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Problems etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Problems etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Karma Police

I must have done something wrong because this weekend it was one of those weekends where all kinds of weird stuff happened. Friday started out pretty good, with some time in Uptown Oakland, where there is a monthly street fair called the Art Murmur (or First Friday) where you can walk around, eat street...

Aye Car-umba!

I don't drive very often. I prefer to live in a place where I can walk or take the bus to where I need to go. However, sometimes it's a necessary evil. When I say evil, I say this because I have not had the best luck with cars. This may be due to the fact that I usually have an older car. Since I don't...

Top Ten Embarrassing Running Problems

Running is good for you, fact. Running gives your heart muscle an effective work out and improves your circulation, helps you stay in shape and strengthens your bones. However, all runners will know that there is a dark side to running. Oh yes. A leaky bladder, runner's trots and bloody nipples are all things to expect when you start pounding the pavements regularly. Here we list the top 10 embarrassing...

Dollars and Sense

sourceHave you ever felt like you were being hosed? Cheated? Duped?I have.In fact, when traveling, you often feel ripped off, especially in poorer countries. But usually, no offense to any particular sort, but it is the locals who rip you off. Well, the day before yesterday we went diving. It was great!...