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Panik atak birdenbire ortaya çıkan korku,baş dönmesi, beyinde sıkışma hissi,titreme,kontrolünü kaybetme duygusu,bacaklarda güçsüzlük hissi ve birdenbire panik bir şekilde gelen güvensizlik hissi olarak kendini gösteren görünürde kişide herhangi bir şey yokmuş gibi görünen bir psikolojik rahatsızlıktır.

Ne zaman nasıl geleceği belli olmadığı için insanları çok kaygılandırır. Hatta dehşet düzeyde korku yaşatır. Çok doktor gezersiniz, acil servislerle içli dışlı olursunuz; fakat çare bulamazsınız. Sizi sakinleştiricilerle yatıştırıp "Bir şeyin yok." deyip evinize yollarlar.
Günümüzde en fazla ilaçla tedavi ediliyor. İlaçlar semptomu yatıştırıp sizi epeyce rahatlatıyor ama yaşam olaylarınız hakkında düzelme yapmıyor malesef. Olup bitenlere karşı duyarsızlaştırıyor. Geçici çözüm oluyor bir anlamda. Bu yüzden panik atak tedavisinde mutlaka kararlı bir şekilde uzman doktorlardan psikolojik tedavi alınması gerekmektedir.

Needlecraft March 1931

Go back 80 years........

You have just received your March issue of Needlecraft in the mail. You turn to the third page and you are enchanted with the article titled "Kitchen Aprons - Having Distinctive Charm".

"With a length of unbleached cotton, plenty of bias-fold and some charming designs for decoration, the construction of a fetching and practical apron is easy for any modern needlewoman." The first paragraph proclaims!

Starting on the left, "Ship Ahoy" has rose binding and black outline embroidery. "Lucky Clover" is of course- green applique clovers with green binding. Next is "Bonnibel" with blue bellflower appliques and blue binding. "Ringflower" is bound in lavender with flowers of rose, lavender and blue.

They are still enchanting after 80 years! I wish I had the patterns for them. Some day I am going to draft the patterns for them. I love the appliques and embroidery! Can't you just see them in your mind's eye in color?!


İşte brezilyada çekilen muhteşem ufo videosu,ufo çok net bir şekilde görüntülenebilmiş videonun sonlarına doğru ise sanki yere iniyor ve kayboluyor.Şuana kadar izlediğim en net görüntülerden bir tanesi.

Na Muang Waterfalls

Na Muang Waterfalls, a set of two waterfalls, are the finest natural scenery on Samui island. The waterfalls are located just 10 kms south of Nathon near Ban Thurian.

The first level of Na Muang Waterfalls is 18 m high and tourists can easily take a vehicle to reach there as it is at the end of the road. The second level of falls is about 80 m high and a 30 minute walk is the only way to reach them. The second level is less frequently visited even though they are arguably the prettiest falls on the island and worth the walk. If you prefer to experience the elephant ride into the forest, Na Muang Safari located at the cross roads and can take you for a wild ride.

Chittagong Naval Beach - Beauty of a River Meeting the Sea

The Naval Beach is not that much popular as it is not considered as traditional travel destinations such as sea beaches, mountains or waterfalls. But trust me; you would not be able to deny its beauty having seen it!

I would recommend starting the journey, which should not take more than 40 minutes from city center, in the afternoon so it is late afternoon when you reach there. The journey itself would become a pleasure as the road runs along the river and wonderful riverside scenery! Suddenly you might find yourself lost into the vastness of the sea when the road takes a steep turn and the riverbanks seem to vanish into the near horizon. You would not be able to praise the sunset here but you will certainly enjoy the river and sea glowing red!

The whole thing gets a whole lot better as the night falls. The twilight created by the lights coming from the docked or mid-river ships is sure to give you an unearthly feeling! The cool sea air into your hair would give you somewhat heavenly experience. It is hard to keep track of time and you will only realize that it is getting late when your stomach starts to growl in hunger. Not to worry, you could satisfy it with some mouthwatering food from restaurants nearby!

