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 Filenews 11 November 2020

Address to the Cypriot people, explaining the decisions of the Council of Ministers, on the new measures to limit the expansion of the pandemic, addressed by President Anastasiades.

The president's speech.

Compatriots and Compatriots,

Friends and Friends,

Just a week ago I addressed everyone, explaining the reasons for the new restrictive measures, expressing at the same time the hope of avoiding stricter restrictive measures which European countries impose one after the other.

Unfortunately, despite the measures taken, despite the agonizing effort to avoid stricter restrictive measures, it has not been possible to contain the outbreak of the pandemic which is now dangerously threatening the health, life, health system and economy of the place.

Following the epidemiological indicators, I would like to mention that for the period 28 October to date 2644 new cases have been recorded, while in the same period 8 deaths are attributed to the deadly virus.

Analysis of the above data shows that of the new cases, 1798 come from the Limassol and Paphos Provinces, i.e. 68%, while 7 out of eight deaths involve people with permanent residence in either Limassol or Paphos.

At the same time, of the 68 people currently hospitalized, 49 come from these Provinces, a figure of 72%.

From the above, it is clear that the main outbreaks of infection and transmission of the virus are, unfortunately, the Provinces of Limassol and Paphos.

Not ignoring the high number of cases in the rest of the Provinces, and after a meeting with the epidemiological team and the visible dangers of an uncontrolled outbreak of the pandemic, the Council of Ministers decided to take further measures, stricter for the provinces of Limassol and Paphos and new measures concerning the rest of the Provinces.

I want, as one of you, to confess to you that in the last few days it is with great anxiety that I follow the dangers recorded through the epidemiological picture.

At the same time, a sense of responsibility would not allow the Government or itself personally to remain indifferent to the dangers of lost lives and the break-up of families.

Fellow citizens of Limassol and Paphos: I want to assure you that I fully understand the reactions and any unpleasant feelings that restrictive measures may cause you.

It was not and is not the intention of the Government to target the citizens of certain regions.

Today the government's decisions may cause discomfort, but the protective measures we are taking will allow everyone to feel safer, but, more importantly, we will be happy for our children and parents the day after the crisis.

Friends and Friends,

You follow every day what is happening in other countries. I'm sure none of you would want us to experience similar circumstances.

I will not tire of repeating that it is the time of individual and social responsibility of everyone.

I want to make sure that with the same sense of responsibility we will also face the economic consequences that will arise as a result of the measures we are taking.

In addition to the decisions on the measures to be announced by the Minister of Health, tomorrow the Ministers of Finance and Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance will announce a new package of measures to support workers, small and medium-sized enterprises and other enterprises.

Friends and Friends,

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that the moments are critical. And they will become even more critical if we do not show the same sense of responsibility and solidarity that we showed when successfully tackling the first wave of the pandemic.

Any progress, any lifting of restrictive measures, or a further setback, depends entirely on the individual and collective responsibility to respect with reverence the safety protocols and health rules that scientists advise us.

I ask for your understanding and patience in this and I strongly appeal to everyone to respect what we have achieved so far with sacrifice, stubbornness and determination in the efforts to combat the pandemic.

The uncertainty of the aggressive behavior of the virus does not allow any fallacy and complacency.

I mention the above mainly by addressing the small portion of our fellow citizens who, with attitudes of indiscipline and relaxation, show a lack of respect for our fellow human beings.

At the same time, I would like to emphasise that we will not tolerate behaviour by companies where by ignoring security protocols, the economic benefit is put above human lives.

Friends and friends,

I have no doubt that with the social sensitivity that we as a people have repeatedly demonstrated, we will also be able to face this test.

I trust you, I trust your humanity and the high sense of solidarity that characterizes our society.

Thank you. Together we'll make it again.

Source: eyenews


 Filenews 11 November 2020

The new measures decided by the Council of Ministers are to be announced by the Minister of Health, Konstantinos Ioannou, following the announcement of the President of the Republic.

The Minister of Health pointed out that social, psychological and economic consequences were taken into account in taking the measures. He pointed out that the epidemiological burden in Limassol and Paphos is large and that more stringent measures are therefore needed.


Local Measures in Limassol and Paphos

Prohibited from 20:00 to 05:00 except for health and work reasons with demonstration of attestation

Teleeducation will be attended by teenagers attending Lyceums in the two provinces, where there will be no physical presence of students, as they close by the end of the month.

