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german army russia etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
german army russia etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Germans In Russia: Later Years: The Retreat: An Picture Album

In the fading years of the Second World War, Germany was losing. The once powerful Wehrmacht was a wreck. Here are some images of the end part of WW2.German soldiers move though a devastated Russian townVIDEO: JANUARY 1945: GERMAN NEWSREEL Grodno 1944. It is time to retreat and the aim is to slow down...

German soldiers in Russia: Early Years: An Album

Images of German soldiers on the Eastern Front during Operation Barbarossa, early days on the Ostfront. Germans cross a bridge in RussiaGermans at BrestA German general discusses strategy with his menThis officer's car is stuck in the Russian slushAt VyazmaA camel seized by the Germans and used by...

Life In Russia Under German Occupation: WW2

A local interpreter spells out the new rules laid down by the GermansA burly German checks documents of Russian womenRussian people sent to Germany to work as slave labor. Near Stalingrad.Russian people bundled into trains to be sent to GermanyGerman soldiers seizing food grain from a Russian village...