? What is your favorite Christmas cookie (to make or to eat)? How many Holiday parties will you be attending this year? 

Sherlock Holmes or Solar Pons? Both!

My reading of the earliest issues of The Baker Street Journal, from 1946 and 1947, has yielded surprise after surprise - and all of them pleasant.

Vol. 1, No. 3, for example, includes a work of fiction I had read before, August Derleth's "The Adventure of the Circular Room." I turned to it with the pleasurable anticipation of spending some time in the company of Derleth's Solar Pons.

The Pons stories are often considered pastiches, and Pons himself simply Holmes under another name. But Pons devotees will tell you that the relationship between the two sleuths is more complicated than that and that Pons is more than Holmes.

At any rate, I lifted my eyebrow before the end of the first line of the story. What was this reference to "a year in the nineties?" The Pons stories all take place in the twentieth century, just after the last of the Holmes stories. But this was a Holmes story! That became clear when the sentence ended with ". . . brought to the attention of Sherlock Holmes."

It turns out that the story I had read as a Pons tale in The Memoirs of Solar Pons was first published as a flat-out Holmes pastiche in the BSJ and anthologized decades later in that form by Marvin Kaye in The Game 's Afoot. And yet . . .

There is a funny thing about that. A few pages into the original BSJ/Sherlock Holmes version of the story appears a sentence which starts, "Holmes sat touching the lobe of one ear with his long, bony fingers for a few minutes." This ear-touching, which always reminds me of Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon, is a typical gesture - of Pons, not Holmes!

The meaning of that I leave to your deduction.

That same issue of the BSJ has several other interesting elements: Manly Wade Wellman, in "The Great Man's Great Son," speculates that Sherlock Holmes sired a son - Jeeves, not Nero Wolfe! And James Bone writes a letter from Undershaw, Arthur Conan Doyle's one-time home, when it was being used as a hotel.

All issues of the Baker Street Journal up to 2011 are available on a single DVD as the eBSJ.

Rahip Honoré Fabri kimdir ve ne yapmıştır ?

Rahip Honoré Fabri : Cizvit bilginidir . Roma ‘ da 1688 ‘ de ölmüştür . Lyon ‘ da felsefe ve matematik okuttu . Astronomiyle ilgilendi . Galileo ‘ ya hücum etti . Harvey ‘ den ayrı olarak kan dolaşımını keşfetti . Kendisi alanında uzman ve başarılı bir bilgindir . 

Paleolitik Çağ ‘ da neler yaşanmıştır ?

Paleolitik Çağ ‘ da neler yaşanmıştır ?
Günümüzden 2 ,5 milyon yıl önce başlayan paleolitik çağda mesela Neandertal insanı yaşamıştır .
Bu insanlar Buzul Çağı ‘ nda yaşadıkları için vücutları bu çağa uyum göstermiştir . Ölüleri gömme davranışı ilk kez neandertallerde görülmeye başlanmıştır .
Paleolitik çağa eski taş çağı da denilmektedir .Bu çağda taştan özellikle obsidyenden aletler yapılmıştır .
Homo ergaster yaşadığı zaman büyük ve birlikte avlanmalar gerçekleşmiştir . Bu insanlar ateşi bulmuşlardır . Ve de iyi bir iletişim kurabilmekteydiler .

İnsan hominini ailesinin bir üyesidir . Ve de maymunda gelme bir yaşam tarzı göstermemiş bu günkü primatların yapamadığı şeyleri örneğin uzaya çıkma eylemini göstermiştir . 

Korecede 미 [mi] olumsuzluk ön eki

Türkçemizde de yer alan, olumsuzluk belirten bazı ön ekler ("NAmümkün, Bİhaber") bulunmaktadır. Bunlar her ne kadar öz türkçeden değil, farsça'dan vs. gelse de sıklıkla kullandığımız ekler ve kelimelerdir. Bunun gibi Korecede de olumsuzluk belirten ve önüne geldiği kelimeyi olumsuz yapan ekler bulunmaktadır.
Bunlardan biri de "미 [mi] " ön ekidir.

Sözlükteki karşılığı;
(일부 명사 앞에 붙어) ‘그것이 아직

Broadway'in Yeşil Devi sömestirde İstanbul'da! Shrek The Musical Zorlu PSM’de!

Kalbi de en az kendisi kadar dev olan Shrek'in beyaz perdeden Broadway'e taşınan öyküsü, Zorlu Performans Sanatları Merkezi'ne taşınıyor.

Shrek'le tanışmamıza vesile olan şimdilik toplam dört filmin animasyon dünyasındaki yeri ve önemini tartışmaya gerek bile yok. DreamWorks tarafından William Steig'in 1990 tarihli, Shrek! isimli kitabından uyarlanan serinin ilk ayağı, animasyon

ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Christmas Designs Are in Store!!!

Check Out the Designs
We Made for You!

Fabius Vibulanus Quintus kimdir ?

Fabius Vibulanus Quintus : Bir Roma konsülüdür . M.Ö. 465 , 457 ve 459 ‘ da konsüllük yaptı . Fabius sülalesinin ( Genç Fabius ) çeşitli dalları ondan türedi . Konsüllüğü zamanında Sabinlere karşı zaferler kazandı . Decemviratus ‘ a katıldı . Başarılı bir konsüllük dönemi geçirmiştir .

Kim Chang Geun & Hwang Chul Soon

Kim Chang Geun & Hwang Chul Soon
Post Work Out Selfies 
Fall 2015