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Sign Up Soon to Scintillate

Dan Andriacco, Ann Margaret Lewis, and Bonnie MacBird at A Scintillation of Scions VII 
The other day I dropped in the mail my completed registration form for A Scintillation of Scions, which has become the premier annual symposium on matters Sherlockian, Watsonion, and Doylean.

This will be the ninth edition, sponsored by Watson's Tin Box in Maryland, and the fifth I have attended. I posted on this blog about the program in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.

But don't just read about it - register!

There are at least three reasons you should do so:

Great speakers: This year's line-up is as impressive as ever. At least three of the names will be familiar to long-time readers of this blog - Al Gregory, Bonnie MacBird, and Diane Gilbert Madsen. Although I consider them all friends, I'm looking forward to actually meeting Al and Diane.

Great friends: There's that word again. Whether you know anybody there or not (and I didn't in 2012), you will be surrounded by 99 new friends. And the next year they will be even better friends. Founder Jacquelynn Bost Morris thinks of Scintillation as a Sherlockian family reunion. And so it is.

Great conference: A conference the size of this one has a thousand moving parts, and yet they always seem to mesh together with the smooth efficiency of a Swiss watch. Jacquelynn and her crew of Tin Boxers make it look easy.

At this point, June 10 and 11 seems a long way off, but registration is limited to about 100. Sign up now to make sure you're among them.

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