Using free weights activates more core muscles as well other muscles to stabilize the body. Standing offers even more muscle recruitment. We don't go to the gym to sit! Get up and crank it with free weights!!!!
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Free Weights or Machines?
Using free weights activates more core muscles as well other muscles to stabilize the body. Standing offers even more muscle recruitment. We don't go to the gym to sit! Get up and crank it with free weights!!!!
Monday Escapes
That wasn't so hard at all, was it?

Hope you enjoy the view from the top...
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Images via Travelmoon |
Faure Mandoline and other songs by Souzay and Baldwin PHILIPS
Japanese edition. Mandoline And other songs PHILIPS.part1.rar Mandoline And other songs PHILIPS.part2.rar Mandoline And other songs PHILIPS.part3.rar Mandoline And other songs PHILIPS.part4.rar
Brian Yersky
Marcello,Vivaldi,Mozart,Leclair Oboe concertos by Holliger ,PHILIPS
Japan edition,Full scan and lossless img+cue,Marcello,Vivaldi,Mozart Oboe concertos Holliger Philips.part1.rar,Marcello,Vivaldi,Mozart Oboe concertos Holliger Philips.part2.rar,Marcello,Vivaldi,Mozart Oboe concertos Holliger Philips.part3.rar,Marcello,Vivaldi,Mozart Oboe concertos Holliger Philips.part4.rar
Parti yöneticileri ise mektubu "şantaj" olarak nitelendirirken, "Fitne girişimi, içimize nifak tohumu ekmek istiyorlar" değerlendirmesini yaptı
Uluslararası Anayasa Kongresi'nin kapanış oturumu için İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Cemil Birsel Konferans Salonu'na gelen Kuzu, açılışta olduğu gibi protestoyla karşılaştı. Kuzu'ya konuşmak için söz verildiği sırada salonda bulunan bir kız ayağa kalkarak ayakkabısını fırlattı. Ayakkabı, Burhan Kuzu'ya kadar ulaşmadı. Güvenlik görevlileri protestocu genç kıza müdahale etti. öğrenci olduğu belirtilen genç kız, önce salondan ardından fakülteden çıkarıldı. Ayakkabısının biri olmadığı görülen genç kız, kapı önünde bekleyen arkadaşları tarafından karşılandı. Kısa süreli baygınlık geçiren protestocu genç kız, daha sonra fakülte önünden uzaklaştı.
Bu arada salon girişinde toplanan öğrencilerin protestosu nedeniyle de polis çevrede geniş güvenlik önlemleri aldı.
Argerich Plays Schumann EMI
This Schumann program, recorded live, features two quintets and two duos, including one of his most popular works, the Piano Quintet, and one of his most obscure, the Andante and Variations for two pianos, two cellos, and horn. The performances here, by eight great players with towering personalities who will go to any length to bring out and underline character, contrast, and expression, are technically stunning, tonally gorgeous, and emotionally voluptuous. This is Schumann played with rapturous romantic ardor and great freedom rather than poetic tenderness, inwardness, and restraint. The fast movements are wild and tempestuous, the slow ones languidly dreamy; dynamics range from whispers to explosions; rhythmic liberties and tempo changes are extreme. However, there is no doubt that all these excesses represent a genuine response to the music, not a striving for cheap external effect. Martha Argerich, who participates in every piece, puts her inimitable stamp on all of them, but always as an equal partner. Only in the Variations with their predominant piano parts (Schumann actually recast them for two pianos) does she seize and enjoy the opportunity for soloistic abandon. The cello version of the Fantasy Pieces with Natalia Gutman and the Fairy Tale Pictures with Nabuko Imai are extremely free, with lots of lingering, speeding up, and slowing down, but the playing evokes a fantastic, spooky fairyland atmosphere, going from hesitant and wistful to jaunty and exuberant. The lovely final Fairy Tale is both a lullaby and a valediction, its hauntingly beautiful melody drifting away into sleep and dreams. --Edith Eisler# Piano Quintet in E flat major, Op. 44
Composed by Robert Schumann
with Mischa Maisky, Martha Argerich, Nobuko Imai, Lucia Hall, Dora Schwarzberg
# Andante & Variations for 2 pianos, 2 cellos & horn in B flat major, WoO 10 (original version of Op. 46)
Composed by Robert Schumann
with Mischa Maisky, Martha Argerich, Alexandre Rabinovitch, Natalia Gutman, Marie-Luise Neunecker
# Phantasiestücke (3 Fantasy Pieces) for clarinet (or cello or violin) & piano, Op. 73
Composed by Robert Schumann
with Martha Argerich, Natalia Gutman
# Märchenbilder for viola (or violin) & piano, Op. 113
Composed by Robert Schumann
with Martha Argerich, Nobuko Imai - Schumann EMI.part1.rar - Schumann EMI.part2.rar - Schumann EMI.part3.rar
Krystian Zimerman Plays Schubert
Performer: Krystian Zimerman (Piano)
Period: Romantic
Written: 1827; Vienna, Austria
Date of Recording: 02/1990
Venue: Rudolf-Oetker-Halle, Bielefeld, Germany
Length: 28 Minutes 18 Secs.
2. Impromptus (4) for Piano, D 935/Op. 142 by Franz Schubert
Performer: Krystian Zimerman (Piano)
Period: Romantic
Written: 1827; Vienna, Austria