Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


In Kamares on Friday night, security cameras at a private house picked up a man in a ski mask wandering around the garden – at around 8pm.  Whilst this house was not broken into, over the weekend, there were a number of incidents in Kamares and in the area South of Kamares. 

If you see any vehicle or people which you do not expect to see, please contact the Police.  The break-ins or attempts I have been notified of appear mainly to have taken place between 6pm and 10pm.

Before you leave your property, even if your absence is expected to only be of a short duration, please ensure that you securely lock all windows and doors.  Please do not just pull the front door closed - lock it properly as entry can easily be gained through a door where the lock has not been engaged.



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