Bayram Cigerli Blog

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WATER PROBLEMS - LOFOS & KAMARES - Wednesday 9 November


Please note that due to breakage of the main water pump coming into Tala, consumers in Lofos and Kamares are experiencing cuts to supply.

The Water Board is working to try and resolve the matter as quickly as possible.   An update is expected lunchtime/early afternoon and further announcements will be made as and when received.

In the meantime, please try and use the water in your tanks conservatively until it is known whether the problem can be fixed quickly or, if not, how long supply may be affected.

From around 12 noon today, the water supply for those in Lofos was reinstated.   However, the supply to Kamares and those supplied with water via Leptos, has been cut until further notice. This supply is likely to be affected for at least 24 hours.  


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