Hospital visits are prohibited.

All catering businesses, such as cafes, bars and restaurants, theatres, cinemas, will also be closed. The deli's allowed.

The people's markets will operate at 50% occupancy.

Department stores will also remain closed, but supermarkets, pharmacies, bakeries, kiosks, etc. will not be closed.

They're closing hair salons and beauticians.

Travel to and from the provinces is prohibited except for health reasons, occupation.

Concentrations in public places outside sport of up to 2 persons are prohibited

Ten people per house

Church and other forms are performed without the presence of believers

Weddings, churches, christenings with 10 people

Funeral dinners are prohibited, except in a house with up to 10 people

Public Services: With security personnel

Museum operation suspended

50% capacity in MMMs


- Gatherings of up to 10 people are allowed.

Dining areas until 22:30

Curfew from 23:00-05:00

Church with a maximum of up to 75 people

the operation of playgrounds and amusement parks is suspended

conferences are prohibited

visits to nursing homes and structures of vulnerable groups are prohibited (excluding people with disabilities)

suspension of camping persons

Retail and pharmacies until 10:00 only people over 65 and with disabilities

Source: eyenews


 Filenews 11 November 2020 - by Michalis Hatzivasilis

A large amount of e-mail found on the British real estate agent's computer is the focus of investigations by the police team investigating the case of al-Jazeera's video. The material detected needs to be studied to separate everything related to the cases under investigation. The information has so far brought the Briton to cooperate with the authorities.

The investigative team has focused in recent days on this part of the investigation and, assisted by the Office for Combating Cybercrime, is trying to separate the email linked to the cases by granting Cypriot passports to foreign investors. The British real estate agent, in several cases, mediated to locate real estate to invest prospective investors aiming to obtain a Cypriot passport. He allegedly worked with people featured in the Al Jazeera video.

In the meantime, a meeting with the heads of the Legal Service will be held today by the investigative team to inform and determine the next steps, and it is not excluded that there will also be a question of opening bank accounts and/or telecommunications data of persons involved in the case, if necessary.

The meeting will take place in the morning and the investigators of the TAU Police Headquarters under the assistant head of operations Dimitris Dimitriou and the head of the TAU Christopher Mavrommatis will inform the Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General, of the actions they have taken so far, the evidence that has emerged and decide on the next moves. It is expected that investigators will inform the leadership team of the N. Service of the data detected by the computers of the five persons investigated about 10 days ago, as well as of the letter of the resigned former Speaker of the House Dimitris Syllouris who, as "F" wrote yesterday, denounces the action of the two al Jazeera journalists to frame him and record him without his knowledge.

It is worth noting that, as "F" also wrote, the two journalists of the Katarinos network, told the Cypriot Police that they do not intend to come to Cyprus to testify, since they consider that they have fulfilled their mission.


 Filenews 11 November 2020

In a notice concerning inspections and control at Cypra Ltd by the Inspection Service, the Ministry of Labour responds to the company's claims.

It is reported that out of a total of 107 persons, who had been declared to the Ministry of Health that they were employed in the premises of the company concerned and for which Covid 19 examinations had been carried out by the Ministry of Health, 79 persons were found not to have an open employment in the Social Insurance Services, and therefore under the relevant Law are considered undeclared employees.

Undeclared work under the Law carries an administrative fine of €3,500 for each undeclared person, a total of €276,500 administrative fine.

"It is noted that the audit concerned all three Employer Registers, which according to the data in the Social Insurance Register belong to the same legal person, thus to the same Company. In accordance with the applicable Social Insurance Law, the employer has 5 days to provide all the necessary evidence with respect to the persons included in the nominal list given to him after the relevant finding of an infringement of undeclared work," it states.

Source: eyenews/CYPE


 Filenews 11 November 2020

A 38-year-old man is in a critical condition in Nicosia General Hospital after a car accident in which he was involved in the early hours of the morning with his vehicle in Paphos.

According to the Police, the 38-year-old underwent two surgeries and is being treated intubated at The Nicosia General Hospital.

According to the Police, at 05:55 today, a 38-year-old man from Paphos, while driving his car on the road Embas – Talas, at some point on the road and under conditions being investigated, lost control of his vehicle and fell into a field with an altitude difference of about one meter from the road and then hit a tree and came to a stop.

