Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


Saturday 26 November

In the last 10 days I have been notified of a break-in at an alarmed house in Kamares and one at a non-alarmed property in lower Stephanie.   In both cases cash was taken.

Please ensure that locks fitted to all doors and windows are adequate and in use whenever your property is left.

It is thought that the thieves are parking their vehicles away from the scene of crime and walking to target properties.   If you see any vehicle parked where you would not normally expect to see one [or you spot a vehicle different to one normally seen in that location], please take a note of the vehicle description and registration number.

Please also continue to be alert for people removing satellite dishes and metal gates - again if you see such activity take a note of the location, the vehicle details and registration number and either ring the Police or email the details to Cathi [] advising where the vehicle was seen. This information will then be fed through to the Police in case the activity is illegal.


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