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Weekend Recap/Weekly Health Plan

Pretty mellow weekend my way. I have to say though, the Carolina heat is officially in full effect.

Friday night:
// Work day finally ended at 4:30 
// Awesome leg work out with my best friend Kelly and girlfriend Jeana
// Wine with the girls
Selfie before wine time!
// Dog park so 2 little Jack Russell's and a Rat terrier could expend some energy
// Gym for weights and cardio
// Grilled "lean turkey dogs" and a Red box night with my man
Getting my grill on!
Broken City: It was OK... I couldn't follow the story line as well as I should have so I think that kind of ruined it for me. Haunted House: It was actually pretty fun, in my opinion! But crude, gross humor... I don't mind that so I laughed a lot.
//Marquis surprised me by waking up early and getting breakfast for us
// I enjoyed being lazy watching "My Haunted House" on BIO
// Gym for spin class 
// Grocery shopped
// Cleaned and food prepped for 3 hours (I was exhausted)
// Enjoyed my Sunday night shows, baby! Real Housewives of New Jesey, Kardashians, and Long Island Medium

 Meal 1 [7:15 AM]: Power Smoothie
(A Liz original recipe: fresh kale and spinach (2 cups), 1 scoop of Protein Powder, 1 tablespoon of PB2, half of a banana, 1 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk, ice, and blended to perfection)
Meal 2 [10:30 AM]: 1/2 cup of oats, 1/2 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, and a tablespoon of sugar and fat free Vanilla pudding mix (This makes oatmeal taste like freaking ice-cream.)
Meal 3 [1:30 PM]: Turkey spaghetti (extra lean ground turkey, whole wheat noodles, 1/2 cup of fat free Mozzarella cheese, and light tomato sauce)
Meal 4 [4 PM]: 2 egg whites with spinach and a tablespoon of turkey bacon bits
Meal 5 [7:30 PM]: Chicken breast baked in plain Greek yogurt with a cup of green beans and a 1/8 cup of brown rice

Sunday: 45 spin class/15 minutes Lateral cardio
Monday: 10 minutes Lateral cardio, upper body weight circuit, 45 minute spin class
Tuesday: 20 minutes lateral cardio, upper body weight circuit, 15 high incline tredmill walk
Wednesday: 20 minutes lateral cardio/45 minutes Kickboxing
Thursday: OFF!
Friday: 20 minutes lateral cardio, leg work out, 15 minutes Elliptical
Saturday: 10 minutes lateral cardio/10 minutes StairMill, upper body weight circuit, 10 minutes lateral cardio
Sunday: 45 minute Spin class

I linked up today!

Sami's Shenanigans Meal Plan Mondays

Have a great Monday, my Blogger loves!