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Orgazm Nedir ? Orgazmın Yararları Nelerdir ?
Artık uzmanlarca da resmen onaylandı! Orgazm sizi sadece zevkin doruklarına çıkarmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda sağlığınızı da pozitif anlamda maksimum derecede etkiliyor.

Yani özetle, orgazmın regl sancılarından uykusuzluğa kadar pek çok hastalığa iyi geliyor... Nasıl mı? Cevabı aşağıdaki yazıda....

1.Orgazm bir erkeğin hayatını kurtarabilir....

'Bu gece benimle sevişmezsen öleceğim!’ Bu cümle yatakta partneriyle kavga eden bir erkeğin ağzından dökülmüş gibi görünebilir. Ancak belki inanmayacaksınız ama bilim adamları bu cümlenin anlam açısından doğru olduğunu söylüyor.
Bristol Üniversitesi’nde yapılan bir araştırma, orgazm oranı yüksek kişilerin orgazm olmayan kişiye göre daha düşük bir ölüm riski taşıdıklarını göstermiş.

10 yıl süren araştırma, haftada ikiden fazla orgazm olabilen erkeklerin ayda sadece birkaç kez orgazm olan erkeklere göre yüzde 50 oranında daha az ölüm riski taşıdığını kanıtlamış. Yine orta yaştaki erkekler üzerinde yapılan uzun araştırmalar, erkeklerin orgazm esnasında kalp krizi riskini azalttığı bilinen DHEA isimli bir hormon salgıladıklarını göstermiş.

Tüm bu bilgiler ışığında herhalde orgazmın gerçekten hayat kurtardığını söyleyen bir kişiye siz de hak verirsiniz. Artık siz de 'Biliyor musunuz, Ayşe dün gece hayatımı kurtardı! Nasıl mı? Tabi ki benimle sevişerek...’ gibi Amerikan esprileri yapabilirsiniz...

2-Orgazm, kansere karşı savunmanızı güçlendirir...

Uzmanlar, düzenli seksin, (özellikle meme ucu bolca okşandığında) kanser riskini azalttığın söylüyor. Çünkü laboratuvar ortamında yapılan araştırmalar, seks esnasında göğüs kanseri hücrelerini baskılayan oxytocin isimli hormonun salınımının arttığını gösteriyor. Göğüs masajının lenf akışını artırdığı ve zararlı maddeleri dışarıya attığı biliniyordu. Yine annelerin çocuklarını emzirmelerinin de onları göğüs kanserinden koruyan bir faktör olduğu tespit edilmişti. Bu durumda aklınıza 'Peki bebeği olmayan kadınlar kanserden korunmak için ne yapacak?’ sorusu gelebilir. İşte bu sorunun cevabı ise göğüs uçlarının bolca okşandığı seks!

3-Orgazm regl ağrılarını önler

Kadınların yüzde 10’u, ağrılı regl dönemi, ağrılı cinsel ilişki, regl öncesinde karın ağrısı, sırt ağrısı, enerji azlığı gibi etkileri olan endometriozisten muzdarip. Yine çoğu kadın regl döneminde endometriozis kaynaklı olmasa da çeşitli ağırlar çekiyorlar. Amerika’da 2 bin kadın üzerinde yapılan bir araştırma mensturasyon döneminde seks yapan kadınların regl dönemini daha rahat geçirdiğini göstermiş. Yani özetle orgazm, menstural yıkıntıyı azaltarak ağrıların azalmasına da yardımcı oluyor.


Eski zamanların birinde suç işlemiş bir adama kral bir ceza vermek ister ve onu iki kapısı bulunan bir zindana kapatır.Kapılardan birinin önüne devamlı doğru söyleyen bir gardiyan diğerineyse devamlı yalan söyleyen bir gardiyan yerleştirir.Adama sadece 1 soru sorma hakkı tanır adam isterse bu soruyu iki gardiyanada sorabilmektedir.(aynı soru olmak zorunda amaiki ayrı soru değil yani).
Kapılardan birtanesi dogru kapıdır ve dogru kapıyı bulursa özgur kalıcaktır ,diğer kapı ise yanlış kapıdırve yanlış kapıyı bulursa öldurulucektır.

Şimdi bu adam dogru kapıyı bulmak için hangi soruyu sormalıdır gardıyanlara.(unutmayın sadece 1 soru sorma hakkı var ama o soruyu 2 kardıyanada sorabılır)


ürk Telekom Arena'da inşaat çalışmaları devam ediyor. Pek çok alanda eş zamanlı yürütülen çalışmalarda sona hızla yaklaşılıyor

Seyrantepe'de koltuklar takılıyor / 1

Statda, saha içinde çim altyapı çalışmaları devam ederken, tamamlanan drenaj çalışmaları sonrasında alttan ısıtma sisteminin yerleştirilmesiyle birlikte çim serimine geçilecek.