The 38-year-old was initially taken by ambulance to GN Paphos where according to the on-duty doctor his state of health was serious and he was taken to Nicosia General Hospital for further treatment.

The circumstances under which the accident occurred are being investigated by Paphos Traffic Police.

Source: eyenews/KYPE


 Filenews 11 November 2020

The Ministry of Health announces the death of another male covid-19 patient, aged 89, with serious underlying diseases, who was being treated at Famagusta General Hospital, in addition to the three deaths reported earlier today. The final cause of death is attributed to COVID-19 disease.

The total number of deaths with the final cause of COVID-19 disease is 33.    20 men (60%) and 13 women (40%), with an average age of 75 years.

In addition, the Ministry of Health informs that, according to an update received today by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit from contracting laboratories, a total of 3,291 laboratory diagnoses identified 165 new cases of COVID-19 disease.

In detail, today's cases emerged as follows:

  • Of 608 samples taken through the process of tracing contacts of already confirmed cases, 59 cases were identified.
  • Of 1,540 samples taken through a private initiative, 68 cases were detected.
  • Of 254 samples taken from the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals, 16 cases were detected.
  • Of 414 samples taken as part of a passenger and repatriated check, 5 cases were identified.
  • Of 243 samples taken as part of the referral programme by Personal Physicians and special teams control through the Public Health Clinics, 15 cases were identified.
  • Of 148 samples taken as part of the control programme for pupils, teachers and school staff, 2 cases were identified.

In addition, the laboratory testing of samples from the following programs was completed, without the detection of cases:

  • Of 8 samples taken under the migrant structure control programme, 47 laboratory diagnoses were carried out,
  • Samples taken as part of a sample check carried out by the COP in Associations participating in its competitions completed 37 laboratory tests.

Therefore, and on the basis of the data so far, the total number of cases amounts to 6,461.

In addition, 57 people tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus at Famagusta General Hospital, six of whom are in the Increased Care Unit. In addition, a total of six patients are hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of the Nicosia General Hospital, two of whom are off the ventilator. Another ten people are being treated in a COVID-19 ward at nicosia General Hospital.

Source: eyenews


 Filenews 11 November 2020

The Ministry of Health announces the deaths of three patients with COVID-19, with the final cause of death covid-19. In particular, they are:

  • Woman aged 92 years, with underlying diseases, who was treated at Famagusta General Hospital.
  • A 71-year-old man with underlying illnesses who was being treated intubated in the Intensive Care Unit of nicosia General Hospital.
  • Woman aged 62 years, without underlying diseases, who was hospitalized intubated in the Intensive Care Unit of Nicosia General Hospital.

According to the data, the total number of deaths with the final cause of COVID-19 disease amounts to 32.   Of these, 19 are men (59%) and 13 women (41%), with an average age of 74 years.

Source: eyenews


 Reuters News Service 10 November 2020

© Reuters/YVES HERMAN FILE PHOTO: European Union flags flutter outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels

By Jan Strupczewski

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Negotiators from the European Parliament and EU governments agreed the details of the 2021-2027 EU budget on Tuesday, in a crucial step for the activation of the bloc's 1.8 trillion euro (£1.6 trillion) recovery package to make the economy greener and more digital.

"A deal for Europe - Council and European Parliament negotiators reach political agreement on the EU budget & recovery package," the spokesman for the German presidency of the EU Sebastian Fischer said on Twitter.

The deal, which took almost four months to negotiate, now needs to be formally endorsed by EU governments and the European Parliament.

This may cause new friction because the deal links access to EU money with respect for the rule of law -- a condition Poland and Hungary strongly oppose because they are under EU scrutiny for undermining the independence of the courts and media.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has sent a letter to the European Commission and the chairman of EU leaders Charles Michel threatening to veto the 1.1 trillion euro budget if the link between the money and the rule of law is not removed.

But senior officials said they were not sure if Hungary would do that, because such action would derail money for all of the 27-nation EU, including Hungary and Poland themselves, both of which were net beneficiaries of EU financial support.

Poland especially is among the largest recipients of direct EU subsidies for farmers who are the electoral base of the ruling nationalist PiS party. If Warsaw and Budapest bloc the next budget, the subsidies for farmers will stop.

