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Regress to Make Progress

Perfecting Your Push-up
On paper, the push-up seems like a very simple exercise. Surely we've perfected it after all of those years of high school gym class, right? Truth be told, I see a lot of people who execute this exercise incorrectly and inefficiently.
While it may seem self-explanatory, there are actually a lot of little nuances to executing a correct push-
up that many people do not realize. This movement is truly underrated, in that it requires a lot more shoulder strength and core stability than we may think at first glance. While watching someone perform a push-up, I can pinpoint just where their weaknesses are. If someone has a limited range of motion, unstable or weak shoulders, or poor core control, it will be apparent after just a few repetitions.
What does the perfect push-up look like? Here are a few cues:
- Start with your palms a little wider than shoulder width and fingers spread
- Rotate your elbows so that your biceps are facing forward
- Squeeze your butt and tighten your core
- Lower your body until your chest touches the ground
- Keep your elbows at a 45 degree angle (do not let your elbows cave inward)
- Make sure your shoulders do not collapse
- Fully extend your elbows at the top
As always, we want a full range of motion. If you do not have the strength to do a push-up, use your knees. It is better to use a full range of motion on your knees than try to attempt a partial range of motion without them. There is no need to move quickly here--in fact, push-ups are harder if you do them at a slow and controlled pace.
Once you have mastered the standard push-up, you can move on to more advanced variations: pike push-ups (in which your legs are elevated), handstand push-ups (against a wall or freestanding if you feel so daring), one-handed push-ups, clapping push-ups, one-legged push-ups, diamond push-ups, etc. I could go on and on. There are a seemingly infinite number of push-up progressions, so you will never get bored with them!
The push-up is truly unparralled in developing strong shoulders and solid core control. This fundamental gymnastics movement is a great exercise and provides no equipment but yields superior results. Personally, I like to do 20 push-ups every morning when I wake up, and maybe another 20 before I go to bed! Give that a try. You may choose to start with fewer or more repetitions depending on your level of strength. Enjoy!
Why Crunches are a Waste of Time
We've all been guilty of it at one point or another: pounding away hundreds of crunches in hopes of getting a "six pack." The fact of the matter is that many people care about "getting abs" for their aesthetic value rather than focusing on training them for developing stability and core strength. It is called your "core" because that is where every movement initiates. Whether you're squatting, deadlifting or doing an overhead press, it all starts with a tight, strong core. The core muscles allow you to stabilize your hips and shoulders: that is their primary function. Treat these muscles as the gateway to total body strength. You want to see real "core strength?" Look at a gymnast or a pole dancer--they have complete and total control over their centers of gravity. Essentially, developing a strong core means manipulating your center of gravity efficiently and effectively.
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Russian Olympic gymnast Alexei Nemov |
So why are crunches a waste of time? There are many reasons, but the main reason being that crunches are only really engaging the rectus abdominis muscles (the superficial muscles that can make up a "six pack"). This means that your intrinsic core muscles (like the transverse abdominis), your obliques, and your hip flexors are all left unactivated. To be more efficient and really develop core strength, you must utilize all of the rectus abdominis and activate the hip flexors. The hip flexors will help stabilize your pevis in exercises like the squat or the deadlift. As I mentioned earlier, the CrossFit methodology notes that "[they] train [their] athletes to think of every exercise as an ab exercise." While doing designated core exercises can be beneficial, you must remember to engage your abs in every exercise that you do.
If you're looking for specific "core" excercises, here are a few: v-ups, ab roll-outs, hollow holds, bird dogs, deadbugs, GHD sit-ups, toes-to-bar (or knees-to-elbows), and L-sits on rings or parallettes. For demonstrations of these exercises, refer to YouTube: there are a lot of great demos of each movement on there.
The most important thing to note, however, is that if you really want "6 pack abs," you must, and I repeat, must make sure you follow a healthy diet. Body fat percentage is what really accounts for visibility of muscles. You can't expect to counteract eating a whole pizza by doing 100 v-ups and running a mile; our bodies simply do not work that way.
5 Tips for Finding a Top Beginner Gymnastics Program
There is no time like the present to get your child enrolled in a gymnastics program, but the hard part is making sure that you find one that is going to meet your needs and that of your little one as well. You want to make sure that you are providing them with a healthy activity that is also going to stimulate their mind and keep them active. Gymnastics programs can offer your little one a lot of fun and excitement when given the proper environment to learn in. You do however need to make sure that the gymnastics program that you enroll your child in is trustworthy and their reputation can speak for itself.
Some of the tips to helping you find a top program for your child include:
1. Check out the instructors and make sure they are certified and properly trained. This should be one of the top criteria that you look for when deciding on a gymnastics program for your child. It is imperative that the instructors have received training of some sort in the child development area, so this way they are able to handle anything that the class setting throws at them and they understand where a child should be at any given point in time. It would be a great idea if the instructors are certified in first aid and CPR. You never know what may happen, so it is always best to plan ahead and make sure the instructor can handle any difficult situation.
2. There should be an ample student to teacher ratio. If there are far too many children for the instructor to handle, there is less chance that your little one is going to get the attention and training that you are looking for. In order for your child to be able to learn more and develop their skills, it is imperative that the ratio of students to teachers is well balanced.
3. Take the time to tour the facility and sit in on a couple of different classes that they are having. This will allow you to see first-hand what the facility is all about and what they are going to be able to offer your child. You will be able to see how the instructors interact with the children and how much help they are able to provide them. This will also allow you to see how clean the environment is.
4. Talk with others who have taken their children to the facility and see what they have to say about them. Good word of mouth can mean a great deal when trying to choose the proper gymnastics facility for your child. It will help you to get an honest opinion.
5. Research the facility online and see if there is anything major that jumps out at you. You can find just about anything on the Internet, regardless of whether it is good or bad. On the Internet you will be able to find ratings through the Better Business Bureau and other organizations that the gymnastics facility is associated with.
Tumble Bugs, which includes Baby Bugs and Snuggle Bugs, is a dynamic and creative physical education movement program. Our unique curriculum is designed specifically for children between the ages of 12 months and 6 years old. Our progressive lesson plan formats allow Certified Instructors to advance your child at an age-appropriate pace. In doing so, your child begins to develop an early appetite for an active lifestyle. Click Here.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert