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dramatic pictures ww2 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
dramatic pictures ww2 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Last days Of Hitler: Eyewitness Accounts: ERNA FLEGEL: Hitler's Nurse

 Hitler's Nurse, ERNA FLEGELErna Flegel (11 July 1911 – 16 February 2006) was a German nurse. From January 1943 until the end of World War II, Flegel served in that capacity for Hitler's entourage and during the Battle of Berlin. She is believed to have been in Hitler's bunker when he committed...

Rare Images From Second World War

American B-26 bombers pound German targets British soldiers on the beaches of Normandy. After D-day.Men from the Italian SS division British Liberator bomber hit by German ack ack An American soldier in action with a flame-thrower A German transport plane has landed in the snows...

France Falls: 1940: Rare Pictures

The fall of France was shocking. It reduced France to virtually a non-player in the Second World War. The efforts of Charles de Gualle were more symbolic than material. But the martial instincts of the French must never be doubted. Under Napoleon they were a formidable military power. The French definitely...

Russia under German occupation: WW2

The Germans entered Russia on June 21, 1941. The victorious Russians pushed them out sometime in early 1945. So many parts of Russia saw German rule. How was life under occupation? The following pictures give us a fair idea.This look eerily like the Babi Yar ravinesLife did not come to a stop under...

Some dramatic images from Second World War

German soldiers do a house-to-house search in Ukraine in the earlier days of the war in RussiaFrench 370-mm howitzer M1915, manufactured by Schneider and used by the Germans as a coastal artillery, captured by the Americans.The German soldiers sprang a surprise on the Americans in Ardennes in 1944American...