The good thing about visiting Chittagong Naval beach is that you can visit some other beautiful places like Potenga beach, Foy's Lake, Vatiari Eco park, hilltop canteen etc. Going to naval beach from Chittagong main city can be easier. You could take a bus, train or even airplane if you wish to! If you do not have your own ride, you could take a CNG; the fair is not more than BDT 100. There are many hotels in Chittagong where you can stay for the duration of your visit. The city, specially the naval beach is safer than any part of this country even late into the night, so security is not a headache. It would be better not to plan the travel on a Friday as too much crowd is likely to ruin your holiday.

So do not waste another vacation! Go out there and enjoy whatever the Port city Chittagong has to offer and I am telling you, your vacation is not long enough to take all of it!

Hotel Spotlight: Colony Palms Hotel

The Colony Palms Hotel first grabbed my attention in Bali of all places.  Too much adrenaline after traveling through multiple time zones, date lines, and countries left me wide awake on that first night flipping through TV channels.  

I came across a show that was featuring a "new" hotel in Palm Springs.  When U.S. shows air abroad, you can never be sure whether it is current or 10 years old!  Turns out the hotel was built in 2007.  

The owner/developer Steve Ohren was collaborating with designer Martyn Lawrence-Bullard to renovate a hotel that used to be a vacation spot for young Hollywood royalty in eras past, but had now fallen into disrepair.  His vision was a Moroccan inspired oasis that rivaled the new crop of downtown Palm Springs hotels.

I was fixated on the show, and couldn't believe I had never heard of the hotel, especially since I frequent Palm Springs at least a couple times a year.  Somehow this gem had slipped under my radar, losing out to the flashier and quirkier hotels like the Viceroy, Parker, Ace, and Riviera. 

I finally got a chance to see the hotel with my own eyes on my recent trip.   I am drawn to a globally influenced style, but was wary of a Moroccan themed hotel, wondering how it would jive with the typical Palm Springs mid century modern or Hollywood Regency look.  Upon driving up to the entrance I understood the concept, with the Spanish Colonial exterior, the globally inspired interior more than worked, it wowed.  

There is a speakeasy below that Ohren had discussed renovating on the TV show, but I discovered that this didn't come to pass as it failed inspection.  I took solace in being able to hang out at the restaurant bar decorated in a soothing green and purple palette with palm trees adorning the walls.

The hotel has garnered rave reviews and I was immediately entranced with the cozy lobby, plunking down on the plush couches and chairs, we ended up spending hours talking before dinner.  I would love to return with my husband: small and intimate it would make quite the romantic retreat.

Images via Colony Palms Hotel


What I Miss, A Haircut and More

When traveling, you oftentimes really want something, something you get at home all the time and take for granted ALL THE TIME. You don't realize you liked it until, voila, it is gone. Here are a few of those things.

- Free refill coffee -- the coffees abroad are tiny and they take forever to get to your table and there are no refills. I want a full cup of coffee, all the time. I want to drink 4 cups in one sitting. I want COFFEE, not a tiny cup of slog that I can consume in one gulp.

- Water, clean water. Tap water is a no-no in most places. So you have to buy bottle after plastic bottle in order to have enough. And if you forget to buy a bottle before going to bed, expect a dry mouth the next day. I have been VERY temped to drink the tap water many times, but have refrained. But I am SOOOO thirsty all the time.

Now, the haircut. I am thinking of cutting my hair. I don't know why, but every few years I go through this faze. I did it in 2008, lopped it all off and sent it to Locks of Love. I think it is time to do it again. Except this time, I thinking REALLY short. Why, I don't know, but I need a change. Will I regret it?

Here is a photo of "maybe" what I would do:

Or this:

Here is what my hair looks like now. I know, boring, right? (and a little uneven!)
And I usually wear it up like this anyway.

So, what do you think?? Should I cut it? Will I look like a boy? Or a lesbian? (no offense to boys or lesbians)

And lastly, I just want to say thanks to my followers, new and old! I appreciate that you read all my drivel, about myself and what I am doing and what is important to me. You guys rock!



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