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Karma Police

I must have done something wrong because this weekend it was one of those weekends where all kinds of weird stuff happened. Friday started out pretty good, with some time in Uptown Oakland, where there is a monthly street fair called the Art Murmur (or First Friday) where you can walk around, eat street food, look at art and listen to music. It was quite fun. Until this happened. Luckily I didn't find out about this until the next day.

I left around 10:30 and headed home. The next day I realized my wallet was missing. I know I had it when I got on the bus, because I took my bus pass out of it to get on the bus. Somewhere between getting on the bus and getting home, it went missing. I know also that someone took it and it's not just hidden in the inside pocket of my jacket, because I checked my accounts online and there were purchases on there that I hadn't made. The ironic part? They only spent $1.75 at Safeway (grocery store), $2.50 at 711 and $40 at Chevron. That's it. If I stole a credit card, I would go on a way bigger shopping spree than that!

So I spent Saturday first trying to remember everything that I had in my wallet. Do you know exactly what you have in yours? It took me a while and I am still not sure that I remembered all of them. Then I started calling to cancel my cards. The cards aren't the crappy part though; the purchases on them can be reversed and I will get new ones in the mail in 3-5 days. The worst is the drivers license. Getting a new one entails going to the DMV, which is only open from 8 - 5 on weekdays, hence causing me to miss work to go over there to stand in line for hours. Argh.

SF Bay Trail
SF Bay Trail

Sunday I decided to erase any bad events from the past few days and take a nice long run along the bay. It was a beautiful day and the run was going pretty well until I was running along minding my own business when an unleashed dog bounded up to me, jumped on me and knocked me down onto the pavement. Remember when I fell before? Well this time I fell on the opposite knee and hand so I have matching pairs. Hurray. I didn't even take time to get mad at the guy whose dog was supposed to be leashed before heading off to finish the run.

And then the Niners lost.

Watch out for the Karma police. They are a B. Itch.

Have you ever had a series of strange events happen to you? Do you believe in Karma? Have you ever had your wallet stolen/lost?

Aye Car-umba!

I don't drive very often. I prefer to live in a place where I can walk or take the bus to where I need to go. However, sometimes it's a necessary evil. When I say evil, I say this because I have not had the best luck with cars. This may be due to the fact that I usually have an older car. Since I don't want to spend money to buy a new car, instead I spend money fixing an old one. I guess you have to choose and this is what I have chosen.

I am talking about this because my car broke down on Monday. I probably use my car once a week, usually to meet up with my friend for a walk (she lives about 45 minutes from me, so we tend to meet somewhere in the middle). I know this is ironic, driving somewhere to get exercise, but sometimes it's fun to try new places where the bus can't go. This time, however, I was on my way back to Oakland to pick up some stuff to take to Santa Cruz. After a stop along the way, I was getting back on the freeway and it just sputtered and died (on the on ramp). So I called AAA. I am getting to be pretty good at dealing with breakdowns, as I have had several over the years, some better than others.

Mid 90s: I get my first car. It's old. The starter stops working, but luckily if I park on a hill, I can pop the clutch. This leads to my profound knowledge of every hill/slant/bump in my hometown. When there is no hill, my friends help me push my very heavy car far enough to pop the clutch. This leads to me not having any more friends. I start leaving the car running when I go into stores (yes, you can do this in my hometown). I finally end up taking out the starter myself THREE times and having it re-lathed three times. This is quite costly, even though I have done the work myself. Finally we find out that the part that was needed was a tiny piece near the starter that costs mere dollars.

Late 90s, same car: I am driving to my friend's house for NYE and I break down on the Sacramento causeway due to overheating. This was when I didn't have a cell phone. Several people call 911 because they think I am on fire. Thank goodness they do, because I have the firemen call me a tow truck.

Mid 2000s: A different car. Still old. I am commuting from Sacramento to San Francisco and the car decides to call it quits on the Bay Bridge right AT the toll booth. People are honking and giving me the finger. On the plus side, the tow truck comes VERY fast. Also I save $5 on bridge tolls.