Seyrantepe'de koltuklar takılıyor / 2

Geçtiğimiz hafta sonu VIP araç çıkış tünelinin, TEM'e bağlantısının yapılacağı yönde betonlama çalışmaları yapıldı. Şu anda ise tünelin yapımına devam ediliyor.

Seyrantepe'de koltuklar takılıyor / 3

Seyrantepe'de koltuklar takılıyor / 6

Stadın dış kaplamasında ise artık sona doğru yaklaşıldı.


Belly: The Update

Well, in two days, we should be out of India and....NO DELHI BELLY!!! Yay! I am probably jinxing myself.

I actually wrote the above three days ago. Right after I wrote this, we went to lunch. About 6 hours later, I was having a very close relationship with the toilet.

I miss my mom. When I used to get sick as a child, she would settle me on the couch with an orange juice, a bowl of chicken noodle soup, a blanket, a cold washcloth and the Star Wars trilogy. Three days ago I got sick around 7 o'clock and had to catch a train at 9 o'clock. It was hot and dusty and we had to take a rickshaw to the train station. I had to carry my 40 lb backpack and I was sweating and hoping I would not be sick, but at the same time, I was glad the rickshaw did not have any doors, just in case.

We had a 16 hour train ride, a 2 hour layover, another 6 hour train ride, 5 hours of sleep and then 13 more hours on a bus. I think that whole time I ate 12 crackers, 5 cookies and half a sprite. We finally arrived in Kathmandu yesterday and this morning I had my FIRST REAL MEAL. It was delicious. I even had coffee. Its the little things you really appreciate.

However, now, as I type this, Mr. Lovely is in bed with the same thing. Luckily he is in a place where he can stay in bed and not have to go ANYWHERE. We are planning on going trekking, but it can be pushed back a couple or a few days. I went today to get all the permits and pay the park fees, do laundry and get any last minute items we may need for our trek. Kathmandu is much cleaner than any of the India cities. I am glad. Very glad. I only hope the food is cleaner too.

"Agra" Vated

I am not a patient person. I drive too fast. I don’t like to wait for people. I hate it when people are late. I am a neat freak. If you move my toothpaste, my sense of yin and yang are confused. So, I am at a little bit of a impasse here in India. It is dirty and smelly. People take craps in the middle of the street. Literally. It smells of sewage. There are so many beggars. Nothing is on time and nobody does what they say they are going to do. You get ripped off half the time and feel like you are getting ripped off all of the time. Everybody wants a tip, even if you don’t want the service they think they are providing (like little boys singing songs in English then holding out their hand). Everybody has the “best tour” or the “best hotel” or the “best food”. 

So, why am I here, you ask. It sounds like a horrible place, doesn’t it? Well it’s not that bad. Sometimes I get a tad overwhelmed and aggravated with all the beggars and the dirt and the scams. But you have to look past that and see what else is there. And it is really quite interesting. 

We went to a spice market the other day. The spices are yellow and orange and red. I have no idea what they are called. I think  they may be saffron, turmeric and chili. I do know that what we consider “curry” powder is really a mixture (they call it a “masala”) of these spices. They stack them up in little pyramids (they are ground up, like chili powder or paprika) and they line up all the pyramids, so the market is row after row of colorful spices.  

The women all wear saree’s, which is a skirt or pants with a matching top and a “shawl”. The shawl is actually a piece of fabric about 20 feet long by 3 feet wide and they wrap it around their waist a couple of times then up and over the front and around the back and sometimes over the head. The sarees are bright colors with crazy patterns. It is so fun to see a group of all the colored ladies together. 

India was quite rich at one time. Before the Portuguese started doing the spice trading by sea, goods were taken over land, through India and Pakistan to Turkey or Europe, usually by camel. Silk, spices, tea and opium were some of the big exports. This made for some really rich cities with the king (Raj) sometimes having several palaces. In Udaipur, the king had a Lake Palace in the middle of the lake, a City Palace and a Monsoon Palace, which was high up on a hill and he would retreat to when the rains came. These palaces are all very opulent. 

The Hindu temples are huge, with little carvings all over the entire thing. When you go into a temple, you must take off your shoes. Also, as cows are sacred (and treated as Gods) you must not enter the temple with any leather items on.

We went to one city called Jodhpur, which was not named after the riding pants, but actually it is the other way around. When the British first came here, they bought the pants in India and loved the pants so much that they started to sell them back in England as Jodhpurs. 

The Taj Mahal, which we went to today, was built by a king who’s wife died. He built it as a monument to her. It took something like 22 years to build. Her body was buried in the middle of it. Everything is symmetrical. In fact, once he died, they didn’t know what to do, since her body was already smack dab in the middle, so it would mess up the symmetry by putting him next to her. They did it anyway, but built a little box around it, so the box around it still fits in with the symmetry. 

So today we are in Agra. It is the home of the Taj Mahal. Surprisingly, I have only been stopped on the street and asked to buy post cards, a little tiny snow globe with the Taj Mahal inside, 47 tours of the Taj Mahal, “authentic” Indian paintings and antiques, breakfast, lunch and a “good rooftop view, the best in Agra”. But I put up with these things because I know that it’s all worth it.

