Bayram Cigerli Blog

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BQ etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
BQ etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Nike Women's Marathon

I got up at 5 to get on the bus to cross the bay. The bus terminal in San Francisco is about a mile from the race start, which is in Union Square. I decided to walk. I got to about 3 or 4 blocks from the square and it was a mad house. Of course that was just when I started to have to use the restroom....

Bean Town, Here I Come

 After running Santa Rosa on August 26th, I went straight to the BAA website and did this:Then I waited impatiently for September 14th to come.... On the 14th I went to work early so I could make sure to be ready for the 7 am opening time (that's 10 am ET). I was afraid it would fill up before...

Santa Rosa Marathon

My realistic goal: finish this race.My satisfied goal: get a PR (and hopefully sub 4)My hopeful goal: BQTo BQ, for my age group, I would have to run a 3:35 or less. According to my fast half marathon time, this is doable. But that race was nearly three months prior to this one. It meant I would have...

Weekend Activities

Last weekend was a crazy busy one. The last weekends of summer are upon us and everyone is trying to cram everything in while they can! I had two great days with family and friend filled events on each one.Friday night included drinks out with friends at the Pier 23 cafe in San Francisco.  They...