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February Photo Challenge etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
February Photo Challenge etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Feb Photo Fun

I am still working on the February Photo Challenge.  I have some posts in the works about other activities from this week, so until I get my butt in gear (and my mind!) you will be entertained with #febphotoaday only! Day 16: Something NewI recently swapped books with fellow blogger Suz. I was...

Shoes and Taxes

Welcome another edition of what I did last week: in pictures. The #febphotoaday is still going on and I have so far not missed a day! Hurray! To see what it's all about, you can head over to Fat Mumslim's page and check it out.  Day 11: Makes me -- Via Spiga page Day...

Half Time Recap

Another week, another photo here and there, and February is almost over. Woo Hoo. That means the #febphotoaday is well underway.  And it's time for another recap post. Day 4: StrangerHave you ever seen anything stranger than this? Mouser and Hillary. He looks pissed off. Maybe it's because...

All's Quiet on the Western Front

This week has been a quiet one. I am still working on sorting photos and files and trying to make sure I have everything backed up and categorized. It's not very exciting to talk about, but it is fun to go through and look at some of the photos from the last several years.I also decided just for fun...