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Week in Review etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Week in Review etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Weekly Doings

After an entire week of rain, last week it cleared up and was beautiful. And then it was in the 80s and I sweated my booty off. This week's highs are supposed to be in the 70s which is perfect! Spring has sprung for real, I think! I had a great week doing lots of things outdoors!

First, I did some of my favorite things: 
Coupon clipping, reading and coffee drinking in the sun.
You can't get much better than that. 
The book, Train Like a Mother*, was good. It's about running.
You can read my review here.

I went for a run on the trails near my house. 
One bad thing about Spring? 
Poison Oak. 
Leaves of three; don't touch me! 

Then I headed up to my parents house for the weekend. 
There is still snow on the mountain tops! 
I love it there! It's so beautiful!

I put my Dad to work, trail running with me. 
I even made him leap small buildings logs in a single bound.
Then he put me to work raking, gardening and towing things. 
Touche father, touche.

My parents made homemade cheese! 
I had to taste it to make sure it wasn't poisonous. 
I haven't died, but I still may need to do further testing to be sure.

The apple trees are just getting their flowers and the bees are getting busy! 
It only took me 2,361,384 attempted photos to get this one useable one. 

Yesterday, on my way back home, we went for a hike. 
The two hats are my Mom and Aunt, sitting mighty close to the edge of that cliff. 

No hike would be complete without an attempt at kite flying. 
Notice I said attempt. 
The wind was not cooperating. 
(I heard a man behind me say, "If you have to run, it's not windy enough". Lazy or smart? You decide)

I drove home, which takes about 4 hours, and listened to Ape House on the way, which totally makes the time go by fast (I have been doing it while running too. It's awesome).

*I received Train Like a Mother for free from the authors. All opinions are my own and I was not required to write a review.

Have you ever read a running related book? Have you ever had poison oak (or ivy)? Have you ever listened to a book on CD?

What a Week

It's been a while since I've done a Week in Review post! I love doing them, since it's a great way for me to remember what I did throughout the week. I am surprised at how putting it together on a list makes me seem so much more productive sometimes! Not that I am not, but it just reminds me of what I DID do, rather than making me worry about what I did not.

Last Sunday, I went with a friend for a run and then brunch. The place we went to for brunch had really great food and bottomless mimosas, made with fresh fruit juice. The waiter comes around with a pitcher and in order to try the next kind (there were about 20) you have to down the one you have. Sure, the glasses are only 6 oz, but they add up!

 What started out as an innocent Sunday morning brunch....
See those teeny, tiny glasses? 

...ended up as Dance Party USA. 
Hey. There was Madonna.
And 2 Live Crew.

It rained a lot this week. 
View from the back porch.

The sun did peek out from time to time, enough so I could catch up on my
coffee drinking,
and sunshine loving.
That coffee cup holds about a third of the pot. 
I love it.

I also learned that "Cher" hair is back in style. 
Um, ladies, I have had that hair for the last 30 years. 
Well I guess you have to be "in style" once every 30 years.
Note the insert. 
It says "Don't go overboard.  Leave a little body. Poker straight hair is not always flattering"
Yeah. Like I said. 30 years.

I made a couple of care packages for my loved ones.

And this is why I believe in Karma...
The VERY SAME DAY...I received two blog prizes in the mail! 
A Nature Box that I won from Carrie
And Profoot insoles that I won from Marcia.

Heads up people. Do you love boxes?
Or organizing? 
Or organizing with boxes? 
Target special = $1 each! 

This weekend I went running, went grocery shopping and cooked up a storm.
Two kinds of chili.

And a pan of brownies. 
I did not eat this entire thing by myself. 
Only the entire edge part. 
The middle got cut out and made into...

These! Brownie Balls! 
Not quite the same as the cake pops I made last time, but close.

I had to try one. It was pretty darn good. Except that I really didn't need it. 
After I licked the batter spoon. 
And the bowl. 
And ate all the edges of the brownies. 
And all the leftover melting chocolates.
I feel sick. 

How was your week? Have you ever had bottomless mimosas? Be honest, how much of the brownie pan can you eat in one sitting?

Gas and Dash

This week, as I mentioned in this post, has been a good one! Although the weather report the entire week was for rain, we had surprisingly nice days, with 50 degree temps and sometimes even clear skies! This is why I love living in the Bay Area, where it is always spring!

I went for an awesome run in the hills. 
The sky cleared up midway through and I had a great view of San Francisco. 
I love it when that happens. 

I went to a sale, but I didn't find any good deals! 
Yes, that says $4.29, and actually this photo was taken on Monday. 
On Thursday, the same gas was $4.49. Sheesh. 

The Broski and I went to see the Kaiser Chiefs at the Fillmore. 
We can't go to the City without partaking in some excellent food. 
Today's choice: Pho and Vietnamese Coffee at Pho 2000!

I bought new running shoes
New meets old. 
According to Running Ahead the old ones had 719 miles on them. 

One of my biggest pet peeves? 
Unleashed dogs. 
People that don't follow rules. 
Or know how to read signs. 
(That says "ON". Excuse the paper in the way)

I took a plane ride. Wheeeee. 
I got to see Colorado and Utah. 

My friend and I wandered around town exploring. 

Restaurant or strip club? 
You choose. 

Doesn't everyone need one of these? 
(in case you can't see, it's a singing toothbrush)

I discovered the joy of....wait for it....
Serve Yourself frozen yogurt! 
Where have you been all my life!? 

To work off said yogurt, my friend and I ran the Diva Dash 5k
It was great! 
More on that later. 

