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weekend shannies etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
weekend shannies etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Very Merry Gobble til ya Wobble Weekend!

...Well actually, I did not gobble a lot, because I lost 5 pounds this week! I did not mean to lose that much, but I will so take it. 

Thanksgiving weekend for me started at 3PM on Wednesday. My President randomly walked up to me at one o'clock and told me I could leave early. Man, I will take it! You do not have tell me twice. Since I was able to leave early, I was even more excited to go kick some booty at the gym.

I had my game face on!

After, I picked up my favorite salad from Panera; the black and bleu.

aka "Heaven in a to-go box!"

Then a little shopping ensued. 

I love Ulta. They reward loyalty like no other. I bought those curlers and the foundation primer (shown on the left) and the total was over $50, however, with a coupon and my reward points, I saved $20 bucks! Then, all of the stuff you see pictured in front of those two items were free! I was stoked. I love being frugal.

The rest of the evening was spent packing for the weekend and my move that happens in 6 days!

Thursday morning, I woke up early, and hit the gym for 50 minutes of preventative damage control cardio, ha! It was a great workout. Afterwards it was time to get ready for the 3 hour drive back to my hometown.

Marty was not happy about me leaving. I wish cats loved to travel and were easy like dogs. It would make me going out of town so much easier. Sigh.

I was all decked out in my pink and black jumpsuit - pink for days!

I packed my survival kit and hit the road.

Electrolytes. protein bar, and protein shake are my must have roadies.

I arrived in my hometown around 5PM and stayed with my dad and step-mom. I spent time with my sister, her boyfriend, our neighbors, and we had a great time. My sister and step-mom are very big health nuts so we kept it easy food wise - turkey and roasted vegetables, but we did a delicious sweet potato pie. Since my dad has terminal cancer, I put away my phone and focused on spending time with him. I do not see him a lot, so when I do, I want to be as attentive as I can. 

Friday, I left my dads early then picked up my sister-in-law and nephew so we could all go to my mom's for my second round of Thanksgiving. When we arrived at my mom's, she watched my nephew so Amber and I could go see "Catching Fire". Wow that movie was SO damn good. However, I think my favorite part about the movie is all of the incredible fashion! I wanted every dress Katniss was in.

The movie was a lot longer than we thought so when got back to my mom's, it was time to have dinner. Oh my, it was so good. We had so much food!

The pool table makes he best Thanksgiving table, ha!

Me and Amber; my sister-in-law.
Mama and Amber!
My nephew using my suitcase as his own personal slide.

We had the best time! Also there was my step dad and his parents, my 2 step brothers Nick and Zack, and my brother Christian.

Saturday morning I left my mom's bright and early. I had to be back in Charlotte by noon to do a small project for my boss. I hit the gym, purchased groceries, then finally came home to a needy cat, and a mountain of things to do. I did two loads of laundry, dishes, prepped food, and made my weekly meal plan. Some Saturday night,  huh!

...but then Marty said "that's enough" and to rub him since I left him alone for two days.

Today mirrors yesterday, fun fun. I have been lazy this morning so I thought I would blog a bit. Next up is gym followed by more cleaning and packing. I am excited about my new place, but damn I hate moving! It's taking not only all of my money, but my time!

Dun, dun, dun...

Have a great week guys!

Fall, Fireball, and Gidget the Cougar Pumpkin!

How was everyone's weekend? Mine has pretty fun! Friday I worked then hit the gym for cardio. Afterwards, it was time to get ready. One of my friends Jeana, her husband TJ, and I went to Comedy Zone. I LOVE live raunchy comedy, and the show did not disappoint. The opening man reminded me of Kevin Hart. He was too freaking funny. I sipped on my go-to drink for comedy show's; "Blue Motorcycle".

Blue Motorycle is a STRONG drink:
1 1/2 oz tequila
fill with sweet and sour mix
1 1/2 oz rum
1 splash 7-Up® soda
1 1/2 oz vodka
1 1/2 oz gin
1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur

Saturday I slept in and it was glorious. I have not been drinking much lately so after my two Blue Motorcycles I was feeling good. Sleeping in was essential. I woke up around 10, did my Saturday morning routine of getting meals planned for the week, then Marquis and I went to the dog park, a pumpkin patch, and ran a lot of errands. It was a busy, busy afternoon.

