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Pacific Ocean etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Pacific Ocean etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Sun Diego

There are so many reasons to fall in love with San Diego, California. The perfect climate. The pristine beaches and ancient bluffs. The sublime sunsets over the mighty Pacific Ocean. Torrey Pines State Reserve. The Gaslamp Quarter. Balboa Park. But it is the palm trees that always get to me. Even though...

Season 3 Photo Journals

Season 3 Ro...

Dream Passage...So Far

Current Location: Underway from New Caledonia (day 3)Current Position: 23°07.47' S 161°58.02' ENext Destination: Bundaberg, AustraliaMiles to Go: 545If passages were always like this, then I can guarantee more people would be out sailing. I, the one who despises passages, can't believe how absolutely beautiful the last two days have been! Yesterday I told Chris that if everyday could be like this...

Off to Oz

Current Location: Noumea, New CaledoniaCurrent Position: 22°16.65' S 166°26.42' ENext Destination: Bundaberg, Australia We've had a great time in New Cal. The sun has been shining, the food has been excellent, and the kite-boarding fantastic ... and thankfully the tropical cyclone, Xavier, never made it down this far! But all good things come to an end, and in our case lead to other good things!...

Sunshine Days

Current Location: Noumea, New CaledoniaCurrent Position: 22°16.65' S 166°26.42' ENext Destination: Undecided, New CaledoniaI am loving the weather here in Noumea. After months of clouds and rain in both Fiji and Vanuatu, the endless sunshine that has beamed down on us since arriving in New Cal is most welcome. On top of that a cool breeze seems to continuously blow, perfecting the temperature such...

Getting to Noumea, New Caledonia

Current Location: Noumea, New CaledoniaCurrent Position: 22°16.65' S 166°26.42' ENext Destination: Undecided, New CaledoniaBillabong's crew is getting just a wee-bit tired of weather work. It seems this season has been full of it, and honestly it is wearing me down! Not only that but the winds have...

A small Vanuatu loop: Malekula, Ambrym, & Epi

Current Location: Revolieu Bay, Epi Island, VanuatuCurrent Position: 16°43.68' S 168°08.68' ENext Destination: Port Vila, Efate Island, VanuatuOver the last eleven days we've completed a small loop, visiting three anchorages on the South-Eastern side of Malekula (Maskelyne Islands, Port Sandwich, and Banam Bay) and one anchorage on the Northern side of Ambrym (Ranon Bay).We enjoyed our time in...

1000 Days .....

Current Location: Maskelyne Islands, VanuatuCurrent Position: 16°32.05' S 167°46.19' ENext Destination: Malekula or Ambrym, Vanuatu1000 days .. as of today that's how long we've beencruising! It seems unreal to both of us, especially when westart to reminisce about everything that has happened overthose 1000 days. Just yesterday I was archiving picturesand in doing so scrolled through our hundreds...

Earth Shaking Tanna

Current Location: Port Vila, VanuatuCurrent Position: 17 44.72 S 168 18.67 ENext Destination: Ambrym or Malekula, VanuatuSince our last BLOG we made yet another attempt to sail Billabong down to Tanna in hopes of attending the Nekowiar festival. This time we tried for a "calm", willing to motor the whole way if need be. But winds & swell were higher than expected and we once again had to turn...

Vanuatu Volcano Video

We almost got hit by a lava ball!  Mt Yasur active volcano tour (where a huge lava ball landed just feet away from us!) Mt Yasur is located on Tanna Island in VanuatuYou Tube Vi...

Nekowiar Festival Video Part 2

The climax of the three day event including the Toka and a HUGE pig killing ceremony.Journal and Photos hereYoutube vi...

Nekowiar Festival Video Part 1

3000 villagers from Tanna, Vanuatu get together once every four years and dance for three days/nights straight. The energy they put into this festival was unbelievable; the ground literally shook. We even camped in the village so we didn't miss anything!!Journal and Photos hereYoutube vi...

Fish & Festivals

Current Location: Port Vila, VanuatuCurrent Position: 17°44.72' S 168°18.67' ENext Destination: Undecided, VanuatuI can honestly say there are very few larger “cities” across the Pacific that I’ve liked as much as Port Vila. Dodging the rushing traffic, which cares not about pedestrians, can increase your heart rate, but it’s a hazard we are willing to put up with in exchange for all Vila...

A Wet Ride to Port Vila

Current Location: Port Vila, VanuatuCurrent Position: 17°44.72' S 168°18.67' ENext Destination: Undecided, VanuatuWhen we arrived in Savusavu after our hellacious trip from the Marshall's I thoroughly washed our foul weather gear for long-term storage (cause of course we wouldn't be needing them...

Time to Pay Our Dues

Blog Location: On route to Vuda PointCurrent Position: Musket CoveCurrent Position: 17°46.2' S 177°11.3' EWe awoke early on Monday morning to begin preparations for our trip to Yadua Island. The first thing we needed to do was bottle the beer we had been brewing. We didn't want it to get all...

Still in Naviqiri Village

Blog Location: Naviqiri VillageCurrent Location: Musket CoveCurrent Position: 17°46.2' S 177°11.3' EAfter the paw-paw bread disaster we decide to bring the village kids out to the boat. I shuttled people back and forth and we ended up with 30 people on board. Everyone wanted a photo taken and loved checking out the boat. They especially loved our electronic zapping fly swatter that says do...

Return to Naviqiri Village

Current Location: Naviqiri VillageCurrent Position: 16°39.4' S 178°35.7' EOne of the main reasons we came back to Fiji was our love of the people, their smiles, laughter and good nature is thoroughly infectious. Our arrival in Savusavu felt like a homecoming with greetings from our old local...

Passage Journal: Marshall Islands to Fiji

May 14 - May 30 2006Current Location: Arrived Savusavu, Fiji(from Majuro, Marshall Islands)Current Position: 16°46.6' S 179°19.9' ENext Destination: Undecided (somewhere in Fiji)Miles Traveled: 1787.3Miles to Go: 0Yipeee! We’ve done it, finally arrived in Savusavu, and oh what a blessing it...

Gentlemen don't go to weather

Current Location: Underway from Majuro, Marshall IslandsCurrent Position: 07 18.20 S 179 54.66 ENext Destination: Savusavu, FijiMiles Traveled: 1121Miles to Go: 590"Gentlemen don't go to weather" is an old sailor's saying, not sure where itcomes from, but either it's not true or there are no gentlemen...