"We will have to see whether anyone is going to block anything at all," one senior EU official said.


The deal between parliament and government negotiators raises EU spending on health, education and security by 16 billion euros compared to the agreement of EU leaders in July.

It also establishes new, dedicated revenues for EU coffers so the bloc can repay the 750 billion euros it plans to borrow to help the recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"By 2026, we will have a basket of new revenues that should be sufficient to cover the cost of the Recovery Fund’s debt with the aim of not having cuts in funds and programmes," said one of the parliamentary negotiators, Jose Manuel Fernandes.

Over the next weeks, talks between EU lawmakers and governments will continue on the details of the 750 billion borrowing, of which 672.5 billion is to be distributed among governments as loans and grants on the basis of their national recovery plans listing various projects and reforms.

The parliament wants more of that money to be paid up front, before the projects reach agreed milestones and more of the cash to be earmarked for projects that help reduce CO2 emissions.

Lawmakers also want the cash to be available longer -- for four years instead of three.

Once governments and parliament agree, the deal can be ratified by national parliaments in the EU's 27 countries and the money would start flowing in the second half of next year.

"The budget, the Recovery Fund, new revenues and the rule of law conditionality are one package for us," said Siegfried Mursan, a senior MEP responsible for budgetary issues.

"Parliament will ratify today's deal only if Member States stick to all parts of the agreement," he said.

(Additional reporting by Krisztina Than in Budapest and Sabine Siebold in Berlin; Reporting by Jan Strupczewski, Editing by William Maclean)


 AFP 11 November 2020 

Shannon Walker, Soichi Noguchi standing in a parking lot: From left to right: NASA astronauts Shannon Walker, Victor Glover and Mike Hopkins, and Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi, seen November 8 2020

© Joel KOWSKY From left to right: NASA astronauts Shannon Walker, Victor Glover and Mike Hopkins, and Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi, seen November 8 2020

Three NASA crew and one Japanese astronaut are set for launch aboard a SpaceX rocket Saturday, bound for the International Space Station in the program's first six-month routine mission since the United States resumed crewed space flight in May after nine years of reliance on Russia.  

NASA on Tuesday officially certified as safe the Crew Dragon capsule developed for regular astronaut transportation by SpaceX, the company founded by Elon Musk that carried two astronauts to the ISS in May and back to Earth again in August without major incident. 

"I'm extremely proud to say we are returning regular human spaceflight launches to American soil on an American rocket and spacecraft," NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said. 

Take-off is planned for 7:49 pm Saturday (0049 GMT Sunday) from Kennedy Space Center in Florida with American astronauts Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover and Shannon Walker and Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi on board. 

As of Tuesday evening, the weather outlook for Saturday was good. 

They are expected to arrive at the ISS eight hours later, at 0920 GMT Sunday. 

The mission marks a culmination for SpaceX, setting it up to be NASA's favored -- and so far most reliable -- transportation provider as the agency waits on Boeing's Starliner capsule, which has been held up in testing and is not expected to be ready before next year. 

SpaceX has been operating space station re-supplying flights with the cargo version of the Dragon since 2012. 

"For the next 15 months, we will fly seven crew and cargo Dragon missions for NASA," SpaceX head of crewed flights Benji Reed said during a phone call Tuesday. 

"That means that (from December) starting with Crew-1, there will be a continuous presence of SpaceX Dragons in orbit."

The next crewed mission is expected to blast off at the end of March 2021, carrying one European, one Japanese and two American crew members. 


 Cyprus Mail 11 November 2020 - by Annette Chrysostomou

The launch of the annual campaign to support vulnerable families ‘Adopt a family for Christmas’ was announced by the Pancyprian Volunteerism Coordinating Council on Wednesday.

“The aim of the campaign is to leave no family and no child without the basics which help them feel the joy of Christmas,” chairman of the council Elias Demetriou noted.

“This Christmas will be different for everyone, especially for vulnerable families, due to the Covid-19 pandemic period we are going through. Let us not forget our fellow human beings who need our help and let us support vulnerable families by spreading the joy of the birth of Christ. This Christmas, we ask you too to ‘adopt’ a family!”

The organisation is looking for gift vouchers from supermarkets and shops, food items, gifts for children and any other items which may bring joy to families at Christmas.

The collection period is between mid-November and mid-December.