Present Day: About a month ago, I went to use the car for my once a week jaunt and it wouldn't start. I know a couple of things about cars, mostly that (a) it was not a problem with the battery, (b) it was not a problem with the starter and (c) I was not out of gas. As soon as the AAA guy comes, he asks me if the car is out of gas. I wonder if some people are unsure of the answer, because the guy that came to get me on Monday asked the same question. 

One of my many friends

Basically from 2000 to present day, I have made do with public transportation, my feet and a rental car for work. So I haven't had any problems. Now I am back to having a car and back to having problems. I am on a first name basis with the mechanic, who is actually awesome. I also am very adept at making small talk with tow truck drivers, since I often have to ride with them to the mechanic. Monday's driver was a very nice man and it was a pleasure to spend 45 minutes hanging out with him. However, I have already used 2 out of 3 of my allotted AAA calls, so I am hoping to get the problem resolved quickly and to not have it happen again! Every time I break down, I am trying to get somewhere! (ha)  

Do you often have car trouble? Have you ever tried to fix your own car? Have you ever ridden in the tow truck with the driver?

Top Ten Embarrassing Running Problems

Running is good for you, fact. Running gives your heart muscle an effective work out and improves your circulation, helps you stay in shape and strengthens your bones. However, all runners will know that there is a dark side to running. Oh yes. A leaky bladder, runner's trots and bloody nipples are all things to expect when you start pounding the pavements regularly. Here we list the top 10 embarrassing runner's problems.

10) Excessive Sweating

Whilst it may be embarrassing sometimes, sweat is actually runner's best friend. Perspiration is our natural means of coping with body heat; the more we move the more we heat up and the more we sweat. As you become more highly trained, you become more efficient in cooling your body through sweating; well-trained athletes actually sweat more than amateurs.

Runners should make sure they wear the right clothing to help deal with excessive sweating. When it comes to running, cotton is Enemy No.1, absorbing heat and moisture and keeps it clinging to your body like a wet rag. Good running clothing will 'wick' moisture away from the body to the outside, keeping you comfortable and dry.

9) Acne

Acne on the upper back, chest and upper arms is common for runners. When you run, the sweat combined with friction from your rubbing clothes can clog your pores, causing unsightly spots. Women often experience this more, and pimples are prevalent around clothing covered skin like under their sports bra.

The best way to deal with runner's acne is to shower immediately after a run and cleanse acne prone areas thoroughly. Make sure you change out of any sweaty clothes as soon as possible- sitting around in them will just intensify the problem!

8) Itchy Legs

Itchy legs are a common and annoying problem for runners, particularly beginners. Inside our muscles are millions of tiny capillaries and arteries which expand rapidly during exercise due to demand for more blood. When fit, the capillaries open, but these tend to collapse when you are inactive. The rapid expansion of capillaries causes nerves to send impulses back to the brain, which are interpreted as an itch.

Quite simply, the more you run the more your itching will subside. And whatever you do, don't scratch! It will only make the itching worse.

7) Rashes

Heat rash, prickly heat and miliaria rubra are commonly experienced by runners when their sweat glands become blocked or over-stimulated and can't release perspiration. Heat rash can be exacerbated by friction, tight clothing and hot weather. Make sure you wear comfortable, running clothes that wick moisture away from your skin, and shower as quickly as you can after a run to lower your surface temperature.

6) Jogger's nipple

Jogger's nipple is a common problem for runners, particularly men. The nipples are formed from delicate tissue, and as you run your clothing can rub against them causing irritation, dryness, inflammation and even bleeding. Men suffer particularly with jogger's nipple because they are not protected by sports bras.

Wearing the right clothing will help prevent sore nipples. Women should protect themselves with a well-fitting sports bra, and men could use a plaster or surgical tape to protect their nipples from their outside clothing. Barrier creams like Vaseline can also be used to great effect.

5) Chafing

Other areas of your body can also suffer from chafing when running, particularly around the groin or inner thighs. The most common symptom of chafing is a painful stinging or burning sensation, and the area is usually red and raw.

The no cotton rule applies to underwear when running. Tight fitting, synthetic underwear will wick away moisture and help to prevent chafing. Some runners even prefer to run without any underwear on at all- whatever works for you!

4) Clicking joints

Many people have joints that click when they run, and as long as there is no pain with the clicking then there is usually nothing to worry about. But if you are experiencing pain with your clicking joints then it could be that you are 'out of alignment' in some way.

