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marriage etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
marriage etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Why Commitment Matters for Health and Happiness

What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'commitment'?

I think about how commitment matters in so many things in life - my marriage, health, fitness, and happiness.  They all take dedication and work, right? Without proper care and commitment, success is almost impossible.

To put it simply - if you cheat on your marriage, it will not work…if you cheat on your health, it will not work…see what I mean? In order to maintain your health and happiness, it takes commitment, effort, and work on a consistent basis.  

In this journey of life, I have learned the importance of commitment. I certainly have found a gem in my husband and cherish our relationship as a priority.  I feel the same way about my health and fitness. I realize fitness is a precious gift worthy of my attention so I can live a healthy quality of life. 

Commitment is a word I take seriously. It's a promise that I will maintain my health and marriage in a healthy way. And each day is an opportunity to make the right choices and do the right things.  I treat both my marriage and health with tender loving care, appreciation, time, and attention. 

Commitment to the things that matter is important and believe me, there are plenty of things in life that just don't matter. And for the things that do matter, commitment is essential. In fact, when you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. That said,  I believe in seeing positive results in my marriage and health. If I don't take the healthy steps to make that happen, that is on me. I have worked too hard and long in my life to not make the most of each day. This includes appreciating good health and happy marriage.     

I can honestly say it has taken half my life to reach the maturity of emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being that I understand today.  The journey was difficult as I am sure most of you can relate. But through patience, perseverance, and commitment, developing good health and happiness was worth the effort and positive results. 

The importance of commitment is also patience through the process as nothing happens overnight. There is no such thing as here today and gone tomorrow and rushing life usually gets us no-where. The point is to stay true to your commitments, appreciate the journey, and grow in positive ways through the struggles. 

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My best friend got married this weekend! She looked beautiful and I am very excited to have a new best friend in her new husband. Oh, did I mention they are pregnant and have not lived together yet??!!! They are crazy!

The wedding was pretty funny. I know, that doesn't seem like a very nice thing to say. First, K forgot her bouquet. Her mom ran up to her to tell her and everyone was laughing...So then they started the whole thing over again (it was only about 1 minute in, but funny all the same). Then, she had her bearded dragon as the ring bearer. Next, when she went to take the rings off the ring bearer, she dropped them. There were many laughs and lots of funny times.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of one of my favorite girls and her special day! I will add more later to my flickr with bloopers included. You can see a couple more on my other site -- here and here.

A being silly before the wedding.

 K's Candy Bar

Putting on the rings.

The Happy Couple.

I just want to say Congratulations to both of them! It was a great day and a beautiful wedding!