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Prince Vladimir, Son of Prince Andrej of Yugoslavia, Forms Monarchist Movement in Serbia

Prince Vladimir
Photograph (c) HRH Prince Vladimir Karađorđević
Serbian press outlets are reporting that Prince Vladimir Karađorđević has formed the political movement named "Monarchist Front." The Monarchist Front is scheduled to begin its operations in 2020. The idea behind ​​the Monarchist Front is: "to overcome the current political and social crisis, for which political parties are largely responsible. The aim is to bring citizens together around an idea that could represent a factor of stability in society, and that is the institution of the monarch in the context of a possible restoration of the monarchy."

Prince Vladimir at the funeral of his father Prince Andrej in 1990
Photograph (c) HRH Prince Vladimir Karađorđević
Prince Vladimir (b.1964) is the eldest son of Prince Andrej of Yugoslavia (1929-1990) and his second wife Princess Kira of Leiningen (1930-2005). Vladimir has two older siblings from his father's first marriage to Princess Christina of Hesse (1933-2011): Princess Tatiana (b.1957), and Prince Christopher (1960-1994). Vladimir has two siblings from his parents' marriage: Princess Lavinia Marie (b.1961) and Prince Dimitri (b.1965). Prince Vladimir married Brigitte Müller (now Princess Brigitta Karađorđević) civilly in 2000 and religiously in 2001. The couple had one son, Prince Kirill Andrej, who was born and died in 2001. Prince Vladimir is a first cousin of Crown Prince Alexander (II) of Serbia, the only child of King Peter II of Yugoslavia and his wife Queen Alexandra (née Greece).

Prince Vladimir and Princess Brigitta
Photograph (c) HRH Prince Vladimir Karađorđević
Confirmation of the formation of the Monarchist Front was given by Dejan Damnjanović, the Chief of the Cabinet of Prince Vladimir.

Source: Принц Владимир Карађорђевић оснива Монархистички фронт
Cabinet of HRH Prince Vladimir Karadjordjevic

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