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USA etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
USA etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Modern Spartan from Florida - Nick Pulos (2)

As you have maybe noticed, Nick Pulos with his impressive size is the most popular giant on Muscle Lover's blog and he is also a muscular fashion icon on Instagram. So, I decided to post some more selected stuff of him. 

Justin Metrando from the USA

Justin Metrando is an amateur Super-Heavyweight bodybuilder living in New York, USA. He first competed at the NPC New York Grand Prix 2016 (2nd, Super-Heavyweight Class) and he won the Overall Title of the same contest in 2018. 
He wants to get even bigger and we are sure that he will succeed in his goal. Keep up the good work Justin!

Country: USA
Birthdate: ?
Height: 175cm/5'9''
Competition weight: +100kg/220lb
Off season weight: 115kg/255lb