Here are the other two booklets I found at the estate sale! Two little booklets dated 1944, from Good Housekeeping. Everything you need to know for a proper wedding; etiquette, trousseau, planning, announcements etc. Evidently the proper way for bridesmaids to enter...
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Wedding etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Wedding etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
June Brides (part 1)
Look what I found at an estate sale this weekend! Tucked away in the basement with other books and magazines. You never what you are going to find!"The Brides Book" 1930s and "The Brides Reference Book" copyright 1946. Inside of The Brides Book. It has places to record everything...
My best friend got married this weekend! She looked beautiful and I am very excited to have a new best friend in her new husband. Oh, did I mention they are pregnant and have not lived together yet??!!! They are crazy!The wedding was pretty funny. I know, that doesn't seem like a very nice thing to...
Mawidge..its whats bwings us togetha today...
By Rohat Fatih at 09:52
2008, Broadway, Family, food, Massachusetts, New York City, Wedding
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From Columbia, the first stop was in Massachusetts - to meet Mr L's family (all 400 of them...who turned out to be pretty nice *wink, wink*) and to see Grandma Sue, Aunt Lucy, Hannah and Nick as well as my friend Dave and his kids Emma and Finn (we missed Penny!!) We spent a few days there, meeting...