Ripped Off

Have you ever felt like you were being cheated? Like you go to a remote island and the bottled waters are 8 dollars, or a baseball game and the hot dogs are the same price? At least there is a sign that says, HOT DOG $8, so you KNOW if you buy that hot dog, you are going to be paying too much. But you have the choice in the beginning to choose if you want to pay too much or not.

In India, you often don’t get that choice. Nobody has prices posted. Everything is a haggle and oftentimes you don’t know where the starting price is. We had an incident that I am going to share with you not only to vent but in case anyone else is going to this place, hopefully if they google it, they will see this review and be forewarned.

To everyone who is traveling in India -- If you go to Jaisalmer and are hoping to do a camel tour, DO NOT go to the Jaisal View Hotel (which may pass itself off as the Rajdhani Hotel). The guy there is a crook. His name is Mr. Kahn (MK).

We had read in the guide book that it was a pain in the butt to try to figure out which camel tour operator to use, as they all claim to be “the best in town” and to “have the best service”. However, the book says that you do not always get what you pay for. I can agree to that.

We were already on our toes, as from what we had heard when you get off the bus in Jaisalmer you are swamped with rickshaw (taxi) drivers trying to give you a ride to the “best hotel”. What happens is that they tell you the hotel you want is closed and they will take you to another good one. This “good one” gives them a commission. So, we were “recommended” a place by a guy in the last town we were in (Jodhpur) who said it was owned by his brother. I have a feeling this guy was not a brother, but just another person who gets commission for the “recommendation”. However, we didn’t figure this out until later.

When we got to the bus station, a guy got on the bus and said, “aren’t you coming from Jodhpur? My brother said to look for you” and we were. He said, “I will take you to  your hotel, the one that my brother told you to go to“. I wonder how many “brothers” these guys have. Then we got off the bus and another guy said “oh you must be coming from Jodhpur. My brother told me you were coming”. So they all just say the same thing. Finally we found the “brother”, the owner of the hotel that we had been recommended, and he took us to the hotel, which turned out also to not be the hotel on the brochure that the “brother” had shown us.

We should have known. Once we arrived, Mr. Kahn wouldn’t leave our side. We wanted a cold drink; he sat next to us the whole time we drank it. Then he asked if we wanted to do a camel trek. Of course we did and we thought we would just see what he had to say, what the heck. Well, his game was to tell us the tours and the prices, which were quite high and then when I asked about doing only 2 days instead of three, he knocked a couple thousand rupees off the price. So we thought it didn’t seem too expensive (and we had just gotten a good deal, right), so we said okay. Now that I look back, I see little things that I should have seen before. For example when I said we needed some time to think about it and discuss it over, he said he had to inform the camel boss by 5 o’clock and it was already 445, so we had to tell him in the next ten minutes. He just didn’t want us to go out and look at other prices. For that same reason he was hanging about, not giving us any private time. He also told us not to tell anyone that we got our tour cheaper than the regular price because they may be jealous or start trouble. So when a girl asked us how much we paid, we told her. They had been told the same thing -- you are getting a really good deal, so don’t tell anyone.

I wish we would have gone and looked at other prices beforehand. The tour was mediocre. The service was not good. The items he promised were not delivered. After we got back we decided to torture ourselves and compare prices. The other tours were cheaper with the same “special” services. Plus one we looked at even let you pay half now and half after and if you weren’t satisfied you didn’t have to pay the second half. Now that sounds more reasonable to me.

I just feel so stupid when I know I have been ripped off. And we realized it right in the beginning but had already paid. So, in order to feel a little bit better, I have vented here, plus I will give the details so if anyone else finds this, hopefully they will go somewhere else. Then my revenge will be complete. Mooowhhhahahahaha (that was a Dr Evil laugh).

So, please. If you are going on a camel trek, DO NOT GO to the Jaisal View Hotel in Jaisalmer. The guy said his name was Mr. Kahn (who knows if it is his real name). He will lie to you. I would also watch out for the Hotel Rajdhani as well, because I don’t know what the scam is but they may be in on it as well.

THE DETAILS: (avoid these places!!)

Hotel Rajdhani - Jaisalmer Old City, Near Patwan Ki Haveli
Jaisal View Hotel - near the Artists Lodge on the north side of town


We got ripped off. We paid 9300 Rupees for 2 nights, 3 days, 2 people. At first he wanted 12,000 for the two of us.


-Hotel Peacock, Chainpura Street, Gandhi Chowk -- 950 per day per person, as many days as you want. This is the place that said you could pay half later if you enjoyed the trip.
-Renuka Hotel (next to Hotel Peacock)-- 1 night, 2 days = 1900 a person, plus 950 per day for extra day
-Trio Restaurant, Gandhi Chowk -- the guy that owns the Trio also arranges trips for 2000/day per person. These are with a tent and a toilet and the same cooks as he has at the restaurant and all the amenities. (PS they have really good food and a view of the fort!)
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