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NASA'nın Fotoğraflarındaki UFO'lar!

İşte nasanın geçmişte çektiği fotoğraflardaki ufo görüntüleri,20 Temmuz 1969’da insanoğlunun Ay'a ilk kez ayak basışının 40. yıl dönümüne yaklaşılırken Apollo 11, 12, 15 ve 16 numaralı görevlerde Ay üzerinde astronotlarca görüntülenen tanımlanamayan uçan nesne (UFO) fotoğrafları, açığa çıktı.

NASA'nın Fotoğraflarındaki UFO'lar!

NASA'nın Fotoğraflarındaki UFO'lar!

NASA'nın Fotoğraflarındaki UFO'lar!

NASA'nın Fotoğraflarındaki UFO'lar!

NASA'nın Fotoğraflarındaki UFO'lar!

NASA'nın Fotoğraflarındaki UFO'lar!

NASA'nın Fotoğraflarındaki UFO'lar!

NASA'nın Fotoğraflarındaki UFO'lar!

Everyone Who's Been to Antarctica Can't Wait to Return

Imagine 140,000 penguins across a full square mile of Antarctic land: an entire world of birds that reach your thigh, perfectly dressed in feathery formal wear, busily shuffling across the rocks and mud.

They clean themselves constantly, and actively defend themselves, their territory and their chicks from skuas and seals that come too close. The little penguin chicks are always demanding food. These little brown fluff balls chatter incessantly and hit their heads on their parents? gullets to ask for food. The parents always have a ready supply of food for their chicks. Once the now-full mother returns from feeding, she and the father perform a ritualistic dance of bows and pecks. Then the father takes a turn in the ocean.

Believe it or not, there is nothing cute about penguins. They're loud and smell bad, as well as aggressive little things. Nevertheless, people still travel to Antarctica just for the chance to be close to these flightless birds.

There's more to Antarctica than just penguins, though. There is a slew of wildlife to witness, such as seals, whales, dolphins, and tons of other sea birds, and the landscape and seascape are breathtaking. You may see glacier spires that put some of the cathedrals in Europe to shame. If you are one of the brave, then you can always take a trip to see a remote setting where hardly anyone has gone before. Antarctica is the world's final hinterland.

Finding your way to Antarctica is a huge part of the fun. The actual voyage, though expensive, will thrill you to the core, and isn't one often taken. If leaving from the United States, the air travel just to get to a southern port alone, like Ushuaia, Argentina, is going to take at least 20 hours. There are other places you can travel to in order to get to an embarkation point, like Punta Arenas, Chile, Christchurch, New Zealand, or Cape Town, South Africa. The only way to reach Antarctica is by water, so you'll have to travel through a few days of difficult oceans before reaching your destination.

It's bigger than the entirety of the United States And Mexico combined, the continent weighs so much that the earth indents in that spot. It holds 70 percent of our planet's fresh water reserves, and when combined with all the ice shelves that surround it, is larger than Europe, Greenland and North America combined. Cruises last from ten to twenty-eight days. You can also choose from ships that host between 75 and 200 passengers. Prepare for a different type of ship than those that cruise the Caribbean or Mediterranean. For instance, instead of casinos you can go to, you will be able to attend lectures about Antarctica.

You may wish to visit a penguin rookery, seal colony, or science research center on Antarctica. The ship will transport passengers to the continent on smaller rafts to do so.
These research facilities are manned by peoples from five different countries, all of whom have signed an agreement which keeps Antarctica free from commercial interests, borders, and nuclear weapons, keeping it safe for science.

Some say tourism is Antarctica is a huge mistake. One option of tourism was stopped in 1979 with the crash of a DC-10. All 257 people on board lost their lives, and no more flyovers were allowed. Environmentalists remain concerned that there will someday be a jumbo jet which will bring countless tourists to this pristine land for luxury vacations, and destroy the delicate balance of nature. One of the most active debates between politicians, scientists, and environmentalists is whether or not tourism to Antarctica should be a limited thing. There are two sides to the debate, and the first is the fight to protect Antarctica. The second argument states that most tourists who have seen Antarctica first hand come out with a new attitude on protecting the environment.

