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healthy holiday tips etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
healthy holiday tips etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Healthy Holiday Tips!

More Helpful Tips from the AllyFitness Holiday Survival Guide!
·         Write it down.
By journaling, you hold yourself accountable and can be more honest with yourself.  No one is looking at your list so it is your tool to be more successful in this program. 

·         Stock up on fruits and veggies. 
You’ve heard it before but you really need to plan your meals and snacks around this.  Stock up on easy grabs, such as apples, bananas or pears.  Buy fresh or frozen veggies to roast, stir fry, steam or add to a vegetable soup or pasta.   You’ll get less calories but more bulk (and more nutrition).
·         Bring it with you.
Avoid being tempted by junk food this holiday season by taking wholesome foods like cereal, fruit or yogurt with you. 
·         Make Small Changes: 
Cut back on portions, use smaller sized plates and add alternative foods in small increments without getting overwhelmed about a new eating plan.
10 Strategies to Save your Waistline this Holiday Season!

1.   Perform a High Intensity Exercise before the big meal!
Your body is most receptive to high calorie and carbohydrate meals within 30 minutes before and 3 hours after a high-intensity activity. 

2.   Do NOT fast in preparation for the Big Meal!
This will only lead to overeating, and overeating foods that are extremely high in sugar and fat!

3.   Do NOT Gorge Yourself!
Eat until you are full, not uncomfortable.

4.   Eat a High Fiber, Protein rich meal one hour before the BIG meal!
This will prevent overeating and make you feel full. 

5.   Eat Lean Protein and Fruit and Vegetables FIRST!
Just because it is the Holiday Meal doesn’t mean you can’t eat nutritional foods too!

6.   Drink WATER!!!

7.   Do NOT Eat Again until you are Hungry!
Enjoy the big meal of the Holiday and then be done with it!  Send the leftovers home with family and get back to a normal eating pattern as soon possible. 

8.   Be Smart with Leftovers!
Use the turkey; it is a very healthy, lean protein.  But use it wisely.  Sandwiches on whole grain breads, turkey salad, turkey wraps!

9.   Get your workouts in!
If you are struggling with time to fit your exercise in over the holidays, try one these ideas.
Reduce the duration – but really increase the intensity! Still struggling?  Break it up into two or three sessions throughout the day.

10. Be sure to snack!  This keeps you from getting hungry and over eating!  Make sure the snacks are veggies, fruits and lean proteins.

Holiday Survival Guide!

What is the best way to get through the Holiday season and parties and without killing my waistline?  

Have a Game Plan!

Always eat five times per day, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.  Keep those meals Clean!  This will give you a fighting chance heading into this Holiday season.

Before heading to parties, have a snack.  Eat a high protein food like eggs or nuts and then you won't be starved and tempted to eat party food.

Make friends with the veggie tray!  Nibble on celery and carrots.  They are harmless.

Don't skip meals - that will just make you hungrier and set you up to overindulge.

Drink your water! Lots of water.

Get your sleep! 

Avoid the high calorie cocktails.  Stick with white wines and clear liquors mixed with diet tonic or club soda.

If you are going to indulge, make it count.  Be sure it is something you really like.  Don't waste the calories on something you could easily pass on.

With all the festivities of the Holidays as well as the shopping, wrapping and cooking, what is the best way to stick my to fitness routine?

If you need to cut back on your workouts, I would suggest cutting the duration.  That means try to get in at least three 15 to 30 minute workouts per week, and make them count!  Adding intensity to your workouts will make them more effective, so if you need to skip on or cut one short, you are not counteracting the effectiveness.  You body responds to the challenge – not the time spent. 

Focus on strength training and circuit workouts.  This will boost your metabolism more than cardio and if done intensely enough, will increase calorie burning for up to 36 hours after.

Keep a food and exercise journal - this really helps people stay on track with your goals.

Keep smiling!  It is time to share and be with loved ones.  Make it a great holiday!

What is Clean Eating?
All of AllyFitness programs focus is on eating wholesome foods.  What does this mean?  Getting rid of highly processed foods- if it comes in a bag, a can or a drive thru window, think twice before you throw away all these empty calories.

Eating clean is eating foods as close to their natural state as possible and avoiding processed or chemically changed foods.  Processed and chemically changed foods are stripped of natural nutrients.  Manufacturers then attempt to add nutrients back into these foods, but it’s not nearly the same amount as in their original forms.  The effect: when we base our diets on processed foods, we become malnourished even when consuming plenty of calories.