The campaign is running for the seventh consecutive year. In 2019, more than 850 families were offered Christmas packages by the council with the help of individuals, families, municipalities, communities, businesses, education institutions, NGOs and others.

Vulnerable families can contact the volunteer centres in their district.

Contact numbers:

Nicosia: 22-512602, Limassol: 25-737761, Larnaca: 24-650525, Paphos: 26-953725, Famagusta: 99124521, Kyrenia: 97-743185

For more info: Pancyprian Volunteerism Coordinating Council, Tel: 22-514521,


 Cyprus Mail 11 November 2020 - by George Psyllides

Eight elderly people have tested positive for the coronavirus at a facility in Limassol bringing the total number of cases there to 11.

In a statement, the facility, which provides treatment, rehabilitation, and residency to elderly individuals, said eight residents have tested positive and have been transferred to a different wing.

On Saturday, the Melathron Agoniston announced that a member of staff had tested positive and was followed by a 65-year-old resident, and a cleaner.

All the affected areas have been disinfected, as testing continued, the statement said.

The facility said it has suspended operation of its outpatient clinic while visits had been banned three weeks ago.

Meanwhile, the social security services announced that their Larnaca office was closed on Wednesday after a member of staff had tested positive to the virus.

The department said the public can contact them by email at: for certificates, for complaints and for unemployment benefits.


 Cyprus Mail 11 November 2020 - by George Psyllides

Reports suggest the iconic Berengaria hotel on the Troodos mountain has been sold for €2m.

Daily Phileleftheros reported that the investor was a Cypriot, though they were not named.

The hotel, which shut down in 1984, had been in the hands of market investor Gordian Holdings which acquired it along with other distressed loans from the Bank of Cyprus in June 2019.

The property is situated on a plot of 26,520 square metres with the main building covering an area of 4,980 square metres.

It consists of 80 rooms in two wings while there is also a guest house, a restaurant, and a swimming pool.

It was the creation of British architect Walter Henry Clarke who designed it for the Ioannis Kokkalos family.

It opened in 1931 and its peak years were in the mid-twentieth century when it was dubbed a “crown jewel of the Cyprus mountains”.

The hotel was named after Berengaria of Navarre, the queen consort to King Richard I of England.


 Cyprus Mail 10 November 2020 - by George Psyllides

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris urged parties to set their differences aside on Tuesday and approve bills covering the much-needed local authority reform that has been delayed for years.

Speaking at the union of municipalities’ annual general meeting, Nouris said approval of the bills providing for the overhaul of the local authority system would be a victory of the people, not the government.

“Do not let petty differences be an obstacle,” he said. “We must look ahead. Society demands it, this is what’s expected of us.”

Nouris said the pandemic confirmed the existing administrative model was finished, emphatically highlighting the weaknesses of the system, which would have collapsed without state financial support.

“This would have happened if amid the crisis the government and the interior ministry had not bolstered the municipalities’ cashflow, paying the state grant earlier, and suspending the payment of the instalment to the state and banks,” Nouris said.

The bills provide for sweeping reforms and mergers, from 30 municipalities to 17, while the 576 local councils in the Republic will be consolidated into 37 complexes covering about 300.

Studies have shown that smaller municipalities provided services at double the cost.

With the mergers, the local authorities are expected to achieve economies of scale of between €30m and €50m, which will represent 50 per cent of their resources. The other half will come from the government.

The municipalities will be granted the administration of state facilities such as nurseries, nursing homes, etc, as well as powers relating to public transport that can act as supplementary to the current system.

They will also be granted more planning authorities and take over a number of permits currently issued by district administrations.

Municipalities will be obliged to draft and approve balanced or surplus budgets, in line with legislation governing fiscal issues.

They will also be required to publish on their websites, information on a number of financial and administrative issues for transparency and accountability purposes.


 in-cyprus 11 November 2020 - by Annie Charalambous

The Democratic Party has secured control of the U.S. House of Representatives but with a slimmer majority after winning at least 218 seats.

Democrats secured the majority after three winners were declared late on Tuesday; incumbents Kim Schrier in Washington, Tom O’Halleran in Arizona and Jimmy Gomez in California.

The 435-member chamber will now be controlled by the Democratic Party for another two years, but with a slimmer margin.

The Democrats went into Election Day with a 232-197 House advantage, along with one independent and five open seats. This will be only the second time since 1995 that they will control the chamber for four consecutive years.

