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 Filenews 20 September 2020

The Ministry of Health informs that, according to an update received today by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit from contracting laboratories, a total of 2,164 laboratory diagnoses identified 10 new cases of COVID-19 disease.

They emerged as follows:

  • Of 121 samples taken through the process of tracing contacts of already confirmed cases, 3 cases were identified.
  • Of 86 samples taken from the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals, 3 cases were identified.
  • Of 1,326 samples taken as part of a passenger and repatriated check, 2 cases were identified.
  • Of 211 samples taken as part of the referral programme by Personal Physicians and special teams control through the Public Health Clinics, 2 cases were identified.


  • 3 from Microbiological Laboratories of General Hospitals:
  1. The 1st person has a travel history from England on 9/9 and on 11/9 developed symptoms (minds).
  2. The second person did the test because of symptoms.
  3. For the 3rd person there is no more information at this time because it did not respond to calls from the Tracking Team at this time.
  • 3 by tracing:
  1. The 1st person concerns contact from the family environment of a case announced on 18/9 by a private initiative.
  2. The second person is in contact from the family environment of the case announced yesterday.
  3. The third person is a case contact announced on 16/9 and has a travel history in England.
  • 2 from Special Teams:
  1. This is a person who has been referred to the pre-operative check-up. It is also close contact from the family case environment announced yesterday by the cluster which numbered 9 people. Today's case was sampled before he was informed that his contact was positive for the virus.
  2. For the second person, we don't have any information at this time because he's not responding to the tracking team's calls.
  • 2 of flights:
  1. The 1st person is of Russian origin living in Cyprus. He returned from Moscow on 18/9. He has no symptoms.
  2. The second person is of Indian origin and returned from India via Germany on 19/9. He has no symptoms.

In addition, the following laboratory tests were carried out, without the detection of a case:

  • From samples taken through a private initiative, 101 laboratory tests were carried out, and
  • Samples taken as part of the student, teacher and school staff control programme completed 319 laboratory diagnoses.

Therefore, and on the basis of the data so far, the total number of cases amounts to 1,600.

In addition, six people tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus are still being treated at Famagusta General Hospital, one of whom is in the Increased Care Unit. A COVID-19 patient remains off the ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit of the Nicosia General Hospital.

Source: eyenews


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