You will never be as strong as you desire but the effort is the entire point of transformation.What the fuck did you do last year that hadn't before? If you don't know or did nothing new, you need to reconsider your approach and intent to physical fitness. I am willing to bet your strength, appearance,...
new lifts etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
new lifts etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
By Bc youTube Blog at 10:56
accountability, exercise ideas, new lifts, nutrition, rugby, sled push, wrestling
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FIRSTBORN OUT OF HELL!Accountability. I ask of it from you often. From me you will get the same. I had an idea a few weeks ago about creating a super strict food log for one week. I kept track of exactly what I ate and when I ate it. It was enjoyable writing my meals, snacks, and drinks along with the...
SATANIC GAINS. some exercises you may be missing out on.
By Bc youTube Blog at 13:17
alpha male, exercise ideas, new lifts, powerlifting, satanic gains
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Of the nine circles of Hell the weight room is by far by favorite. This post is a collection of some of my all time favorite lifts. Exercises that I always try work into my long range routine. These lifts have either helped me over come injury, improved muscle imbalance, enhanced my physique,...