However, the Democrats fell short of their goal of taking a Senate majority and lost seats in the House of Representatives, making Republicans well positioned to block major legislative initiatives of President-elect Joe Biden.

Biden’s hopes of enacting major Democratic priorities like expanding healthcare access, fighting climate change and providing more coronavirus aid will now rely heavily on a pair of U.S. Senate races in Georgia in January.

The new Congress convenes on January 3.



 in-cyprus 11 November 2020 - by Annie Charalambous

More than 51.23 million people have been reported to be infected by the novel coronavirus globally and 1,269,346​ have died, according to a Reuters tally.

Here is the latest on the worldwide spread of the coronavirus:

California and several states across the U.S. Midwest tightened restrictions on residents on Tuesday as COVID-19 cases surged again, while authorities in Europe fear that fatalities and infections will continue to rise as the region heads into winter.


* Denmark’s plans to cull all 17 million mink in the country following the finding of a mutated coronavirus strain among them are facing legal obstacles.

* Spain will get the first vaccines developed by Pfizer and BioNTech in early 2021, while Italy expects to receive an initial 3.4 mln shots in January.

* Ireland will ease travel curbs for arrivals from “red” regions of Britain and the European Union hardest hit by COVID-19 from Nov. 29.


* Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday urged premiers of the country’s 10 provinces to “do the right thing” and take stricter measures.

* If Pfizer Inc submits the positive initial data from its COVID-19 vaccine trial to health regulators as quickly as expected, the U.S. government plans to begin vaccinating Americans in December.


* A travel bubble between Hong Kong and Singapore will begin on Nov. 22, as they moved to re-establish overseas travel links and lift the hurdle of quarantine for visiting foreigners.

* Australia is considering opening its borders to Asian countries, including parts of China.

* Nepal will provide free COVID-19 tests and treatment, an aide to the prime minister said.


* Saeb Erekat, one of the most experienced and high-profile advocates for the Palestinian cause over decades of dispute with Israel, died on Tuesday after contracting COVID-19.

* Lebanon ordered a full lockdown for around two weeks to stem rising infections and allow a badly strained health sector to bolster capacity.

* Botswana signed an agreement with the global vaccine distribution scheme co-led by the WHO, giving it the option to buy coronavirus vaccines for 20% of its population.


* The United States will this week begin distributing Eli Lilly and Co’s COVID-19 antibody treatment to state health departments.

* The severe adverse event which caused the Brazilian health regulator to suspend trials of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by China’s Sinovac was a suicide, broadcaster TV Cultura reported.


* Stock markets gained on Wednesday, as news of a working COVID-19 vaccine seemed to inoculate investors against worry about surging infections in Europe and the United States.

* New Zealand’s central bank introduced a new funding programme on Wednesday that would reduce costs for lenders, while holding its benchmark interest rate at record lows.

* British employers laid off a record number of staff in the third quarter and the jobless rate jumped as the labour market weakened before finance minister Rishi Sunak made a U-turn on COVID support measures.


 Filenews 11 November 2020

At a 2-hour work warning stop from 10:00am. – 12:00noon on Friday 13 November, the radiographers working on the CT scanners of the state hospitals.

As they say in a communication, the work attitude is considered necessary, as a reaction to the attitude of the Ministry of Finance, for the so far non-approval of the revised compensation of colleagues working with the waiting and calling system, with the result that this outstanding issue has not been served for more than two years.

"We recall that the matter was raised in a letter to the Ministry of Health in June 2018. A year later and following an announcement of measures by the Branch, with the personal intervention of the Minister of Health, a dialogue was initiated with the Ministry of Health, which reached an agreement at the end of 2019 and since then the approval by the Ministry of Finance with a view to its implementation is expected", it notes.

During the work stop, the Branch will make all necessary arrangements to have security personnel to cover emergencies, while informing affected patients to reschedule their scheduled examinations.

Radiographers apologise to patients for any inconvenience they may suffer and stress that unfortunately the indifference of the official side leaves them no choice.

At the same time, they warn that in the event of a perpetuation of the time-out, the Branch will be obliged in consultation with PASYDY to escalate the dynamic reaction measures.

