Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


UPDATE - it seems that these ladies live on Korallion, just South of Kamares close to where the cleared tip used to be.   The Police have been made aware of this and will speak to them to ensure that their presence is legitimate.   

Please be on the look out for a couple of women [possibly Eastern European], both fair-haired with children in pushchairs and sometimes accompanied by an older child [around 8 years old with very blonde hair].  The ladies are very friendly and wave and say 'hello'.

They have been seen in a morning, between 9am and 11am walking in the Rododafni III area of Kamares.

This information has come to light as a resident was broken into in this area and the ladies have not been seen since - but this could, of course, be due to the bad weather we have suffered recently, or be due to the fact that their holiday or visit has finished.

If you see these ladies please ring the Police.   The Police patrols have been made aware of their presence.

If you recognise the ladies from the above description and can shed any light as to where they might be staying, again please let the Police know.


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