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My 3 Best Motivation Tips To Get You Started Working Out (Again)

The reason I hear most often for people not working out is lack of motivation. Yes, there are hundreds of ways to get and stay motivated from your doctor telling you that you have high blood pressure to that upcoming Florida vacation or class reunion.

Today I'm going to give you my 3 best motivation tips. If you actually put these tips to work you'll surprise yourself how quickly you become motivated to workout.

Tip#1: Go shopping for new clothes

I know you're probably saying to yourself, "What? I hate the way I look and shopping for clothes is only going to remind me of it. How is that going to motivate me?" Well, being reminded of it is reason in itself, but I meant to go shopping for new workout clothes. Buy just ONE really nice fitness outfit that you'll look forward to wearing and ONLY wear it to your work outs. Then set a short-term goal like "If I don't miss a workout this week I'll go buy another outfit on the weekend."

Tip#2: Get yourself fired-up... every day

You can't hit a target you can't see. Visualization is used by the top performers in every field. It doesn't have to be complicated, it doesn't have to take long and WOW does it get you revved up to take action! It only takes a minute or two a day. That's it. In fact the more you do it, the less time it takes. Here's what to do:

Take minute and in your mind's eye see yourself with your best body (not somebody else's, yours). See yourself looking in the mirror wearing your favourite dress or jeans. Make it vivid - see the colours, hear the usual noises in your house. Let that feeling of confidence and excitement flow through you - don't hold anything back - just let yourself feel.

Don't believe me? Think it's a bunch of "new age" hooey? All I have to say is - Try it (nobody has to know). Set your smartphone timer to 2 minutes. (It's best to use an audible timer so you don't keep breaking your concentration by looking at the time). Close your eyes and try the visualization technique I just described and stay focused until the timer goes off. If your mind wanders start again. It gets easier with practice.

Tip# 3: Tell the world your plans

Here's your chance to use Facebook, LinkedIn and all the people on your e-mail list for something more than sharing pictures of your cat or forwarding bad jokes. Tell everyone you know that you've started on this fitness lifestyle that includes working out every day and eating better. Post pictures and results (even bad ones). Funny, it's the bad ones that motivate me even more. Then invite everyone to check in on you. Peer pressure works, use it to your advantage. Plus your good friends will help you by not tempting you with bad food and bad habits.

Bonus Tip: Stop the scale "routine"

The surest way to kill your motivation is to continually step on the scale. If getting on the scale is part of your daily routine - stop it now! Your weight fluctuates for a thousand different reasons every day. It's very unlikely you'll lose weight in a perfectly straight downward line. But this doesn't mean you should give up. Every single person I've met that has exercised and eaten properly and consistently has lost the weight - every single one. AND every one has had struggles and plateaus and just plain "bad days". But that's okay. If it were easy, everyone would be thin.

Rob Santarossa: AOS, RKC
Owner, PurEnergy Fitness Solutions
Best-Selling Author: Champions
Discover how you can achieve your best body in just 30 fun minutes a day without machines and without wasting time. Get a Free Report 'Weight Loss Secrets Revealed" and more free stuff at:

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4 Easy Abs Workouts to Get Started

ByAdrianna Courtney

Each year, men resolve to get started on abs workouts to get the elusive six-pack. For men, six-pack abs translate to greater self-esteem, admiration from women and the feeling of looking good.

You can start off with these 4 easy abs workouts for men. Exercising each day for a few months will bring you closer to your goal of building abs.

Remember, you also need to have a proper diet and a fat-burning cardio regime in place. Ab exercises won't be of any good if you do not have a proper diet, because your ab muscles will not be visible underneath that layer of fat.

Abs workout for men won't reduce the belly fat, by themselves. You can undertake High Intensity Interval Training as they boost your metabolism, so that you burn fat throughout the day.

Here are 4 easy ab workouts for you, so you can show off your sculpted abs the next time you hit the beach!

Reaching crunch on ball

Sit on a Swiss ball placing your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. Lean back on the ball so that your back is parallel to the floor. Raise your arms, pointing them in the direction of the ceiling. Now contract your abs as you would in normal crunches exercises, keeping your arms reaching for the ceiling. Hold the position for three seconds. Now regain the initial position. Do 10 reps of this exercise.

Leg raise

Lie down on the floor with your legs up in the air, making a 90 degree angle with the floor. Lift your hips slightly off the floor by contracting your lower abs. Hold this position for three seconds. Lower your hips. Straighten your back and bring your legs in alignment with the rest of your body. Rest for three seconds and start again. Do 3 reps.


Lie on your back with your arms overhead, keeping your legs straight. Lift your chest and legs simultaneously to bring your body in a V-shape position. Lower down gently and repeat. Keep your legs straight and together during this exercise.

Long knives

Lie down on a mat with your arms extended above your body. Lift both your arms and legs at the same time, trying to touch your feet with the fingers. Keep your legs perpendicular to the floor. Do at least 10 reps.

These exercises are great for starting an abs workout regime. To stay in shape, you should train your muscles hard enough. Our hardcore designed ab workouts will help you flaunt abs of steel!

Adrianna Courtney is a professional writer and have interest in fitness and providing services on ab workout men and on abs workout for men.

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