Currently, Antarctic tourists are not regulated. Those who do choose to visit Antarctica should follow the basic rules of ecotourism, however. You can only take pictures, leave only footprints, and stay away from the natives. Clothing that allows for layering is the best choice for this trip. Pack you own waffle-soled, waterproof boots and plenty of extra socks. Most ships will supply you with a down-filled parka. Make sure you have your camera. Also make sure you've packed your sunglasses and strong sunscreen. You can't run to the corner convenience store in Antarctica.

Geger Hill Tourism

Geger hill is located approximately 30 km southeast of the City Bangkalan, precisely in the village of Geger, District Geger. This hill is located at an altitude of about 150-200 meters above sea level.
According to the folk legend, Geger hill was the first place that had been visited by the first civilian who came in Madura. On 7-8 Century, it was Patih Pranggulan from Mendangkawulan kingdom in the the foothill of Semeru became the first man who landed in Planggirân ( a set of rocks) in Geger hill. At that time he came together with Princess Dewi Ratna Roroagung, the daughter of Mendangkawulan king, and she was pregnant.
Both Patih Pranggulan and Princess Dewi Ratna Roroagung which was called as Putri Koneng or Koneng princess was castaway. At geger hill, the princess Koneng was always did meditation at the edge of the cliff, everyday before the sunset. Now, the rock that seems like chair is being called as Palènggiyân (Madura).
Relating the folk legend above, in geger hill, there are five legendary caves in the form of Madurese language, like Petapan cave (the cave for meditation), Goa Potre (princess cave ), Goa Planangan (men cave), Goa Pancong Pote (white lynch cave) and Goa Olar (Snake Cave).
Up to now, in that location there are some visitors from Madura or the outside Madura come to those sites doing some meditating or praying, the local people call this as Tirakatan.
Geger hill is such a potential destination in Madura, for it has camping ground for those who want to explore more about this hill. Moreover, there is also Acacia forest, Mahogany forest and Teak forest that covering 42 hectares of the hil. We can see the beautiful rice field and some lakes over the sightseeing and a resort on the hilltop of Pelanggiran site. Furthermore, it become more potential to be the tourism destination in Bangkalan because this site is having the historical background of the first founding of Madura.

Guatemala: The Wonder of Tikal

The Mayan Ruins of Tikal are a place of wonder--like the Egyptian Pyramids it is difficult to conceive the tenacity and engineering it took to build these structures thousands of years ago.  Also, a wonder that after only a short jaunt on a propeller plane from the urban sprawl of Guatemala City you can be transported into this other world.
The grandiose Ceiba Tree with it's furling red tendrils, could easily be the inspiration for the giant trees in the movie Avatar, especially with the Mayan beliefs of its spiritual underpinnings.
Images via Travelmoon
Climbing the steep stairways of multiple temples was sometimes treacherous, especially those stairs leading to the "scary temple" so named because of what appeared to be a stairway that was 90 degrees vertical, but the top of the temples afforded undeniably the best views of what felt like the entire expanse of Guatemala.

Downfall Trailer

"Kannada movie - Rajani - Upendra, Aarti Chhabria, Komal Kumar"

Rajani 2009 Kannada Movie Watch Online
Rajani  Kannada Movie Watch Online Informations :

Director : Thriller Manju
Producer : Ramu

Genre : Action, Comedy
Language : Kannada
Cast : Upendra, Aarti Chhabria, Komal Kumar
Rajani 2009 Kannada Movie Watch Online Full Movie

History of Rice

The Chinese and Vietnamese were the first people who grew rice during 10,000 to 4000 B.C., then its spread to srilanka, India, southern European countries and northern Africa. During 19th century British introduced rice into America.

Great Greek Philosophers

*Socrates ( 469 BC–399 BC) condemned to death for "corrupting youth of Athens".*Plato (428 BC – 347 BC) a student of Socrates, founder of Academy.*Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC)  a student of Plato & teacher of Alexander the great, son of Philip of Macedon.