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Prince Joachim of Prussia and Countess Angelina zu Solms-Laubach Married in Spain

Prince Joachim and Princess Angelina of Prussia
The bride's parents Count Friedrich Ernest and Countess Sylvia zu Solms-Laubach with their granddaughter Georgina
The happy newlyweds! 

Prince Joachim of Prussia and Countess Angelina zu Solms-Laubach were married today at Majorca in the Church of Montes-Sion. The bride was escorted into the church by her father. The groom entered on the arm of his mother Princess Ehrengard of Prussia, second wife of the late Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia. 

Among the guests with Prince Georg Friedrich and Princess Sophie of Prussia as well as Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, Grand Duke George of Russia, and George's partner Rebecca Bettarini. The groom's siblings were also present: Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia with his wife Princess Anna Catharina (née von Salza und Lichtenau) and Hereditary Princess Viktoria Luise of Leiningen (née Prussia) with her husband Hereditary Prince Ferdinand. Others in attendance included Prince Adalbert and Princess Eva Maria of Prussia, Prince Otto zu Castell-Rüdenhausen, and Princess Amelie zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg

Prince Joachim and Princess Angelina have one daughter, Georgina.

Rebecca Bettarini, Grand Duke George of Russia, Grand Duchess Maria of Russia

Prince Georg Friedrich and Princess Sophie of Prussia

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