If you have private medical insurance then it could be worth getting your physiotherapist to take a look at you, or go to your GP to be referred to one on the NHS. You may be flat-footed or have one leg longer than the other, which may be causing your joints to work inefficiently.

3) Black toenails

Black toenails are a common affliction of many runners. If a toe is under pressure from the shoe or a sock that is too tight, the sustained pressure damages the tissue around the toenail - the black toenail is a result of the broken blood capillaries. The nail will usually fall off when a new nail eventually grows in.

To prevent black toenails, make sure you are wearing a correctly fitting running shoe, trim your toenails regularly, and wear wicking socks rather than cotton ones. If you do suffer a black toenail, leave it alone as it will heal in its own time. However, if you notice any redness or infection, then see your doctor.

2) Leaking bladder

Leaking urine when you run may feel embarrassing, but it is actually more common than you might think, particularly in women. It's official term is 'exercise-induced urinary incontinence, and 30%-40% of women have experienced it to a point where it bothers them. Exercise-induced urinary incontinence is more common as women age, and also more common in women who have given birth.

Kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscle and may help with mild bladder leakage. However, anyone who is worried about it should visit their doctor, who will be able to offer advice and treatment for the condition. Some health insurance policies even offer cover for private bladder treatments and surgery.

1) Runner's Trots

Whatever you want to call it, diarrhea is a major concern for many runners- around 20 to 50% suffer from "urgency to defecate"! The causes of runner's diarrhea remain under debate, but it is thought that running alters intestinal hormones. Runner's diarrhea will normally clear up by itself from several hours to two days after running, but make sure you replace lost fluids by drinking plenty of water.

Your diet can create the problem, but medical issues like irritable bowel syndrome can make it worse. It can be worth keeping a food diary to see how your diet affects your bowel movement. When all else fails, consult with your doctor about taking anti-diarrhea medicine, such as Imodium, one hour before an important run.

This article is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional.

Chloe writes expert articles on health and the medical insurance industry for health insurance and income protection comparison website ActiveQuote.

Article Source:

Dollars and Sense

Have you ever felt like you were being hosed? Cheated? Duped?

I have.

In fact, when traveling, you often feel ripped off, especially in poorer countries. But usually, no offense to any particular sort, but it is the locals who rip you off. Well, the day before yesterday we went diving. It was great! Beforehand we had spoken with an English lady who ran the shop and she assured us that the dive would be a certain price (in US dollars) minus ten percent, since we were two people.

So we dive, we get done and then I go up to pay. Well, first of all, let me tell you a little background. Right now, the Indonesian Rupiah is 8500 to 1 USD. So, our day of diving was supposed to be 85 dollars, which would be 722,500 rupiah. Well, I give her my credit card and not only were we charged an extra 3 percent to use the card, but we were charged at an exchange rate of 9200 rupiah which equals 782,000, which is ACTUALLY (in bank terms) 92 dollars. So, I KNOW this is only a difference of SEVEN dollars. You say, why bother with 7 dollars, but she knowingly duped me! And I trusted her. That bitch.

So later in the day, I went to get money out of the ATM. There is only one in the town we are in. My ATM card is a Visa/Cirrus card. We get in line for the ATM and the guard comes up to us and says, "what kind of card do you have?" and I said, "don't worry about it!". He insisted on knowing. I told him, "it's a visa". He said, "this machine doesn't take visa, only MasterCard." I said, "okay thanks, but I am going to try it anyway" (as there was a cirrus logo right on the ATM machine).

So I go into the little box. It's one of those personal ATMs where there is an airconditioned box to go into to use the ATM and only one person can go at a time. I am in the middle of using my card and he opens the door and says, "is it working?" I said, "can you please close the door?" He leaves, then comes back as my money is coming out of the machine. He says, "did it work?" I say, "yes". He says, and I am serious about this -- "How much money did you get out?"

Are you serious? Get out of my face! First of all, he tells me it won't work, and it DOES! Second he gets all up in my grill, third he has the balls to ask me how much money I got out! I couldn't believe it. I said, "get out, PLEASE."

He finally did and I left the ATM, the whole time looking over my shoulder to make sure he was not following me!

So yesterday was a strange day for monetary transactions.