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Ask us why ? etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Ask us why ? etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Why Protein?

If you are training on a regular basis, it is important to ensure that you are taking in adequate 
02 FItness protein to assist with muscle repair and recovery. Lean muscle burns more calories at rest so ensuring muscles are trained, fed and rested is integral to muscle growth. How much protein per day?
protein to assist with muscle repair and recovery. Lean muscle burns more calories at rest so ensuring muscles are trained, fed and rested is integral to muscle growth. How much protein per day?

This can vary depending on age, gender and the types and quantity of training being performed; however, the recommended daily intake of protein for an average adult is approx 50-65 grams. There are four calories per gram of protein compared to nine calories per gram of fat.
When should you have protein?
As a general guide each meal should contain a serve of protein, along with some
carbohydrate and monounsaturated fats. It is also beneficial to have some protein within the first 20 to 30 minutes following a training session.
Sources of protein from food include:
ƒ. Meat, poultry and fish
ƒ. Eggs
ƒ. Low-fat dairy products
ƒ. Seeds and nuts
ƒ. Beans and lentils
ƒ. Soy products such as tofu

Why Water?

Why Water?Why Water?  Considering that the human body is made up of approximately two thirds water, it comes as no surprise to learn that drinking plenty of H20 every day is important. In fact, if you are feeling thirsty, hungry or fatigued then it’s possible that you are already dehydrated.  So how much water should you drink per day? There is no exact calculation for this; however, the Why Fitness experts suggest 2-3 litres per day. A little extra if you are training, in air conditioning, or during the warmer months.  There are many benefits to getting your quota of H2O and here are our top
Why Water?
Considering that the human body is made up of approximately two thirds water, it comes as no surprise to learn that drinking plenty of H20 every day is important. In fact, if you are feeling thirsty, hungry or fatigued then it’s possible that you are already dehydrated.  So how much water should you drink per day? There is no exact calculation for this; however, the Why Fitness experts suggest 2-3 litres per day. A little extra if you are training, in air conditioning, or during the warmer months.
There are many benefits to getting your quota of H2O and here are our top

Glowing Skin: Water plumps up our skin tissue, is a natural moisturiser and improves skin elasticity.

Weight Loss: A natural detox for your body as it flushes out toxins and other by-products.

Energy and Vitality: H2O regulates your body temperature and fuels your muscle.

Aids Digestion: Plenty of water and fibre will assist with constipation. Regular bowel movements aid in digestion which allows for your metabolism to function optimally.

Boost Your Immune System: Give your liver a boost and start your day with filtered water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. It’s like a daily detox for your body.
 02 fitness 02 fitness  02 fitness 02 fitness  02 fitness  02 fitness why water

Why Heart Rate Monitors?

Why Heart Rate Monitors?  For the average weekend warrior, a heart rate monitor (or HRM) often ends  up as a sporty fashion accessory, an expensive stop watch, or calorie counter. Whilst there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, there are other ways in which this training tool can help assist you with progressing your fitness.  So what is your maximum heart rate?  There are many ways in which this can be determined; however, as a very basic guide,
Why Heart Rate Monitors?
For the average weekend warrior, a heart rate monitor (or HRM) often ends
up as a sporty fashion accessory, an expensive stop watch, or calorie counter. Whilst there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, there are other ways in which this training tool can help assist you with progressing your fitness.
So what is your maximum heart rate?

There are many ways in which this can be determined; however, as a very basic guide, simply subtract your age from 220. For example, if you are 40 years of age, 220 – 40
= 180. Therefore your maximum heart rate is 180 beats per minute.
Here are two ways you can maximise your training using a heart rate monitor.
Tempo Training: Using running as an example, you may decide to run at a pace that keeps your heart rate at 75-80% of your maximum heart rate.
 Using the above example would be 75-80% of 180bpm. This would equate to between 135 and 144 beats per minute. Therefore you could set your HRM to beep if your heart
rate goes above or below this.
Interval Training: Still with running as our example, run at your absolute maximum pace for 30 seconds, set your HRM to a ‘recovered’ heart rate. For example your breathing and body is recovered enough that you are ready to complete another 30 second interval. This might be 100 beats per minute. Your HRM would beep once
your heart rate went below this.
 That ‘beep’ is your indicator to start your next 30 second maximum pace interval.
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Top 10 Reasons Why Fitness Matters

Top 10 Reasons Why Fitness Matters What exactly is ‘physical fitness’ and why is it so important to anybody at  any age?  Technically, fitness could be defined as ‘a condition or state of being that  helps you look, feel and do your best’.  But what that really boils down to is being fit means you have the strength, the energy, and the ability to do all of the things you love – and not just exercise and physical activities.  Fitness leads to
What exactly is ‘physical fitness’ and why is it so important to anybody at
any age?
Technically, fitness could be defined as ‘a condition or state of being that
helps you look, feel and do your best’.
But what that really boils down to is being fit means you have the strength, the energy, and the ability to do all of the things you love – and not just exercise and physical activities.
Fitness leads to
overall good health and well-being. How fit you are determines
how well your heart pumps, your lungs’ ability to provide oxygen to your organs, and how well your immune system works to combat sickness and disease. Fitness even influences your cognitive abilities and your emotional states.
 Fit people look better and feel better both emotionally and physically.
So, in no particular order, here are Henry’s Top Ten Reasons WhyFitness Matters:

1. More Energy
When you are fit and in good shape you will feel more energetic. So, even after a
long day at work, you will have the energy to spend quality time with family and
friends instead of simply crashing in front of the television!

2. Less Pain and Injuries
By maintaining a high level of fitness, especially as you get older, you significantly lessen the risk of injury, and muscle and bone related ailments.

3. Less Risk of Metabolic Diseases
 Staying fit means you are far less prone to metabolic diseases and syndromes such as diabetes and, of course, obesity. You are also at less risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

4. Improved Self-esteem
Increasing your level of fitness you will look and feel your best and have the confidence to take on whatever the day may throw at you. You also just might get a few spontaneous comments about how you look, which is always a nice
ego boost!

5. Get Happy
Working out can actually make you happier, not only because you will feel
good about the new you, but because exercise has been shown to release endorphins –or the brain’s ‘feel good’ chemicals.

6. Better Sleep
Regular exercise and being fit improves sleep, which improves overall health.

7. Increased Strength and Stamina
Being fit means every task will be that much easier. Carrying groceries, walking up stairs and lifting objects, are just a few of the dozens of everyday
tasks you will perform better when you improve your level of fitness.

8. Setting A Good Example
Making fitness a priority in your life sets a good example for those around you – especially your kids.

9. New Activities
Living a fit lifestyle opens you up to new activities to help you stay in shape and
ones you may not have been able to do before you were in shape. Swimming, hiking, playing tennis, rock climbing, hang gliding, scuba diving – you name it, the list is endless.

10. Improved Love Life
Not only will being in shape make you potentially more attractive to the opposite sex, studies have shown that fitness and exercise can actually improve libido!
 02 fitness 02 fitness  02 fitness 02 fitness  02 fitness  02 fitness by Henry the Health Hound