Marquis went to the gym around 4 but I stayed home I was exhausted. I thought Marquis would be to when he got home from the gym, after over 3 hours of training, but I was wrong. He brought me a "Sex On The Beach" and told me to get ready and that we were going out. You don't have to tell me twice!

I got ready in record time: shower, hair, and makeup - 20 minutes!

We went downtown Waxhaw to our favorite bar/public house; "Southsiders". There is a train track that goes through downtown and the town built a bridge over it. It's so beautiful, especially at night. 

We were so close to the train!

We had a blast listening to the band "Lipstick On A Pig" and drinking the official drink of fall: Fireball whiskey and apple ale. It was delicious! When you go your local bar tell them they must make it for you!

Today has been wonderful, fun, and relaxing. We slept in, made breakfast, laid around, and watched "After Earth". It was surprisingly a really good movie. I loved it - great story, acting, and action. The critics were way too hard on this movie!
After the movie, we watched my favorite show "Undercover Boss". It was the "Moe's Southwest Grill" episode and I could not get over how delicious the food looked. There is also one literally a mile from our house. So after the episode Marquis took me there for a late lunch. It was my first time eating there and it did not disappoint! Fast, friendly, and delicious. You can't beat that!

After a yummy lunch we finally had some energy and decided to run errands. Once we finished, we came back to the house for some fall fun! I painted and carved a pumpkin and Marquis carved one. 

Meet "Gidget the Cougar". She is my pumpkin creation. She enjoys copious amounts of wine, anything with glitter, and men in their early 20's.

Here are Gidget's lovers; Damien and BoBo.

They look adorable from the road, too!

Now it's time to eat dinner, settle in, and watch "The Walking Dead". The season premiere is at 9 PM. Then Bar Rescue. Sunday TV is the best! I hope you guys had a great weekend. Be sure to check out my "Link Up" page to check out all of the awesome link up's and blog hop's going on, on Monday's!

Wish me luck, this upcoming week is the last week at my current job. Bring it on...

Weekend Shannies: Fall is in the air!

This weekend was quite different than the last few. It was very low key and productive, and I was able to catch up on my rest. That was glorious! Last weekend, I did not sleep well at all and was up really early both days. This past week was stressful and emotional so I did not sleep good then either. Being able to sleep in and rest some really made me feel like a new person.

Originally Marq and I were supposed to go to Myrtle Beach to meet with a national franchise that Marq is considering buying. Friday evening that fell through so we stayed here. Friday night did not consist of much, just gym. After the gym, I was tired and Marq was exhausted so we cooked dinner and just hung out at home.

Saturday morning I slept in until 11! It was so nice. When I finally woke up Marq and I took off to town to tour a tanning salon he is considering purchasing (this gets tiring) then had a bunch of errands to run. We came back from all of that around 3. My house decided to take a nap after that. Look at my lazy babies!

While they napped, I got myself prepped for the week!

After about an hour we took off to the dog park. The weather was absolutely perfection! Hello fall! We had a great time.  There was a particular Pug that took to Marq and I, we loved him! I debated on taking him home. Heh.

After the dog park we all came back home, took showers, and got ready. Marquis and I decided to go see "Prisoners". It was really good, the acting was incredible. And I love Hugh and Jake. They define sexy. It is a really long movie though. We went to the 9 o'clock showing and did not get home until after midnight. I wore my new lace top from Venus. It's sexy, I love it!

This morning I woke up and Marquis surprised me with breakfast; egg white omelet with egg whites, turkey sausage, and cheese with a side of Special K Yogurt cereal. Yum! I went to spin class at noon, normally class is 45 minutes but today it was an hour. I pushed hard and man my legs are aching! After the gym I had a lot more errands to run. My grocery shopping alone takes 3 stops. Ugh! 

Now I'm ready to make it a successful week! Food is prepped!

Tonight Marquis and I are cooked all of our chicken on the grill. I'm so glad because everything tastes so much better on the grill. I am making a side of baked beans and I also made a healthy potato salad. It's made with red potatoes and plain greek yogurt. It's packed with protein and complex carbohydrates - completely healthy for you and delicious. It's a win, win!

Now it is time for a little Sunday night relaxation!

Well, that's about it for me this weekend! Cheers!

Weekend Shannies: Good food, good shopping, and the best mom!

