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Mistake 2: Being Impatient With Progress

Mistake 2: Being Impatient With Progress
"The biggest mistake I see with people who are new to CrossFit is trying to advance too quickly," says Fraser. "Just because you can do a muscle-up doesn't mean you should. Get the fundamentals down pat before you start adding in more complex movements."

Mat Fraser
Fraser sees CrossFitters who can barely perform one strict pull-up get up and swing on the rings, attempting to get their first muscle-up. He sees the same thing with Olympic lifters. Many new athletes are under the impression that advanced barbell complexes are the answer to improvement. Fraser answers that with a big "nope."

You have to know when to pull back on the reigns. Says Fraser: "What you probably don't see is that pro Olympic lifter or CrossFit athlete spending a month's worth of workouts with a PVC pipe in their hands, a month doing nothing but a plain snatch and clean and jerk, solely focusing on technique. Get the fundamentals down before trying to make progressions."


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