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Kiribati etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Kiribati etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Tarawa, Abaiang, & Butaritari, Kiribati

TarawaNovember 24 - December 1, & December 12 - 13, 2005We had heard quite a few things about Tarawa before our arrival ... most of them not very inspiring.  One cruiser described Tarawa as the "armpit of Kiribati".  As much as I hate to be negative, South Tarawa truly was a dump.  But...

Exploring Kiribati

Location: Abaiang, KiribatiPosition: 01°49.02' N 173°00.90' ENext Dest: Butaritari, KiribatiWe've been in Kiribati for six weeks now, and are enjoying thevarious atolls visited since Onotoa. It's amazing how each atollcan be so different. Onotoa is known among the other atolls fortheir organization and cleanliness, which was quite noticeable.After leaving the clean, friendly atoll of Onotoa...

Back in the Northern Hemisphere

Location: Abemama, KiribatiPosition: 00°24.18' N 173°54.50' ENext Dest: Tarawa, KiribatiAfter two weeks in Onotoa, we made an overnight trip to Tabiteuea (also called Tab-North). Again we were welcomed with huge smiles and many a "Mauri" (hello). In Tab-North they build two storytraditional...

Tabiteuea & Abemama, Kiribati

TabiteueaNovember 5 - November 11The overnight sail to Tabiteuea was very nice, especially the final 20+ miles once we were in the lee of the atoll. We wound our way through the bommies into the outer anchorage which once again was minimally charted and there appeared to be no inner lagoon. The local...

Onotoa, Kiribati Journal

October 20 - November 4, 2005As we approached Onotoa, I thought something was wrong with my vision; some of the clouds were a brilliant shade of green. I took off my sunglasses and rubbed my eyes, and when that didn't work, I cleaned my sunglasses, still green!!! I thought I was losing my mind and showed...

Onotoa, Kiribati

Location: Onotoa, KiribatiPosition: 01°49.55' S 175°32.63' E llz=-1.82583,175.54383,13Next Dest: One of the many atolls in KiribatiThe first big news is that we are officially out of the cyclone area! Safe & happy! Weare currently anchored in Onotoa Kirabati ... our first destination...

Playing with Dolphins Video

Playing in our dinghy with a large pod of dolphins outside the anchorage in Onotoa, Kirib...