Source: eyenews/CYPE


 Filenews 11 November 2020 - by  Dora Christodoulou

The surprise and disappointment is from this morning the dominant feelings in the province of Paphos with the announcement of yesterday's decision of the Bid Review Authority on the basis of which the offer for the construction of the new Paphos-Polis road fell. This time, both the competent Ministry of Communications, Transport and Works, as well as the Parliament and the local bodies, took it for granted that the Review would reject the appeal of the second bidder, since it was considered that the procedure followed for awarding the project was exemplary.

The negative development, however, even with the marginal 3-2, caused feelings of frustration in the province of Paphos, since for the umpteenth time they see the same work being repeated, as in the case of the Paphos marina. Although everyone in their first reaction expressed optimism that the delay would be a few months before the process was re-launched to the Tender Council, however having the negative example of the endless procedures for the marina many pafites predict that the Paphos-Polis road will prove to be another "Achilles heel" for the development of the province.

Commenting today on the rejection of the award of the tender by the Tender Review Authority, the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Giannis Karousos, expressed confidence that within 2-3 months the procedures will be re-completed in order to promote the award of the major project.

The matter comes up again after this development in the Tender Council, he stressed, in order to prepare it as soon as possible and with the correct procedures that will prevent a new judicial appeal. It considered that the whole procedure would be a few months, referring to a period of two or three months.

For his part, the chairman of the competent committee of the House, MP Paphos Charalambos Pitkopitis, spoke of a setback from the Authority's decision.

"All the information that came before us in the past period spoke of a positive outcome," he stressed. "But now, even with this marginal majority, the result is negative and the procedures must be reviewed and proceed rapidly so that any obstacles can be overcome soon.

It is good that Mr Karousos is convinced that the whole process will be re-launched in a few months' time and that we are not talking about cancelling the project."

The disappointment of the institutions and citizens of the Department of Chrysochous was expressed by the Mayor of The City and Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the Municipality and Communities of The District of Chrysochous, Giotis Papachristofi.

"There is frustration, but unfortunately that is the law," he said. "For our part we will immediately request a series of contacts with the relevant ministry and the state departments involved so that the process can be re-launched without delay.

This 3-2 decision, I admit, is difficult to understand, but it shows that the obstacles are not as insurmountable as possible and that with good preparation we will come back immediately. Our region has been trying for 15 years for this project, we cannot afford another 15 years."


  Filenews 11 November 2020 - by Eleutheria Paizanou

Covid-19, which dealt a heavy blow to tourism, forced the Ministry of Tourism to change its plans for 2021 and transfer its weight from activities related to travel and promotion abroad to other methods of promotion, upgrading the tourism product and developing special areas.

According to a note from the Ministry of Tourism, forwarded to parliament ahead of the debate on its 2021 budget, it will, among other things, enlist digital marketing. At the same time, it will take actions to upgrade the product offered and strengthen the specific forms of tourism, such as the incentive plans drawn up by the Ministry of Finance and approved by the Ministry of Finance. In addition, it will take action to develop areas which have not yet been developed as tourism, such as rural, mountain and acritic areas. Among other things, the role will be upgraded and the operation of the Troodos Development Company will be strengthened, as well as the allocation of additional funds for the upgrading of Chrysochous and Telecommunications Town. It will carry out a study on tourism development and promotion of Chrysochous Town, to record the relevant model forms of urban development in tourism.

In addition, a grant plan is expected to be implemented for projects to upgrade the services offered to leisure centres. It will also proceed with the creation of a 300 km thematic route, which will capture the authentic experience of the mountainous countryside and the acritic regions. A National Strategy for wine-gastronomy and eco-crafts with rural areas is also expected to be defined. At the same time, next year the State Department is betting on the development of domestic tourism, such as the emergency domestic tourism aid plan, which was listed until the end of March 2021. The project aims to boost domestic tourism for the benefit of the public, businesses and workers in the tourism industry. It is recalled that from January to September 2020 the number of tourist arrivals recorded a decrease of 84.3%. In particular, 512,184 tourists arrived on the island, compared with 3.2 million in 2014. in 2019. Over the same period, tourism revenues fell by 87.3%. €235.6m was entered into the state coffers, compared with €1.8m in 2014 last year.


 Filenews 11 November 2020 - by Marilena Panagi

The Presidential "measures" reactions and the decisions of the Government on the new restrictions, will be finalized by tonight's meeting of the Council of Ministers, which will be asked to adapt any measures to the bad epidemiological data but also to the reactions that since yesterday began to be recorded and related to the economy.

