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Duchess Helene of Württemberg, Marchesa Pallavicini, Celebrates Her 90th Birthday

Duchess Helene of Württemberg

Yesterday, Duchess Helene of Württemberg celebrated her ninetieth birthday. The duchess was born on 29 June 1929 at Stuttgart as the first child of Duke Philipp of Württemberg (1893-1975) and his second wife Archduchess Rosa of Austria-Tuscany (1906-1983). Philipp was previously married to Rosa's sister Archduchess Helena of Austria-Tuscany (1903-1924), who died a few days after giving birth to the couple's only child, Duchess Marie Christine (b.1924). In addition to her older half-sister, Duchess Helene was joined by five younger siblings: Duke Ludwig (b.1930), Duchess Elisabeth (b.1933), Duchess Marie Thérèse (b.1934), Head of House Württemberg Duke Carl (b.1936), and Duchess Marie Antoinette (1937-2004).

Wedding of Duchess Helene of Württemberg and Marchese Federico Pallavicini

On 22 August 1961 at Althausen, Helene was civilly married to Marchese Federico Pallavicini (b.1924). The following day the couple were wed in a religious ceremony at Friedrichshafen. The groom had previously been married to Countess Maria Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau (1924-1960); Federico and Maria married in 1945 and divorced in 1949 after having had one son, Alexander (b.1946).

Marchesa Helene and Marchese Federico Pallavicini in 1997

(left to right) Princess Marie Christine of Liechtenstein, Prince Antonio of Bourbon Two-Sicilies, and Marchesa Helene Pallavicini at the celebrations for the 70th birthday of Duke Carl in 2006

The Württemberg siblings in 2006: (left to right) Marchesa Helene Pallavicini, Princess Marie Christine of Liechtenstein, Duke Carl of Württemberg, Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, and Duke Ludwig of Württemberg

Helene of Württemberg and Federico Pallavicini have four children: Maria Cristina (b.1963), Antoinetta (b.1964), Gabriela (b.1965), and Gian-Carlo (b.1967).

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