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High Energy Holliday's

On my Travels I alway's like some daily
Early Morning Jogging to keep in shape because I do think
it's important to maintain a High "Energy Level"
and to be energetic.

Jogging and
Feeling Energetic

'Jogging seems to have
a positive influence on my Engergy Level'

Especially when it's in nice surroundings or for example
on a Beach where you can see the upcomming Sun.

(I write about things like that a lot on
I even made - from Vacation Photo's - a 'Photo Slide Show Video' (with selfmade Music) Where you can see a few Stunning Photo's
of the Upcomming Sun to (hopefully) Inspire people
for Early Morning Jogging.)

Holliday Fun in the SUN
With Your MP3 Player

An other Energy Booser that I like on vacations
is listening to Music on an MP3 Player while laying in the Sun.

When you want to have a look at all different types of
MP3 Players they have on Amazon Make sure to simply Click to the Amazon 'Search MP3 Players'-Page to check it out!!!

Or simply Buy your MP3 Players by clicking on the Banner here below:

What Activities Do You Like the Most
On Your Vacations...?

'Please Feel Free to add your own list
of "Energy Level"-Boosters, by placing a comment'.

Other Related Posts:

easily find hotels and a lot more practical info

Parfumes to remember

The Utlimate Travel

You can Post your Feed Back by clicking 'Comments' here below.


Libido kelimesi ilk olarak ünlü psikolog, psikoanalizmin, psikoseksüel kuramın kurucusu olan Sigmund Freud tarafından kullanılmıştır. Sigmund Freud libidoyu, her insanın doğuştan sahip olduğu, cinsel bir enerjidir. Libido ne kadar yüksek olursa, kişinin cinsel enerjisi de o kadar yüksek olur ve kişinin yaşam enerjisi artar. Düşüklüğünde ise, insanın psikolojisi bozulur, kişide yaşam enerjisi azalır.
Sigmund Freud libidoyu insan yaşamı için olmazsa olmazların arasında saymıştır.
Libido bazı durumlarda düşmektedir. Depresyon da libido düşer, bazı ilaçlar libidoyu düşürür. Özellikle antidepresanlar libidoyu oldukça düşürmektedir.


Basur tedavi yöntemleri

Basur tedavisi için en iyi doğal tedavi yöntemlerinden biriside üç adım yöntemi diye adlandırılan yöntem bu yöntemin ayrıntılarını aşağıdaki linke öğrenebilirsiniz.


Basur Tedavisi Hemoroid tedavisi füsür tedavisi hepsi gerçektende basurdan müzdarip olan kişilerin çaresizce aradıkları bir tedavi yöntemi.Bu tedavi yöntemlerinden birisi ve en iyilerinden belkide Üç Adım Yöntemi.Nedir mi bu üç adım yöntemi buyrun tıklayın öğrenin.


Prozac, özellikle depresyon tedavisinde kullanılan, bunun yanında Obsesif Kompulsif bozukluk, anksiyete bozukları ve bu tür psikolojik rahatsızlıkların giderilmesinde kullanılan seratonin geri alım inhibitörlerinden bir tanesidir.
Depresyon, anksiyete bozuklukları ve buna benzer psikolojik rahatsızlıkların temelinde beyindeki seratonin denen hormonun azalması yatmaktadır. Prozac, beyindeki seratonin hormonunu arttırır. Genellikle 6- 12 aylık kullanım sonucu hasta eski sağlığına kavuşmaktadır.

Peki Prozac yan etkileri nelerdir?
Prozac antidepresanı ilk kullanmaya başladığınız zaman, genellikle şu belirtiler baş gösterir:
- Terleme,
- Ağız Kuruluğu,
- Ateş basması,
- Sinir hali,
- Baş ağrısı,
- Halsizlik,
- Kas ve eklem ağrıları,
- Cinsel işlev bozuklukları ( Ereksiyon problemi, kadınlarda orgazm güçlüğü)
Bu yan etkiler kişiden kişiye değişir. Bazı kişiler bu yan etkilerin hepsini yaşarken bazı kişilerde bu yan etkilerin biri ya da birkaçı görülür. Vücut ilaca alıştıktan sonra bu yan etkiler kaybolur. Bu süre kişiden kişiye değişmekle birlikte genelde 3 haftadır.


Before I departed for Texas, I had the chance to stop in at one of my best friend's newly purchased first home.  

They are in the middle of doing their own renovation and the transformation is quite impressive.  (The previous owner had a predilection towards unsightly shades of oranges and yellows, the color of gourds).  I give so much credit to people who DIY renovations.  We went to a backsplash tiling class at Home Depot, got excited to tile everything, and ended up delegating all renovation duties to the professionals.  Oh well, maybe in my next lifetime!

Of course, we couldn't stop by empty-handed.  It is often difficult to choose the perfect housewarming gift.   I prefer to give something that brings good luck or contributes to feng shui.  Live plants enhance feng shui, so flowers or plants can be an easy go-to, but I decided on a succulent bouquet.  

Succulents far outlast flowers, which will be wilted and thrown away in less than a week, and they do not require the kind of dedication as keeping houseplants alive.  They only need direct sunlight once a day, and to be watered once every 7-10 days.  I think even I could manage that.

If you are in the San Diego area, there is a fabulous store in the Cedros Design District, Chicweed, with gorgeous succulents in sizes large and small, in different containers to suit your own tastes.  They also do custom arrangements.