All the information converges that the Cabinet will have before it tonight a proposal to ban the movement of citizens from Limassol and Paphos to other provinces. The Health Department, in cooperation with the epidemiological team, seems to conclude that it is urgent to address the risk that the large dispersion of the virus in Limassol and Paphos will spread to other provinces, so they conclude that these two areas must be isolated, "closing their borders" which will be controlled by the Police.

At the same time, the closure of restaurants, shopping centres, hairdressers, beauty salons is being promoted, but no decision has been finalised.

The scene remains unclear in relation to the thousands of workers who travel daily from Limassol and Paphos, mainly to the capital to work. The exception will be workers in essential public and wider public sector services, but for private employees there are no clear suggestions, other than the preparation of the Ministry of Labour for the implementation of new support measures.

On a cyprus basis, additional restrictions are also on the table, which will reportedly also touch the congregations. Still, all possibilities are open.

Yesterday, a chain of 114 people related to the slaughterhouse was detected in the province of Nicosia, and the three patient deaths in a single night caused great concern.



 Filenews 11 November 2020 - by Angelos Nikolaou

The Ministry of Labour yesterday issued a call to the director of Cypra for undeclared work at the slaughterhouse, where a total of 93 cases were recorded in the previous days. It was preceded by a complaint by the Department of Population and Migration of the Ministry of The Interior to the Police, which in turn informed the Ministry of Labour, which proceeded with the process of taking action against the company.

The call states the full the names of 79 foreigners who at first sight appear to be employed by the slaughterhouse operating for which no social security is paid. A total of 52 people, 27 asylum seekers, 14 students and 11 employees of another company are included in the List of the Department of Immigration to the Police.

Meanwhile, the director of Cypra, George Georgiou, complains that in recent months most asylum seekers who are promoted to work in food factories by the Ministries of Interior and Labour are of African origin and very young, with whom conciliation is made difficult both because of communication barriers and because of temperament.

He added that these individuals proved from the first two samples taken by the company that they were asymptomatic in COVID-19. Furthermore, it states that on Friday night, when separating the first 65 positive workers from the rest, no person with symptoms was identified to be transferred to EDEN in Tersefanou, resulting in the ambulance returning to its empty base. "An asymptomatic poor and poor asylum seeker who needs to work will not hesitate to answer and lie to the questionnaire (which according to protocol he fills out to enter the workplace) to secure a living," he says.

It further complains that positive political asylum seekers roam for days from place to place until they obtain a negative certificate that will allow them to find work. In the mean time, he points out, they move uncontrollably by dispersing COVID-19 into the community.

According to Mr. Georgiou, every day dozens of asylum seekers come and go from the wider area of Nicosia to the slaughterhouses, either directly by private cars (up to 5 people in each car together many times), or by bus to the stop opposite the petrol stations in Arediou and then by road to and from the slaughterhouses in Agios Ioannis and Agios Iliphotos. "Several of them uncontrollably visit one slaughterhouse after another and then other food industries in the area looking for work, simply leaving their details and then returning to their base waiting to take a negative test to send it to us expecting us to hire them," he says.

Under the current protocol, he says, we hire people with negative tests, "but obviously we are no longer able to control the privacy of any worker and based on the movement parameters of the workers mentioned above, the chances of covid-19 contamination are as high as outside our control."

It points out that the dispersion of COVID-19 in the area to passengers on buses and in private cars and trucks must be investigated immediately. He points out that too many drivers stopped and transported these workers of African origin from the intersection of Aredios to Agios Ioannis. "One of those good Samaritans who transported them by car to the slaughterhouses was the Veterinary Officer who tested first positive for COVID-19. From then on, the first veterinary officer infected the remaining five veterinary officers who tested positive, and each veterinary officer in turn infected the workers on the slaughter lines they inspected, and so on," he complains.

In the meantime, free random checks for Covid-19 were started yesterday and continue until Saturday on people who had contact with staff or other associates of the Cypra slaughterhouse in the area of Agioi Ilifotoi, in the Lower Monastery of Nicosia province. Sampling takes place in the covered parking lot located outside the slaughterhouse on a daily basis from 12:00pm to 4:00pm.