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Antarctica etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Antarctica etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Antarctica - Much More Than Your Usual Vacation

Planning and implementing unique travel experiences is becoming a booming business for Americans. Americans are tired of going to the usual spots like Mexico and Monte Carlo. The Caribbean no longer draws those who have cruised there before. They are tired of the usual, safe spots and want to see something...

Port Lockroy is a beautiful natural harbour on Goudier Island

Like many sites currently occupied in Antarctica, it was used by the whaling industry after its discovery in 1903.A British base was established in 1944 (British base "A") and it is now designated a "historic site" under the Antarctic Treaty. Since 1996, the base has been opened during the summer months...

Mount Erebus

Mount Erebus (elevation: 12,444 feet, 3,794 m) is on Ross Island in the Ross Sea. Erebus is an active volcano with a convecting lava lake within a summit crater. It has been continuously active since 1972. Most eruptions are small and Strombolian in character, tossing bombs onto the crater rim. The...

The Lemaire Channel

Possibly the most famous and visually beautiful place along the peninsula.Enormous sheer cliffs drop straight into the sea. A narrow channel flanked by the Antarctic Peninsula on one side and Booth Island on the other. The mundane nickname of 'Kodak Gap' hints at the nature of the location (it brings...

The Ross Ice Shelf

The Ross Ice Shelf was originally called the Ross Ice Barrier because it prevented ships from sailing south. It is the largest ice shelf in the southern hemisphere and encompasses an area of square miles (487,000 sq km). The ice shelf is approximately 600 km) long and the surface area rises between...

Everyone Who's Been to Antarctica Can't Wait to Return

Imagine 140,000 penguins across a full square mile of Antarctic land: an entire world of birds that reach your thigh, perfectly dressed in feathery formal wear, busily shuffling across the rocks and mud.They clean themselves constantly, and actively defend themselves, their territory and their chicks...

Antarctica Tourism Brings You An Extreme Vacation

Trying to decide where to go on your next holiday? If you are a person who loves to travel but is starting to feel like you’ve seen it all maybe you are ready for a real adventure. Maybe now is the time for you to branch out and forget about tropical getaways, European experiences or visits to ancient...