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Marlborough etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Marlborough etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Melos: the churches

In April 1896 Robert Carr Bosanquet, who had been left in charge of the excavations while Cecil Harcourt-Smith was in Athens, was joined on Melos by two contemporaries from Trinity College, Cambridge: Henry Martineau Fletcher (1870-1953) and Sydney Decimus Kitson (1871-1937). Fletcher and Kitson had both matriculated at Trinity in 1889 (the year above Bosanquet) and were on an extended trip through...

Mature Students at the BSA: Hercules Henry West

Hercules Henry West (1856-1937) was admitted to the BSA in 1896/97 during the directorship of Cecil Harcourt-Smith. He was the youngest son of the Very Rev. John West, Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. West was educated at Marlborough (1871-75) and Trinity College, Cambridge (1875-79; 7th Classic). He was awarded the Sir William Browne’s Medal for Greek Epigram (1877). (One of West's new contemporaries...

Marlborough and the BSA

A series of BSA students had been educated at Marlborough, including one director.Two contemporaries at Marlborough were Hercules Henry West (1856-1937) [1871-75] and Roandeu Albert Henry Bickford-Smith (1859-1916) [1871-74]. West would have been taught by Francis Storr, and both by William Mordaunt Furneaux. Both were admitted to the BSA around the age of 40 [West in 1896/97 and Bickford-Smith in...