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Cyprus Mail, 10/12/2016 - article by Bejay Browne

Nominees from the Tala Community were Maria Kiriakides, Maggie Wright and Cathi Delaney

The winners, from left to right: Anastasia Chapidou Chrysomilou, Kyriakou Stylianou, Satiya Singh, Sham Al Habrat, Patron Marios Joannou Elia, Christina Smith and William Cairns (Photo by Chris Hopkins)

A SELFLESS life-giving act and a courageous young boy were awarded this year’s ‘Hearts of Gold Cyprus’, at a ceremony held at Palia Ilektriki cultural centre in Paphos on Friday.

The Jasmitha Award for Courage and the Heart of Gold Lifetime Achievement Award, were also announced by Patron Marios Joannou Elia, at a packed ceremony.  In all, the names of more than 30 adults and organisations and 15 children were nominated for this year’s awards.

Anastasia Chapidou Chrysomilou and William Cairns were announced as this year’s adult and junior winners, respectively.  Anastasia donated her kidney to her brother in law, a year and a half ago.
“This selfless act has meant her brother in law is now fit and well and able to return to his previous life of sport and doing and eating whatever he wants,” said one of the organisers, “she has given the ultimate gift of life.”

Chapidou Chrysomilou said that she was overwhelmed with the award and felt humble in a room full of so many others. “These people are all wonderful, it’s so inspiring,” she said.

Eleven year old William Cairns was awarded the ‘2016 Junior Heart of Gold’ for his courage and maturity, and for supporting his family whist his father undergoes cancer treatment.  “Polite, mature, talented, studious and full of love, this young man has also taken on the mantle of the man of the house, supporting his family with a smile. He is an inspiration,” said patron Joannou Elia.

Sham Al Habrat, 10, a gentle, kind and caring young girl was presented with the ‘Jasmitha award for courage’, named after a previous winner who died last year, aged just 15 years. The award was presented by her mother, Satiya.

Ninety four year old philanthropist, Kyriakou Stylianou, was overcome with emotion when she was awarded the lifetime achievement award for dedicating her life to charity and helping others.
Joannou Elia spoke about the importance of humanity and kindness, and that without it society and community doesn’t exist. He also announced that the awards will go island wide for 2017.

“The Hearts of Gold Cyprus will celebrate ten years in 2017, and we will open up the nominations to the other towns. We are very excited about this,” he said.  Nominees, their families and friends and members of the judging panel were all present at the ceremony.

George Michaelides, who represented Cyprus at Junior Eurovision in Malta and his dancers performed his Cyprus entry and the Zingers, an amateur singing group who were also nominated for raising over 70,000 euros for local charities, greeted guests with songs.

All of the nominees received a certificate and a flower presented by British Vice Consul Christina Smith and members of the judging panel, Judith Evans Davies and Linda Leblanc.

The Hearts of Gold recognise children and adults who have shown tremendous courage, strength and determination, worked tirelessly in the community or for charities, overcome tragedies with a smile or simply been a great help and support to neighbours and friends.

Pictures and a video of the event will be available at the website and the dedicated Facebook page

The annual award is supported by Paphos municipality, the British High Commission, Aphrodite Jewellers, Almyra Hotel, Massiva printers, Kivotos Gallery, the Cyprus Mail, The Paphos Post, Radio Pafos, Flybynite Media, Almyra Hotel, TOTT Events and Joulietta chocolatier and patisserie, and Palia Ilektriki Restaurant. Chris Hopkins was this year’s photographer and Nicky Kirby the videographer.



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