Another Home Arts Needlecraft magazine, this time from August 1938. The covers make me laugh, sometimes they seem a bit random, but always cute. Don't you love looking at the advertisements? I would love a tick tock alarm clock. Take note of the aprons the ladies are wearing in the sketches....
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Needlecraft etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Needlecraft etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Needlecraft December 1938
The cover just cracks me up!It is crazy to think the original price for the magazine was ten cents and I thought I got a bargain when I bought it for four dollars! This was the height of the Scottie Dog craze. Here is advertised a stuffed scottie, a scottie embroidered pillow and chair...
The Season's Newest Wrappings - 1938
"Wrapping the Christmas gifts is fast becoming a craft in its own right, for every holiday season brings a wealth of smart new ideas for those who want to make their gifts a joy to anticipate and a memory to be cherished. With happily chosen papers, plenty of ribbons and tricky seal and tags, many of...
Needlecraft-Aug 1924
You have probaly noticed, Needlecraft is one of my favorite vintage magazines. I can't resist if I find one in an antique shop. This is one of my newest.Not the most colorful of covers. This issue has lots of crochet patterns. "Gretchen Frocks-a complete dress for four subscriptions. Stamped on...
1940 Home Arts Needlecraft
Among my recent finds are these two lovely Needlecraft magazines. I have picked up quite a few now and am very excited as these are my first ones from 1940! Right around this time they changed their name from just Needlecraft to Home Art Needlecraft. Needlecraft has a bit of...
Needlecraft - The Home Arts Magazine
Here is some of my newest finds I bought while visiting my sister. They are really fun magazines! Everything from canning, embroidery, sewing and knitting is found in them. Two are from 1935 and the other 1934. When I saw these, I knew they were going home with me! I few pages showing applique and embroidery....
Needlecraft March 1931

Go back 80 years........You have just received your March issue of Needlecraft in the mail. You turn to the third page and you are enchanted with the article titled "Kitchen Aprons - Having Distinctive Charm"."With a length of unbleached cotton, plenty of bias-fold and some charming designs for decoration,...