It has been the best weekend. I am heartbroken it is coming to an end. But I feel refreshed and ready to take on the week. As all of my Blogger friends and readers know, I have some big life changes coming up. Mama has been staying with us since Thursday night and we have a had a great time.
Image Map

Friday, it was a busy day at work. I worked out during my lunch so I could go home and get ready for a mother/daughter date. Mama and I went to our favorite spot; "The Melting Pot" for fondue!

"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels... unless it is fondue!"

After, we had a little bubbly.

Can I interest you in a bottle?

Saturday, we were early risers. We had shopping on our minds. We fueled up on Ihop and hit some of our favorite and regular spots that we love to go to when Mama comes to Charlotte to stay.

I found most of my shopping goodies at my favorite place in the whole world; "Ulta". My big find: Urban Decay's Vice 2.

Okay, so I have a story: I was reading Tara's blog (Fabulous But Evil) and I saw her review on Urban Decay's Vice 2. I knew I HAD to have it. I had my heart set. So when Mama and I were out running errands, I ran into Ulta like a crack head to find the Vice 2. Well, I could not find it. I finally asked a vendor, who grabbed a manager. The manager told me she had a sample I could look at, but they cannot start selling the palette until the 26th. As crazy as this sounds, I had tears in my eyes. I was SO disappointed. I know that sounds so crazy, but I love makeup. So then the manager says she can tell I really want it, so she went into the stock room and pulled one for me! I was SO thankful!

I also found really fun nail colors. I love China Glaze!

The rest of Saturday was pretty uneventful. I hit the gym after shopping all day and it was hard. Mom's MS started acting up and she felt bad so we stayed in and enjoyed watching Ghost shows on the Bio channel. 

Today. Sigh... today looks fun, but I have to tell you guys, it wasn't... at first. I slept horrible last night. I had really bad nightmares. The nightmares effected me so bad that I felt sick to my stomach. I will not go into detail, but one of the dreams was that Marty was killed. I was up and down all night. Marquis and I finally woke up at 7:30. We went and got breakfast then went up to Concord to the Charlotte Motor Speedway for a car show. It was a blast, but we walked in the blazing sun for hours. My body was aching by the time we left. 

I was in such a rotten mood after. I slept horrible, the nightmares were still weighing on me, and my body was aching. Marquis and I argued over the air we were breathing. You would think he and I were brother and sister, not an engaged couple as much as we were arguing. It as PMS on steroids. We managed to get groceries without killing each other, then I took a nap. 

When I woke up, I felt better, but I wanted to drink. I haven't had a drink in like two weeks so I wanted a Margarita. And what goes good with a blackberry Margarita? Mexican food!

After we had a delicious dinner, Mama wanted to go to Target one last time since she is leaving tomorrow morning. Mama lives in my hometown, a tiny farm town in northern NC. The nearest Target is over an hour away so she does not get to go often. Me? I have 2 Target's within a 5 mile radius.

Anyways, she was able to get some goodies for herself, I bought a Batman watch for Marquis for being such a bitch today, and I got myself a planner - that includes meals, fitness, and expense planning! It was only $20, too! Take that Erin Condren! Ha. Kidding. I also found some fun Sharpies. It just felt appropriate to get Sharpies with a new planner. 

So, the main reason I bought this? My new Weight Watcher's membership. I bought a three month membership. I am not a Weight Watcher's affiliate or anything like that, but Weight Watcher's works. It really, honestly, truly does. I did it a few years and I loved it. I have been on a stand still with my weight. I managed to get off the weight from my miscarriage and emergency surgery from earlier this year, but I need a kick. So I am doing the online program. Aside from wanting to switch things up, I have a lot of chaos going on with life right now. I am leaving my job in a few weeks, applying for new jobs, interviewing (I have one this Wednesday, please a say a prayer), and on top of all of that, Marquis is still starting new businesses. We are literally all over the place. I am working and interviewing this week, and this weekend Marquis and I are driving down to Myrtle Beach for a franchise meeting. Life is nonstop so Weight Watcher's will help me stay on track so I do not fall apart during these next transitions in our lives I don't know about you guys, but when I am so busy and scattered brained, the first aspect of my life to suffer is healthy eating.

Let's make it a great week. I can't wait to read what all you guys have been up to this weekend. Don't forget to join me for "The Hump Day" blog hop on Wednesday! Our first week was a success, so lets make this week even better!