How was your week? Have you ever tried Vietnamese coffee? Have you ever had self serve frozen yogurt (if so, what is your favorite combination)?

Grab a Water

This week, instead of grabbing a beer, grab a water. Why? Because I am trying to get back on the healthy track. Last week, Mr. Lovely and I came from opposite coasts to meet up in the "middle" in Florida to enjoy some time in a warmer clime. Because of this, I ate too much and I didn't exercise enough. The reasons are plentiful.

ONE: Location Change. I have a hard time deviating from my regular schedule. At home I make a big (usually pretty healthy) meal on Sunday and eat it throughout the week. I supplement this meal with salads and veggies and oatmeal and fruit. I bring my lunch to work. When I am in a strange place, getting up at a different time each day, living in a hotel, not having a kitchen, I go downhill quickly. Also, not being in the house  in order to make and eat the healthier choices makes a difference. Sometimes, we thought we would make it back in time to make lunch but then things took longer than expected, so we had Mexican for lunch. This happened several times.

TWO: This is a Vacation! I would be happy to eat sandwiches most of the time in order to save money and time and my belly, but it IS fun to go out to a meal and really feel like you are not just sitting at home eating sandwiches. It makes it different, which is pretty much the problem in my case. Different = high in fat, cheese, alcohol and carbs. Different = delicious, but different ≠ healthy. I tried, really I did, but who wants the shrimp salad with the lowfat dressing when you can have a pollo burrito with all the fixins, a side of chips and salsa and a huge glass of sauvignon blanc? Every day? 

Or a 24 oz Bud Light. Hey, beggars can't be choosers.
THREE: It was Hot. I forgot how miserable it was to run in the heat. I hate it. I used to run in New Orleans after work and it would be 95 degrees and 98.9 % humidity. I don't know how I did it to be honest. I have gotten weak, I guess. Give me a hill and a high elevation run any day! But humidity, forget it. 

FOUR: Meals like THIS. 

Now, I wasn't just a lazy, drunken slob the WHOLE time! There were a few redeeming items on the menu. 

ONE: I Ran a 10k Race. This race adds one more state to my 50 State Race List! A total of 9 states that I have raced in so far. Only 41 to go!

And THEN I had a beer!
TWO: Paddle Boarding for 4 hours is a Good Ab Workout. Plus I got a sunburn that was back to white in one day tan, got an arm workout and got to see many fish, birds and stingrays!

THREE: Walking on the Beach is Good for Your Calves. I went walking on the beach a couple of times, which gives me the chance to get some exercise, people watch (post on that coming soon) and work on my burn/tan/whiteness all at the same time. 

FOUR: Meals like THIS. 

All in all, it was a fun time, but now it's time to get back on the ball and get back in shape! I feel kind of gross and overfed right now. Right now I am drinking more water and...going for a run!

Are you good at eating healthy and exercising when you are traveling?

Feb Photo Fun

I am still working on the February Photo Challenge.  I have some posts in the works about other activities from this week, so until I get my butt in gear (and my mind!) you will be entertained with #febphotoaday only!

Day 16: Something New
I recently swapped books with fellow blogger Suz. I was so excited that my box arrived! 
Hurray for new books! This also falls within the guidelines of my 12 in 2012 book challenge.

Day 17: Time
I spent most of this day driving to the Bay Area to see friends and run the Bay Breeze

Day 18: Drinks
Post race wind down beverage

Day 19: Something I Hate to Do

Day 20: Handwriting
My planner.

 Day 21: A Fave Photo of Myself
Bottling beer with the broski. 
This one is a Stout. My favorite!

Day 22: Where I Work

Day 23: My Shoes
Same shoes, different closet.

Day 24: Inside My Bathroom Cabinet
Actually, this is my roommate's cabinet. She likes to have fresh smelling armpits.
My cabinet is a toiletry bag.

Day 25: Green
Running in Oakland yesterday.
You can't quite see it, but that glow in the distance is San Francisco. 
It was a gorgeous day!

In a few minutes I am heading to San Francisco for an Oscar party with friends. I have no idea what movies are nominated, but it will be fun to see everyone anyway! Also, my friends are on a fast; no dairy, booze, sugar, sodium, bread or caffeine (as well as a long list of other things), so it should be an interesting (and grumpy?) party!  What do you think? Should I bring a huge bottle of wine and a cheese platter?

How was your week? Did you do anything fun this weekend? Are you going to any Oscar parties?

Shoes and Taxes

Welcome another edition of what I did last week: in pictures. The #febphotoaday is still going on and I have so far not missed a day! Hurray! To see what it's all about, you can head over to Fat Mumslim's page and check it out. 

Day 11: Makes me Happy -- Via Spiga page

Day 12: Inside my Closet
Flats: Anne Klein
Flip Flops: Reef
Boots: MIA

Day 13: Blue
Camelback Nalgene -- it goes with me everywhere

Day 14: Heart
I saw this on my run the other day. 
Perfect timing. 

Day 15: Phone
Stickers for planner.
Notice the "birthday" ones are all gone (the empty row).
(Notice the hair appt ones are all still there.)

Besides the Feb Photo, this week was spend doing responsible, boring things. Like...


Going to the DMV

Cursing at my computer, as it decided to shut down and then the Microsoft Office Suite loses half the things I worked on over the last week. 
You can see my face in the screen.
It doesn't look happy.

It snowed this week. 
But it melted off pretty fast. 
The running trail. 

A shady section of the trail. 

How was your week? Do you try to cram all the boring, responsible things into one day or do you space them out throughout the week/month?