Canyon de Guadalupe

The indigo blue night sky flashes brilliant points of light, and blankets my view in all directions as far as my eyes can see. Except for the occasional cry of a distant coyote or the soft flickering wings of a desert bat, the awesome silence envelopes me. I can actually hear myself breathe. Nestled in the warm, soft, and completely private natural hot springs tub carved into the granite rocks surrounding my campsite, I lay, soaking, without a single worry or thought of my daily life. I feel like I am a thousand miles from home. Guadalupe Canyon is truly paradise, and only a short drive from San Diego, where I live.

Canyon de Guadalupe is a palm covered oasis in the desert with natural hot springs, located 80 miles from the U.S./Mexico border in the Sierra de Juarez Mountains. Founded by Jose Loya Murillo, who first discovered the Canyon on horse back while searching for stray cows, "Don" Jose soon discovered the healing benefits of the mineral water and realized the natural beauty of the palm oasis. At the age of 60, Don Jose gave up ranching and set up a homestead in the canyon. He suffered from arthritis and found that bathing in the hot water cured his pain. The family built and continues to run two campgrounds containing about two dozen campsites each with its own private hand made hot tub. There is a store and a restaurant powered with solar and car batteries, but it is highly advisable to bring everything you will need for your stay.

Getting there was not too difficult on the first try and definitely part of the fun. I had a little trouble finding the campground but once I was on the right track it was a no-brainer. I arrived in the Canyon after driving south from San Diego through the Tecate border crossing and followed the signs to Highway 2 leading directly out of town to the East towards Mexicali. There are tollbooths along the way which accept US dollars, as well as checkpoints manned by Mexican armed guards, but passing through was fast and uneventful.

The "No Fear" Highway 2 passes through rugged mountains with spaghetti like turns where car carcasses lay far below. Eventually, the road descends onto the desert valley floor, and stretches out until it loses itself in the distance. The first road sign warns of Canon De Guadalupe, but I pass it knowing of another way to get there. I proceed about another two miles and turn South onto a ramp leading across a dry lake. This route is much quicker than the first one and saves my car and myself from a slow, washboard, bone crunching, thirty mile, drive. It's important to check weather conditions before using this alternate route since recent rains could leave you stranded in the mud.

The road leads south for 30 miles into the mountains and to the turn off to Guadalupe Canyon campgrounds. The last 7 miles are difficult, slow going and would not be possible without a high clearance vehicle.

Once at the campground (there are two), I check in at the office, order up a wheelbarrow full of firewood, and proceed to my campsite. It's a breeze to get set up since there is already a palapa with built in sink, table, fire-pit, and plenty of room to pitch my tent. This is where it gets good. Just steps from my new abode I find the granite hot tub. I fill it up with hot, natural spring water from a hose provided. The temperature is a perfect and toasty 90 degrees. I strip down, hop in and crack open an ice cold Corona. It's totally quiet, completely private, and absolutely serene. I am in hog heaven.

After settling in and have time to explore, Guadalupe Canyon has plenty in store. Go off-roading, head up the canyon to gorgeous waterfalls, go hiking in the rocky canyons, or explore caves with ancient Indian petroglyphs... or not. Perhaps you will find that soaking 'til you're shriveled like a prune in your hot tub and enjoying the solitude of your own private oasis is work enough. This is Baja and anything goes.

"Friend finder", "Perfect Match", "Single Parent", "Senior single", "Save my marriage", "Romance and Internet dating"

For every person that enters our lives, we develop a separate distinct relationship. Whether we are friends, lovers, relatives, coworkers, associates or enemies, the basic principle of the relationship remains. This means that there is a relationship of some form in existence. While we will focus primarily on dating, love and relationships between two heterosexuals, there will be some tips for friend finders, ideas and relationship advice regarding other types of relationships as well in the links below. Meeting your perfect match is always a challenge, but the following links should help you in your quest.  Whether you are a single parent or a senior single, some of these internet dating can be a lot of help.

All of these relationships are a vital part of who we are. Each one gives us something and takes something out of us. We help determine whether they are good or bad relationships based upon our karma as well as the karma of the other person. The dating tips, love and relationship advice given here is done so to help us create good karma in our relationship and kindle that romance. 

If you are already in a relationship and you want to save your marriage, then you may want to check the compatibility with your partner astrologically.  Or read a book on whether the relationship is meeting your need.

"Friend finder", "Perfect Match", "Single Parent", "Senior single", "Save my marriage", "Romance and Internet dating"

For every person that enters our lives, we develop a separate distinct relationship. Whether we are friends, lovers, relatives, coworkers, associates or enemies, the basic principle of the relationship remains. This means that there is a relationship of some form in existence. While we will focus primarily on dating, love and relationships between two heterosexuals, there will be some tips for friend finders, ideas and relationship advice regarding other types of relationships as well in the links below. Meeting your perfect match is always a challenge, but the following links should help you in your quest.  Whether you are a single parent or a senior single, some of these internet dating can be a lot of help.

All of these relationships are a vital part of who we are. Each one gives us something and takes something out of us. We help determine whether they are good or bad relationships based upon our karma as well as the karma of the other person. The dating tips, love and relationship advice given here is done so to help us create good karma in our relationship and kindle that romance. 

If you are already in a relationship and you want to save your marriage, then you may want to check the compatibility with your partner astrologically.  Or read a book on whether the relationship is meeting your need.

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